Sustainability @ CUAS
The topic of sustainability has moved even more into the focus of society in the course of the current challenges. For us as a university, responsible thinking and action combined with goals for sustainable development form an important basis. In addition to its core tasks of teaching and research, a university's third central task is to have a sustainable impact on society. In the past, this "third mission" was regarded as an additional task of higher education institutions, but now it is increasingly developing into a "first mission", to which the study and research activities are also aligned.
From this perspective and development, it follows that the topics of sustainability, the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as environmental management and the associated activities and measures of the university are of central importance to Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and must be continuously strengthened.
In order to ensure that the idea of sustainability reaches all areas of the university, we have created contact points in the form of the Sustainability Officer Eva Stefaner and the Environmental Officer Karl-Heinz Huber. The colleagues are happy to receive ideas and suggestions on these topics.

Mag.a Manuela Seebacher
+43 5 90500 7002
Karl-Heinz Huber
+43 5 90500 7900
Global Compact Network Austria
Seit Oktober 2024 ist die FH Kärnten Mitglied des United Nations Global Compact, der weltweit größten und wichtigsten Initiative für verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung. Die Vision des UN Global Compact ist eine inklusive und nachhaltige Weltwirtschaft auf Grundlage der 10 universellen Prinzipien.
Das Ziel der weltumspannenden Bewegung aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft: Die Globalisierung sozialer und ökologischer zu gestalten. Das zentrale Element des UN Global Compact sind die 10 universellen Prinzipien und die Unterstützung der 17 Ziele Nachhaltiger Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs).
Das Global Compact Network Austria unterstützt Unternehmen und Organisationen dabei, ihre Strategien und Aktivitäten an den Nachhaltigkeitszielen und der Vision des UN Global Compact auszurichten.
Planet Matters
Am 25. Juni 2024 fand zusammen mit Felix Krainer, dem Initiator von Planet Matters eine erste Aktion zur Säuberung der Außenanlage am Campus Villach statt. Felix Krainer ruft auf der Social Media Plattform weltweit zum Müllsammeln auf. Sein Account „Planet Matters“ ist die zweitgrößte Umweltseite auf TikTok.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In September 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
By clicking on the graph, you can find out how Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) contributes to achieving the goals.
EMAS certification
One strategic project, among others, is the certification of our environmental management system in accordance with EMAS (Eco Management and Audit Scheme), which regulates the handling of direct and indirect environmental aspects at our campuses.
The system is a contribution to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and contributes significantly to the continuous improvement of environmental performance. CUAS has received the certification in December 2021 and is thus officially registered in the EMAS register.
Cooperation agreement with the Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA)
As the first university of applied sciences in Austria, FH Kärnten has been able to conclude a cooperation agreement with the renowned Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) for 2022. The CCCA is a network agent and mouthpiece for Austrian climate & climate impact research as well as a point of contact for climate change issues. Founded in 2011, the CCCA is the contact point for research, politics, media and the public on all issues related to climate research in Austria.
This new partnership is open to all researchers and teachers at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences who are working on the topic of climate change.
Bündnis Nachhaltige Hochschulen
Global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and resource scarcity call for coordinated efforts in all areas of society and for a change in values as a contribution to sustainable development. Together with twelve other universities of applied sciences, the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences has set itself the goal of working together on the topic of sustainability in a holistic manner, taking into account the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and of bundling activities. The founding act of the "Alliance of Sustainable Universities" was sealed on October 7, 2021 with the signing of a charter at the FH Campus Wien. Elisabeth Steiner (FH Campus Wien) was elected chairwoman of the association, her deputy is Regina Rowland (FH Burgenland).