CUAS International Relations Office is located in Villach and is in charge for Outgoing Exchange Students concerning the organizational procedures. If students decide to spend a semester abroad, International Relations Office helps them during the process of decision making and filling in the necessary documents.
Afterward International Office coordinates the communication with the partner institution, nominates the student for a semester abroad and for the Erasmus+ grant. International Relations Office also helps to strengthen the communication flow between students, host institution and Erasmus Referat.
CUAS students are supported by International Relations Office before, during and after their stay abroad.
The office is located at the campus Villach on the first floor, South Wing, just below the ÖH. CUAS International Relations Office offers consulting hours at each campus and you can also arrange a personal appointment.
Departmental Coordinators
Departmental Coordinators support CUAS students regarding academic questions, such as which courses can be taken abroad and will be recognized afterward for the CUAS study degree programme. The Learning Agreement (a document including all the agreements concerning courses and their recognition), will be filled in upon consultation with the Departmental Coordinator.
During the stay abroad students can change their Learning Agreement. Departmental Coordinators will supervise the students when doing the changes.

Mgr. Mgr. Aleksandra Jama, MSc.
Head of the International Relations Office
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Stefanie Steiner, BA BEd MA
International Coordinator for Incoming Exchange Students
+43 5 90500 7042
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Martina Steiner, MA
International Coordinator for Outgoing Exchange Students
+43 5 90500 7043
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Katja Davidde, MA
International Coordinator
+43 5 90 500 7044
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Mag. Dr. Julia Christine Marinaccio MA
Head of European Universities
+43 5 90 500 7107
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Melissa Pebayle, MSc
International Officer
+43 5 90 500 7045
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Denise Wornig, MSc MIA MA
(on educational leave)
+43 5 90 500 7041
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Civil Engineering and Architecture
Mag.a Andrea Gaggl
Senior Lecturer
Lecturer of English

Disability und Diversity Studies, Allied Health Professions and Midwifery rer. soc. oec. Christine Pichler
Senior Lecturer

Healthcare Management
FH-Prof. Magª. Sabine Spanz

Management (Outgoing Exchange Students)
Janet Brown, MA MA
Senior Lecturer of English, International Coordinator

Management (Incoming Exchange Students)
Mag. Georg Jeschke

Magdalena Collins, BA MA MCI
Studienbereich Gesundheit & Soziales
+43 5 90500 4135

Social Work
Dr. phil. Dominik Holzer, BSc MSc

Melissa Pebayle, MSc
International Officer
+43 5 90 500 7045
Europastraße 4
9524 Villach

Gesundheit & Soziales
Dr. Michael Alexander Suppanz, MSc. MAS

Gesundheit & Soziales
Ulrike Tscherne, BA M.Ed.
Campus Klagenfurt – St. Veiter Straße

Engineering & IT
Sandra Filipic-Klinar
Campus Klagenfurt – Primoschgasse
Deadlines for application (including uploading of all necessary documents with signatures)
- For a stay abroad during the spring semester: 30 October
- For a stay abroad during the fall semester: 30 April
(Notice: Your host higher education institution might have its own deadline, which might be set up before CUAS deadline!
Exchange possibilities
The European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students offers students the opportunity to study in a member state of the European Union as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Macedonia or Turkey for a period of 3 to 12 months.
All students taking part in the Erasmus+ program are exempted from paying tuition fees at the host institution and receive a grant to help cover the higher costs of living abroad. Depending on the study destination, grants range from € 390 to € 490 per month.
You can find information about the Erasmus+ program on the homepage of the National Agency for Lifelong Learning.
The number of study places available for each department is based on bilateral contracts, which the international coordinators of the individual study programs are responsible for. You can find a list of partner universities of CUAS within the European Union and the European Economic Area under the subitem “Partner Universities”.
Erasmus students can read about their rights and obligations in the Erasmus+ Student Charta (only available in German!).
You can find a guidebook on the ESN (Erasmus Student Network), which provides a lot of useful information.
If you want to spend a semester at a partner university of CUAS but it is not funded by Erasmus, you can take part in the joint study program. This applies to all partner universities outside of the European Union – in individual cases even within. However, you are responsible to look for financial support yourself. The international coordinators have to approve your stay at the host university. The application process is the same as with the Erasmus+ program. You might have to pay tuition fees at the host institution, in which case you are exempted from paying tuition fees at CUAS.
Free movers are students who choose to spend a semester abroad at a university that is not a partner university of CUAS. Students have to organize their stay themselves, meaning that all organizational tasks concerning the semester abroad are carried out by the student. In most cases, tuition fees have to be paid at the host university.
Students are obliged to continuously inform the International Relations Office and the international coordinator. The application process is the same as with Erasmus+ and joint study programs.
FH Studierende der technischen Studien, welche ein Forschungsvorhaben an einer US-Amerikanischen Hochschule planen, können sich für das Marshall Plan Stipendium bewerben.
Students from the school of management and Social Work can apply for a stay abroad funded by an International Credit Mobility project. Further information can be found under the following link
If you are interested, please contact your International Coordinator!
Application Procedure
The application process is done via Moodle. Access to the course is given by CUAS International Relations Office. In order to get access please contact international[at]cuas[dot]at
Inform yourself additionally about the application process at the host higher education institution. This could be different from CUAS procedure. In many cases you need to write a CV or a Motivation Letter. Also watch the deadlines!
Useful Information
Our Study Abroad Handbook includes many additional information and the most frequently questions are answered. Also our Checklist for Outgoing Exchange Students and the webpage "Studieren im Ausland" (available only in German) from the Austrian Students Association can be very useful.
CUAS students have to fill in an Experience Report after their stay abroad. This includes information about the institution they have visited and daily life of the country. You can find them on the I drive I:\ZSB\International\Experience Reports.
Additional information can be found at the section studentsLife on our homepage.
Before going abroad your own insurance should be checked: What is covered by the ÖH insurance? Do you already have additional accident- and liability insurance that covers you abroad? In general, by paying the ÖH fee all students are covered with an accident and liability insurance for study- and work related activities in- and outside of Austria. Please note that the ÖH insurance does not cover any incidents that happen in your free time. In addition, the ÖH liability insurance is not valid in the USA, Australia and Canada. Therefore, it is recommended to organize additional insurance for your stay abroad.
Detailed information about the health care insurance can be found here (available only in German).