LYCEE FRANÇAIS DE VIENNE visits Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

[Translate to English:] LYCEE FRANÇAIS DE VIENNE an der FH Kärnten
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[Translate to English:] VR-Brille
[Translate to English:] Die Medizintechnik begeisterte die Schüler und Schülerinnen mit aufgebauten Stationen, wo sie u.a. die VR-Brille aufsetzen konnten.
[Translate to English:] Eine Führung durch die Science & Energy Labs inklusive Baulabor rundete das Programm ab.
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On Thursday 8 February, the French High School in Vienna visited the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. It was a group of students aged 16 - 18 who belong to the so-called "Science Club", a voluntary specialisation in STEM subjects in the upper school.

The students and the three accompanying teachers Laure Guyot (mathematics), Patricia Marchetti (physics and chemistry) and Christian Borghesi (physics and chemistry) were given the opportunity to spend an afternoon visiting the Villach campus and the "Engineering & IT" study area and "grasp" the technology even better with the help of workshops or practical stations.  

The following workshops were available:  

  • ADMiRE headquarters with a presentation of the research projects and an insight into plastic 3D printing and robotics  
  • Drone-based data acquisition and evaluation

For lunch, they were allowed to eat "Kärntner Käsnudeln" so that they could also get a culinary impression of Carinthia. The medical technology department impressed the pupils with stations set up where they could put on VR glasses, among other things.

A guided tour of the Science & Energy Labs, including the construction laboratory, rounded off the program. With a goodie bag from the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, they travelled back to Vienna at 6 p.m., arriving home just before midnight, tired but full of new impressions.  All of the students spoke perfect German and English and came from different countries around the world (Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Russia, France, Hungary, Austria, etc.).

Many thanks to Pascal Nicolay for organising this visit.