Bachelor Degree Program Management
Study Program Business Management (part-time)
Take on leadership responsibility
Make important decisions, have an overview of all necessary information, persuade and convince people of ideas – persons who want to take on the responsibilities of management need to possess skills on many levels. Structured thinking, methodological knowledge, inventiveness, ambition and the will to lead projects to success together characterize the students of the bachelor's degree in Business Management - as well as the desire to pursue a career in business.
The degree program’s study conditions aim to support the students by providing strong fundamentals in the core areas of economics and business; thus, ensuring that our students have the tools for a successful business career at their disposal. The program provides individual development opportunities based on a deep support network with their faculty. In addition to individual support and development, great emphasis is placed on the internationality of the program as well: international studies and internships in cooperation with worldwide partner institutions allow students to broaden their horizons.
Die Grundlagen bilden die Fähigkeit zur Selbstorganisation, das kontinuierliche Streben nach Wissen und die effektive Teamarbeit. Durch die ganzheitliche Betrachtung verschiedener Ebenen (Organisation, Team, Menschen) und die Fokussierung auf nachhaltige, zukunftsorientierte Ansätze positionieren sich Business Manager*innen als Gestalter*innen und Lenker*innen in einer komplexen Unternehmensumgebung.
Make important decisions, have an overview of all necessary information, persuade and convince people of ideas – persons who want to take on the responsibilities of management need to possess skills on many levels. Structured thinking, methodological knowledge, inventiveness, ambition and the will to lead projects to success together characterize the students of the bachelor's degree in Business Management - as well as the desire to pursue a career in business.
Vielfältige Perspektiven für persönliches Wachstum
Im Fokus stehen die systematische Entwicklung und Förderung unserer Studierenden mit dem Ziel, sie zu kompetenten Generalist*innen heranzubilden. Durch eine fundierte Ausbildung in den Kernbereichen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften erhalten unsere Studierenden das notwendige Rüstzeug für eine erfolgreiche Karriere in der Wirtschaft. Das Business Management-Studium eröffnet individuelle Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und fördert diese durch ein engmaschiges Betreuungsnetzwerk mit qualifizierten Lehrenden.
Dank des attraktiven Zeitmodels ist ein Arbeiten neben dem Studium möglich. Dies ermöglicht den Studierenden nicht nur, praktische Erfahrungen zu sammeln, sondern trägt auch zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit bei.
Die Attraktivität dieses Studienzweigs spiegelt sich nicht nur in der Betonung der Individualität wider, sondern auch in der Hervorhebung der Internationalität. Durch Auslandsstudien und -praktika in Zusammenarbeit mit globalen Partnerinstitutionen haben die Studierenden die Gelegenheit, ihren Horizont zu erweitern und interkulturelle Kompetenzen zu entwickeln. Ein zusätzlicher Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit verankert zudem die Studienerfahrung in einem umfassenderen Kontext, der den Anforderungen der heutigen Zeit gerecht wird.
The practical transfer between the classroom to the business plays an important role in the course of studies: in order to promote the application-oriented training, experienced practitioners from local companies are involved in courses and lectures where they can pass on their experience. At the same time, our students receive comprehensive conceptual business knowledge. Areas of focus include management and leadership, marketing & PR, organization and personnel management, accounting, controlling and financing as well as logistics and manufacturing. The degree program’s design ensures optimal learning conditions and knowledge transfer within a modular curriculum.
Our students have the opportunity to set their own priorities. Four specialization fields are available to them in important, functional sub-sectors of business administration: personnel management, marketing, logistics & manufacturing, controlling & financing. Each of these areas offers future-oriented course content, which is offered in-depth as part of the entire degree program. This will facilitate and ease the transition from academic to business settings and allow our graduates to start their careers quickly and successfully. Students can directly apply their acquired in-depth knowledge in those fields, which are important for corporate practice. During the degree program, the practical implementation of gained knowledge also takes place in project courses and project simulations - according to the motto "Study through practice".
Lernpfade für Ihr persönliches Kompetenzprofil
Die Bedeutung des Praxistransfers innerhalb des Bachelor-Studienzweigs Business Management ist von elementarer Wichtigkeit. Um die Anwendungsorientierung der Ausbildung zu stärken, bringen erfahrene Praktiker*innen gezielt ihre Fachexpertise in das Studium ein. Gleichzeitig erhalten unsere Studierenden eine umfassende theoretische Grundlage in den Kernbereichen der Betriebswirtschaft, wie:
Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:

Program Director

€ 363.36 / semester
- Bachelor of Arts in Business
6 semester
€ 25.20 / semester
- Villach
General Study Information
Study + Work
With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!
Study & Work for full-time students
- Extent of employment: marginally up to 8h / week possible
- Timetable: Some degree courses are organized so that Monday is a day off.
Study & Work for part-time students
- Scope of employment: part-time up to max. 20h / week possible
- The timetable is organized in a work-friendly way (lectures at the end of the day, weekend, blocked or online).
"Business Management" is a branch of study within the framework of the bachelor's program in economics, which combines basic knowledge of business administration with practical know-how. Students gain a comprehensive insight into current developments in business life and are thus prepared for entry into junior management positions. The individual promotion of their interests and development opportunities is at the heart of the program: students can choose from four specializations in the fields of human resources management, marketing, logistics & manufacturing, controlling & financing.
Close contacts with the business world give students deep insights into professional practice. Compulsory internships take place under the supervision of the lecturers in order to ensure the best possible success of the students in working life. The international orientation of the degree program is reflected in the semesters abroad, which students use to sharpen their global profile. Their education is rounded off by economic, legal and social science skills.
What students should bring to their studies:
- Interest in economic and political topics.
- The ability to work in teams and to lead them.
- Language and communication skills.
- Responsible social behaviour.
- Fun with international and intercultural challenges.
- Interest in innovative technologies
After successful completion of their studies, graduates have the following skills and knowledge:
- They apply their acquired economic knowledge in professional situations in the best possible way.
- They know about the most important concepts of functional business administration.
- They can evaluate the legal, social, technological and economic environment of a company.
- They follow ethical commitments in business practice.
- You can integrate yourself into intercultural and interdisciplinary teams.
- You are able to communicate effectively and convincingly on a factual basis, both orally and in writing.
Current courses - Management
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Student Orientation Program Group 1 | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.020 |
Student Orientation Program Group 2 | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.020 |
Student Orientation Program Group 3 | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.020 |
Student Orientation Program Group 4 | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.020 |
Business Software Group I | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.10.070 |
Business Software Group II | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.10.070 |
Business Software Group III | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.10.070 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation Group 1 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation Group 2 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation Group 3 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation Group 4 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation Group 5 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation Group 6 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
Fundamentals of Accounting Group A | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.010 |
Fundamentals of Accounting Group B | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.010 |
Internet & Web Technology Group I | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.10.080 |
Internet & Web Technology Group II | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.10.080 |
Internet & Web Technology Group III | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.10.080 |
Sustainability, Diversity & Business Ethics Group A | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.090 |
Sustainability, Diversity & Business Ethics Group B | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.090 |
HR & Organization Group I | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.060 |
HR & Organization Group II | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.060 |
HR & Organization Group III | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.060 |
Personal Development Skills Group I | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.040 |
Personal Development Skills Group II | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.040 |
Personal Development Skills Group III | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.040 |
Collaboration & Cooperation Group I | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.030 |
Collaboration & Cooperation Group II | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.030 |
Collaboration & Cooperation Group III | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.030 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Graphic Design Group A | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.100 |
Graphic Design Group B | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.100 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Media & Internet (video, picture, text) | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06361.10.190 |
Webcontent Management | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06361.10.210 |
Webdesign and CMS (Content Management System) | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06361.10.200 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Digital interfaces | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.10.170 |
ERP-Customizing | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06366.10.160 |
Workflow-Management-Systems | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.10.180 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Fundamentals of politics | ILV | 1,0 | 1,7 | B4.06363.10.240 |
Fundamentals of public law | ILV | 1,0 | 1,6 | B4.06363.10.230 |
Fundamentals of public sector | ILV | 1,0 | 1,7 | B4.06363.10.250 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
English: Current Trend Analysis Group 1 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.30.041 |
English: Current Trend Analysis Group 2 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.30.041 |
English: Current Trend Analysis Group 3 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.30.041 |
English: Current Trend Analysis Group 4 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.30.041 |
Fundamentals of Empirical Social Research I Group A | ILV | 0,3 | 0,5 | B4.06360.30.020 |
Fundamentals of Empirical Social Research I Group B | ILV | 0,3 | 0,5 | B4.06360.30.020 |
Research Skills I Group A | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06360.30.010 |
Research Skills I Group B | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06360.30.010 |
Statistics I Group A | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.30.030 |
Statistics I Group B | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.30.030 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Introduction to Strategic Controlling | ILV | 1,2 | 4,0 | B4.06364.30.320 |
Employee Lifecycle | ILV | 3,2 | 12,0 | B4.06364.30.240 |
English: Writing Business Reports Group A | ILV | 0,5 | 1,0 | B4.06364.30.231 |
English: Writing Business Reports Group B | ILV | 0,5 | 1,0 | B4.06364.30.231 |
ERP/SAP: Procurement Management Group A | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06364.30.220 |
ERP/SAP: Procurement Management Group B | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06364.30.220 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group A | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group B | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Instruments of Strategic Controlling | ILV | 2,5 | 8,0 | B4.06364.30.330 |
Logistics Management | ILV | 1,2 | 4,0 | B4.06364.30.290 |
Modelling of business processes | ILV | 1,5 | 3,0 | B4.06364.30.210 |
Public commercial law Group I | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group II | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group III | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Quality Management | ILV | 1,2 | 4,0 | B4.06364.30.310 |
Supply Chain Management | ILV | 1,2 | 4,0 | B4.06364.30.300 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Application Development | ILV | 2,0 | 3,5 | B4.06361.30.150 |
Procurement Management | ILV | 1,5 | 2,0 | B4.06361.30.070 |
English for Digital Business Management II | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06361.30.141 |
English: Writing Business Reports | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06361.30.101 |
E-Procurement | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06361.30.120 |
ERP/SAP: Procurement Management | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06361.30.090 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group A | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group B | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Fundamentals of E-Business and E-Commerce | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06361.30.110 |
Modelling of business processes | ILV | 1,5 | 2,0 | B4.06361.30.080 |
Public commercial law Group I | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group II | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group III | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Webservices | ILV | 1,4 | 2,5 | B4.06361.30.160 |
Webshop Systems | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.30.130 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Federal Tax Code | ILV | 1,3 | 2,0 | B4.06366.30.330 |
Income and Expenditure Accounting | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06366.30.350 |
English for General Management | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06364.30.141 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group A | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group B | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Fundamentals of Tax Law | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06366.30.340 |
Employee Management | ILV | 1,4 | 2,0 | B4.06364.30.130 |
Public commercial law Group I | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group II | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group III | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Value Added Tax | ILV | 2,7 | 4,0 | B4.06366.30.320 |
Corporate Management | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06364.30.120 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Procurement Management | ILV | 1,5 | 2,0 | B4.06363.30.070 |
Theories of Democracy & Models of Democracy | ILV | 1,9 | 3,0 | B4.06363.30.190 |
E-Government | ILV | 1,6 | 3,0 | B4.06363.30.170 |
English: Writing Business Reports | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06363.30.101 |
ERP/SAP: Procurement Management | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06363.30.090 |
Society in Change | ILV | 1,9 | 3,0 | B4.06363.30.200 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group A | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Fundamentals of economics I: Microeconomics Group B | ILV | 1,9 | 3,5 | B4.06360.30.050 |
Modelling of business processes | ILV | 1,5 | 2,0 | B4.06363.30.080 |
Public commercial law Group I | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group II | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Public commercial law Group III | ILV | 1,3 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.060 |
Administrative Law | ILV | 1,6 | 3,0 | B4.06363.30.180 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Business Analytics | ILV | 1,8 | 3,0 | B4.06364.50.230 |
Change Management | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06364.50.240 |
English for General Management | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06364.50.291 |
Digital Business Basics | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06364.50.260 |
Lean Manufacturing | ILV | 1,8 | 6,0 | B4.06364.50.360 |
Learning & Development | ILV | 3,2 | 12,0 | B4.06364.50.220 |
Brand Management | ILV | 3,3 | 12,0 | B4.06364.70.260 |
Market research | ILV | 1,8 | 3,0 | B4.06364.50.240 |
Employee Management | ILV | 1,4 | 2,0 | B4.06364.50.280 |
Production Management | ILV | 1,2 | 4,0 | B4.06364.50.350 |
Service Management | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06364.50.250 |
Smart Factory/Industry 4.0 | ILV | 0,6 | 2,0 | B4.06364.50.370 |
Corporate Management | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06364.50.270 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Analysis & Optimization | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06361.50.060 |
Data Protection | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.070 |
Digital Processes | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.090 |
English for Digital Business Management III | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06361.50.071 |
Information Economy | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.100 |
Internet & Media Law | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.020 |
IT Security | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.030 |
Campaign Management / SEO & SEA | ILV | 1,3 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.050 |
Project seminar | ILV | 2,8 | 5,0 | B4.06361.50.110 |
Digital Business Seminar | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06361.50.120 |
Smart Factory | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.080 |
Strategy & Digital Marketing | ILV | 1,3 | 2,0 | B4.06361.50.040 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Actors and Instruments of Economic Policy | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06363.50.130 |
Controlling in the Public Sector | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06363.50.190 |
Introduction to Political Communication | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06363.50.140 |
English for Public Management III | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06363.50.161 |
English for Public Management IV | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06363.50.181 |
Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06363.50.150 |
Fundamentals of Public Finance | ILV | 1,8 | 2,5 | B4.06363.50.160 |
Fundamentals of Public Service Law | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06363.50.210 |
Leadership and Personnel in the Public Sector | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06363.50.200 |
Management of Public Enterprises | ILV | 1,8 | 3,0 | B4.06363.50.230 |
Non Profit Organizations | ILV | 1,8 | 3,0 | B4.06363.50.220 |
Public Budgeting | ILV | 1,8 | 2,5 | B4.06363.50.170 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Controlling Group I | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.20.270 |
Controlling Group II | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.20.270 |
Controlling Group III | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.20.270 |
English: Reading in Context Group 1 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
English: Reading in Context Group 2 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
English: Reading in Context Group 3 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
English: Reading in Context Group 4 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
English: Reading in Context Group 5 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
English: Reading in Context Group 6 | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
Fundamentals of Business Law Group I | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.310 |
Fundamentals of Business Law Group II | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.310 |
Fundamentals of Business Law Group III | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.310 |
Collaborative Work Group I | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.320 |
Collaborative Work Group II | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.320 |
Collaborative Work Group III | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.320 |
Cost Accounting Group I | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.20.260 |
Cost Accounting Group II | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.20.260 |
Cost Accounting Group III | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.20.260 |
Marketing & Sales Group I | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.280 |
Marketing & Sales Group II | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.280 |
Marketing & Sales Group III | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.280 |
Scientific Work & Writing Group I | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.20.290 |
Scientific Work & Writing Group II | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.20.290 |
Scientific Work & Writing Group III | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.20.290 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP-Systems) Group A | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.330 |
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP-Systems) Group B | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.330 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Fundamentals of Digital Business Management | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06361.20.380 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Group Accounting | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06366.20.370 |
Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) & Accounting | ILV | 2,1 | 3,5 | B4.06366.20.360 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Grundlagen des öffentlichen Dienstrechts | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06363.20.420 |
Public Management | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06363.20.410 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
English: Academic English Group 1 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.091 |
English: Academic English Group 2 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.091 |
English: Academic English Group 3 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.091 |
English: Academic English Group 4 | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.091 |
European Law Group A | ILV | 1,8 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.080 |
European Law Group B | ILV | 1,8 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.080 |
Fundamentals of Empirical Social Research II Group A | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.020 |
Fundamentals of Empirical Social Research II Group B | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.020 |
Fundamentals of economics II: Macroeconomics Group A | ILV | 1,8 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.070 |
Fundamentals of economics II: Macroeconomics Group B | ILV | 1,8 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.070 |
Research Skills II Group A | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.40.010 |
Research Skills II Group B | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.40.010 |
Statistics II Group A | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.030 |
Statistics II Group B | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.030 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Balance Sheet Analsyis | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.170 |
English for Globalization & international Business Group A | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06364.40.221 |
English for Globalization & international Business Group B | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06364.40.221 |
Export & international economy | ILV | 1,6 | 2,5 | B4.06364.40.200 |
Fundamentals of international business | ILV | 1,6 | 2,5 | B4.06364.40.210 |
Investment & Financing II | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.190 |
Project management Group A | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Project management Group B | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Project management systems Group A | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.050 |
Project management systems Group B | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.050 |
Project supervision Group A | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.060 |
Project supervision Group B | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.060 |
Tax law | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.180 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Introduction BI & Analytics | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.40.130 |
Introduction Data Engineering | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.40.120 |
Introduction Data Value Chain | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06361.40.110 |
Fundamentals of Controlling | ILV | 2,1 | 3,0 | B4.06360.40.100 |
Cost Accounting | ILV | 2,1 | 3,0 | B4.06360.40.090 |
Project management Group A | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Project management Group B | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Project management systems Group A | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.050 |
Project management systems Group B | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.050 |
Project supervision Group A | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.060 |
Project supervision Group B | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.060 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Introduction Data Engineering | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.40.280 |
Introduction Data Value Chain | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.40.270 |
Introduction BI & Analytics | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.40.290 |
Corporate Code & Accounting | ILV | 4,0 | 6,0 | B4.06366.40.260 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
English for Public Management II | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06363.40.161 |
Fundamentals of Controlling | ILV | 2,1 | 3,0 | B4.06360.40.100 |
Cost Accounting | ILV | 2,1 | 3,0 | B4.06360.40.090 |
Comparison of Political Systems | ILV | 1,7 | 2,5 | B4.06363.40.140 |
Project management Group A | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Project management Group B | ILV | 3,2 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.040 |
Project management systems Group A | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.050 |
Project management systems Group B | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.050 |
Project supervision Group A | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.060 |
Project supervision Group B | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.060 |
Comparison of selected policy fields | ILV | 1,7 | 2,5 | B4.06363.40.150 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Bachelor Thesis and Bachelor Colloquium | BT | 1,0 | 10,0 | B4.06360.60.010 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Business plan preparation | ILV | 2,8 | 6,0 | B4.06364.60.090 |
English for Financing Forms | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06364.60.121 |
New Financing Forms | ILV | 1,7 | 2,5 | B4.06364.60.100 |
Legal Foundations of Financing | ILV | 1,7 | 2,5 | B4.06364.60.110 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Balance Sheet Analsyis | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.60.050 |
Investment & Financing I | ILV | 1,5 | 3,0 | B4.06360.60.030 |
Investment & Financing II | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.60.070 |
Tax law | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.60.060 |
Financial Mathematics II | ILV | 1,5 | 3,0 | B4.06360.60.040 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Balance Sheet Analsyis | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.60.050 |
Investment & Financing I | ILV | 1,5 | 3,0 | B4.06360.60.030 |
Investment & Financing II | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.60.070 |
Tax law | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06360.60.060 |
Financial Mathematics II | ILV | 1,5 | 3,0 | B4.06360.60.040 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Student Orientation Program | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.020 |
Business Software | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.10.070 |
English: Persuasive Self-Presentation | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.10.051 |
Fundamentals of Accounting | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.010 |
Internet & Web Technology | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.10.080 |
Sustainability, Diversity & Business Ethics | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.090 |
HR & Organization | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.060 |
Personal Development Skills | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.040 |
Collaboration & Cooperation | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06360.10.030 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Graphic Design | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.10.100 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Media & Internet (video, picture, text) | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06361.10.190 |
Webcontent Management | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06361.10.210 |
Webdesign and CMS (Content Management System) | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06361.10.200 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Digital interfaces | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.10.170 |
ERP-Customizing | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06366.10.160 |
Workflow-Management-Systems | ILV | 1,2 | 2,0 | B4.06366.10.180 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Fundamentals of politics | ILV | 1,0 | 1,7 | B4.06363.10.240 |
Fundamentals of public law | ILV | 1,0 | 1,6 | B4.06363.10.230 |
Fundamentals of public sector | ILV | 1,0 | 1,7 | B4.06363.10.250 |
Optional subject | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
French I (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.320 |
Italian I (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.272 |
Croatian I | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.310 |
Russian I (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.280 |
Slovene I (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.300 |
Spanish I (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.290 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Digital Marketing | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.30.530 |
English: Current Trend Analysis | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.30.521 |
English: Writing Reports | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.30.501 |
Research Methods | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.30.490 |
Quantitative Data Analysis | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.30.510 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Bilanzanalyse | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.540 |
Operatives Controlling I | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06364.30.590 |
Operatives Controlling II | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06364.30.600 |
Self & Employee Management | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.30.560 |
Steuerrecht | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.550 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
English for B2B Relationship Management | ILV | 0,7 | 1,0 | B4.06361.30.701 |
English for Software Development & Coding | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06361.30.721 |
Grundlagen E-Business/E-Commerce/E-Procurement | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06361.30.680 |
Software Development & Coding | ILV | 5,4 | 9,0 | B4.06361.30.710 |
Webshopsysteme | ILV | 1,0 | 1,5 | B4.06361.30.690 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Bilanzanalyse | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.540 |
Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06366.30.670 |
Ertragsteuerrecht | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06366.30.660 |
Fundamentals of European Law | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.580 |
Austrian and International Company Law | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.570 |
Steuerrecht | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.550 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Fundamentals of European Law | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.580 |
Austrian and International Company Law | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.30.570 |
Politisches System Österreich und EU | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06363.30.760 |
Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06363.30.780 |
Wirtschaftspolitik | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06363.30.770 |
Optional subject | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
French III | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.70.380 |
Italian III | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.332 |
Croatian III | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.70.360 |
Pre-Departure Orientation | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.70.390 |
Russian III | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.340 |
Writing with academic context | ILV | 3,7 | 6,0 | B4.06360.30.400 |
Slovene III | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.70.370 |
Spanish III | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.70.350 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Controlling | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.20.270 |
English: Reading in Context | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.20.301 |
Fundamentals of Business Law | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.310 |
Collaborative Work | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.320 |
Cost Accounting | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.20.260 |
Marketing & Sales | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.20.280 |
Scientific Work & Writing | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.20.290 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP-Systems) | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06364.20.330 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Fundamentals of Digital Business Management | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06361.20.380 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Group Accounting | ILV | 0,9 | 1,5 | B4.06366.20.370 |
Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) & Accounting | ILV | 2,1 | 3,5 | B4.06366.20.360 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Grundlagen des öffentlichen Dienstrechts | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06363.20.420 |
Public Management | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06363.20.410 |
Optional subject | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
French II (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.410 |
Italian II (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.362 |
Croatian II | ILV | 3,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.80.390 |
Russian II (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.370 |
Slovene II (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.400 |
Spanish II (CEF A1) | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.380 |
Lecture | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Business Intelligence & Analytics | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.40.840 |
Change Management & Conflict Management | ILV | 2,4 | 4,0 | B4.06360.40.850 |
English: Communication with Impact | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06360.40.861 |
Project Management | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.40.880 |
Economics | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.40.870 |
Study program: Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Geschäftsprozessmanagement | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.900 |
Operational People Management | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06360.40.890 |
Value Stream Management | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.40.910 |
Study program: Digital Business Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Geschäftsprozessmanagement | ILV | 1,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.40.900 |
Robotic Process Automation & Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06361.40.1010 |
Value Stream Management | ILV | 2,0 | 3,0 | B4.06360.40.910 |
Study program: Digital Tax and Accounting | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Abschlussprüfung nach nationalen und internationalen Standards | ILV | 3,0 | 5,0 | B4.06366.40.1000 |
English for Tax Consultants | ILV | 0,8 | 1,0 | B4.06366.40.991 |
Internationale Steuerlehre | ILV | 0,6 | 1,0 | B4.06366.40.980 |
Körperschaftsteuer | ILV | 1,8 | 3,0 | B4.06366.40.970 |
Study program: Public Management | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
Demokratiemodelle und Demokratietheorie | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06363.40.1050 |
Gesellschaftlicher Wandel | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06363.40.1060 |
Global Relationships | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.930 |
Political Systems in Comparison | ILV | 1,5 | 2,5 | B4.06360.40.920 |
Optional subject | Type | SPPS | ECTS-Credits | Course number |
French IV | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.80.350 |
Italian IV | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.302 |
Croatian IV | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.80.330 |
Present, Argue, Discuss | ILV | 3,0 | 6,0 | B4.06360.40.370 |
Re-Entry Orientation | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.80.360 |
Russian IV | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.310 |
Slovene IV | ILV | 3,0 | 4,0 | B4.06360.80.340 |
Spanish IV | ILV | 2,0 | 2,0 | B4.06360.80.320 |
Job & Career
Due to the interdisciplinary education in the bachelor's program in economics, graduates of the individual branches of study have very good career opportunities in the respective industries.
In addition to professional know-how, graduates have extensive key qualifications and skills. In particular, self-management, organisational, social and leadership skills as well as language and communication competence are to be emphasised. The range of foreign languages offered at the department includes Italian, Slovenian, French and Russian. Students who use these foreign languages can sharpen their career profile significantly.
In order to prepare students for their entry into professional life, the work placement is a particularly important part of the curriculum. Practical units enable the direct implementation and deepening of the specialist knowledge already acquired in practice, so that the knowledge can also be further developed "on the job". In addition, important initial contacts are made with potential employers. It is not unusual for a concrete job offer to result from the internship.
The successful completion of the Bachelor's degree entitles the holder to a Master's degree in Business & Management at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in the scope of 4 semesters as well as to a Master's degree in Business & Management at another FH or university.

Practice-oriented business education & profile-building specializations
The Bachelor study program in Management offers a compact, practice-oriented basic education in economics. In addition, there is a strong focus on teaching key and future skills tailored to the respective branches of study (6 German-language and 2 English-language) from the first semester onwards. This profile-building specialization accounts for more than half of the total course content. Current topics such as sustainability, digitality, internationality and diversity are an integral part of many modules.
The high practical relevance of the study program is ensured by close cooperation with regional, national and international companies as well as the use of experienced lecturers from industry, business and institutions, who bring current topics and new developments from professional practice into the study program or can also be experienced in excursions. The students' transfer skills are strengthened by working on specific and current practical tasks.

Innovative study time model - perfect match of studying, working & living
We support part-time students with an innovative study time model: the modules per semester are implemented in sequences. This enables focused learning on the module content. The module is completed immediately after the end of the module sequence by means of an examination. This leads away from the parallel learning of a lot of content with a high mental load, towards focused work on individual content and thus more effective learning.
This study model promotes a high proportion of varied classroom teaching, which takes place in sequences on only a few weekends per semester (Thurs: 4:50 - 8:10 pm, Fri: 9:20 - 4:50 pm, Sat: 8:30 - 4:00 pm) and is supplemented by interactive online teaching units (depending on the module, Tue and/or Wed evenings: 5:50 - 9:00 pm or Sat: 8:30 - 4:00 pm). In order to ensure planning security for the usually tight time budget, the weekends of the course are already fixed two years in advance.
For the part-time degree program, two years of professional experience - ideally in a relevant field - and/or at least 50% of the time in a relevant profession is recommended. Relevant professional experience or relevant professional activity during the degree program is generally credited towards the ‘Professional Internship’ module in the 6th semester.
Faculty and Staff - Business Management
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Thomas Fenzl
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Alexander Sitter
Michaela Rosenwirth
Julia Ebenberger-Fidebauer
Evelyn Eigner
Romana Pechac
Rita Maria Elsa Marak, BA MA
Margit Schager
Jirina Egarter, MSc
Georg Jeschke
Mag.a (FH) Dr.
Marika Gruber
Janet Brown, MA MA
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. rer. soc. oec.
Stefan Dreisiebner Mag.a
Ursula Liebhart
Eithne Knappitsch
Wolfgang Leitner
FH-Prof. MMag. Dr.
Florian Oppitz
Anna Hauser-Oppelmayer, Bakk. MSc Mag. (FH)
Birgit Aigner-Walder
Martin Stromberger
FH-Prof. Dipl.BW FH
Stefan Nungesser
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Dietmar Sternad, BSc MBA MMag.a
Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle Mag.a
Hermine Bauer
Andrea Gaggl
Dr. rer. soc. oec.
Cornelia Mayr, BA MMag.a
Vera Seyer
Verena Fink, B.A. MA
Jessica Pöcher, B.A.
Wolfgang Almer
Hon.-Prof. (FH) Mag.
Günter Bauer
Pierre Bechler, BSc MA
Thomas Bodner
Mag.a Dr.
Barbara Covarrubias Venegas
Verena Cozelenka
Daniela Ebner
Caro Frank
Sabine Friesser
Marlies Gatterbauer
Bernhard Glawitsch
Christina Graf, BA
Christof Gruber-Harrich
Ute Hammerschall
MMag. Dr.
Meinrad Höfferer
Christian Inzko
Dr. iur. Dr.
Ulrich Kraßnig, LL.M.
Eva Maria Köffler-Malliga
Hannes Mahl
Stefan Mitterdorfer
Richard Petz, BSc
Florian Pibal, Bakk.
Peter Plaikner
Mag. Dr.
Manfred Prisching
Reiner Rabensteiner
Barbara Rauscher, MA
Mag.a phil.
Katharina Rodgers
Wolfgang Schurian, BA
Barbara Stampf
Eva Maria Stefaner, BA (FH) MMag.a
Gabriele Stoiser
Bernhard Venhauer
Steuerberaterin Mag.
Eva Maria Winkler
Kathrin Wutej, BSc MSc
Anna Zinenko
Campus & Arrival
The Villach region combines tradition, cosmopolitanism and quality of life with the advantages of an innovative business location. Villach, a small town with about 60,000 inhabitants, is an international high-tech location with groundbreaking cooperation between science and industry and is also increasingly developing into a start-up town.
Situated directly at the intersection of three cultures, Villach, situated on the Drava river, is an important traffic junction in the Alps-Adriatic region. This special geographical location and the beautiful landscape around Villach and in the federal state of Carinthia have made the region a popular holiday destination for generations, further beyond the borders. The drinking water quality of the lakes and the particularly clean air make Villach and its surroundings an environmental paradise.
In addition to its geographical advantages, Austria also leads the world in terms of its social and health care system and is considered a particularly safe, prosperous and liveable country.
Despite the above-average prosperity and the comprehensive state social benefits, Villach compares favourably with many international destinations. The "small town bonus" comes into its own here and makes everyday life affordable.
Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.
Make a virtual walk through the Science & Energy Labs – T10.
Motorway exit Wernberg, then on the B 83 approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, after the Villach town sign the B83 passes under the A2 motorway, and then immediately right the first exit in the direction of MAGDALENEN SEE. Following the signs for Magdalenen See, the road leads through a small wooded area, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Magdalenen See (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St. Magdalene. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.
Motorway exit Villach/Ossiacher See, then approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, on the right is Gasthof Seehof, on the left is Lake Vassach, continue on the B33 left in the direction of east, Wernberg, Klagenfurt, always follow the B33, after approx. 4 km turn right in the direction of Magdalenen See. The road leads through a small forest, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Lake Magdalenen (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St.Magdalen. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.
The bus company Dr. Richard runs from Villach city to the FH in about every 15 minutes. The timetables are coordinated with the timetables of the ÖBB.
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach, Austria
+43 5 90500 7700
Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.