Radiologic Technology - Bachelor

Seeing what others do not see

Modern technology, medical expertise, close contact with people: Radiological technology involves many aspects of the health profession that require scientifically sound professionalism. This is exactly what is taught at the study programme "Radiological Technology" - in a personal and familiar atmosphere that is appreciated by teachers and students alike.


Prevention, diagnostics and therapy

The radiology technology programme places great emphasis on the practical as well as social, communicative and scientific skills of the students. Above all, the safe operation of complex medical technology equipment forms an indispensable competence, which is combined with extensive knowledge of information and communication technology in medicine.

Preventive medicine, diagnostics and therapy with the specialist areas of X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, angiography, cardangiography, nuclear medicine, molecular imaging as well as radiation therapy are part of the everyday professional life of radiology technologists and accordingly part of the everyday training of students. Radiation protection and patient safety are of paramount importance. Through image post-processing and analytical preparation of images, radiology technologists lay the foundation for the assessment by the doctor.

Collaboration is generally a big topic at the study programme in Radiologic Technology. In professional practice, professional exchange within the health profession as well as with other health professions is the order of the day. Accordingly, the study programme pushes responsible and respectful interaction with people, taking into account their cultural values, as well as inter- and multi-professional communication, In the "SkillsLab RT", practical access is made possible in conventional X-ray, fluoroscopy and angiography, mammography and ultrasound. This laboratory, unique in Austria, is housed in a former radiology department and allows students to practise most of the essential activities of the profession in a safe and stress-free environment.

Experience outside the study programme rooms is offered by the external professional internships, which start in block form from the second semester. Professional internships are also possible in distant and nearer foreign countries, such as Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia and Italy (partner universities in Ljubljana and Udine). These experiences give students a first insight into the diverse requirements of working in radiological technology.

Online-Infosession buchen

In den Online-Infosessions stellt Ihnen die Programmleitung das Studium detailliert vor. Sie erhalten wertvolle Informationen zu Studieninhalt, Praktika, den Aufnahmevoraussetzungen und den vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten. Evelin Haimburger, MSc
Studiengangsleitung Radiologietechnologie, Advanced Practice in Diagnostic Imaging

+43 5 90500 3540


Diagnostikum Graz Stipendium
2 Stipendien (ab dem 3. Semester) für Studierende an der FH Kärnten

Wir bieten interessierten Studierenden:

  • ein bezahltes CT-Praktikum im 2. Semester (€ 480/150 Stunden),
  • danach ist die Bewerbung für das Diagnostikum Graz Stipendium für die Dauer der restlichen Studienzeit möglich.

Das Stipendium beinhaltet:

  • Stipendium pro Semester in Höhe von € 1.600,-
  • Übernahme der Studiengebühren ab dem 3. Semester
  • Möglichkeit von Samstagsdiensten (Fachgebiet MR, 07:00Uhr – 15:00Uhr) mit zusätzlichem Honorar (€ 200,-)
  • Interspar Gutscheine in der Höhe von € 10,- (pro 8h Arbeitstag) zur Verpflegung während des Praktikums

Ihre Verpflichtung:

  • Verpflichtung zu allen möglichen Berufspraktika bei uns im Haus (MR/NUK)
  • Leistungsnachweise über den positiven Abschluss des jeweiligen Semesters
  • Verpflichtung zum Berufseintritt im Diagnostikum Graz nach Studienabschluss für mindestens 36 Monate

Die Bewerbung um einen Praktikumsplatz bitte bis spätestens 31.01.2025 an eine der folgenden E-Mail-Adressen übermitteln:

Application deadline

Winterterm 2025
Period I:  01.11.-15.03.2025
Period II: 16.03.-15.05.2025*
Period III: 16.05.-15.07.2025*

For applicants from outside Europe applications are only accepted within Period I.

*Applications for waiting list only (we reserve the right to close this period early)

Study start

The semester starts in October - we only offer intake in winterterm!

The start of lectures can be found in the individual timetable which is available after enrollment.

Teaching time

Monday bis Friday full-time and partly on Saturdays


Study Guidance

Book your personal appointment right now!

You can find out more about our advisory services, events and fairs on our website.

Further information

Language of Instruction: German
Minimum of C1, stated by either
-DAF ("Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
-ÖSD ("Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch)
-GOETHE Sprachinstitut

Admission requirements:
Please note that foreign educational documents in some cases need to be legalized as well as translated in order to apply. More information can be found in our official application guideline

Information Radiologic Technology - Bachelor's degree program

Ihre Ansprechpartnerinnen

Bei Fragen zum Studium kontaktieren Sie:


Level of qualification
ECTS credits
Tuition fees
€ 363.36 / semester
Qualification awarded
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Studies
Duration of study
6 semester
ÖH (Austrian Student Union) fee
€ 25.20 / semester
Language of instruction
FH campus
  • Klagenfurt

General Study Information









Profile of the Radiological Technology program

In the study programme "Radiological Technology", the handling of the latest radiological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is at the centre of the training. As a link between people, medicine and technology, radiological technologists work in a professional field that relies heavily on independent and autonomous work as well as interdisciplinary cooperation. Students are optimally prepared for their career entry with a modern mix of theory, supervised exercises as well as within the framework of professional internships.

Suitable for a health profession, students can expect a "healthy start to their studies" right at the beginning, which is intended to ease the initially challenging new situation of beginning their studies. The students also receive special support in the practice-oriented "SkillsLab" as well as in practical exercises with external cooperation partners, where they get to know radiology technology processes in hospitals and private practices at close quarters under expert supervision. 

What students should bring with them to their studies:

  • Great interest in medicine, technology and IT.
  • Enjoy contact and dealing with people as well as polite and respectful manners.
  • Communication skills, empathy and very good German language skills at level B2/C1.
  • Good spatial imagination.
  • Ability to work accurately, independently and on your own responsibility.
  • Ability to work in a team and under pressure.
  • Organisational and planning talent, process thinking and flexibility.
  • High level of personal commitment, sense of responsibility as well as curiosity and pleasure in lifelong learning.

After successful completion of the degree programme, graduates have the following skills and knowledge:

  • They understand the independent and autonomous preparation, execution, clinical analysis, evaluation and quality assurance of diagnostic imaging methods and therapy procedures in radiological diagnostics and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.
  • They operate complex medical technology equipment and have extensive knowledge of information and communication technology in medicine.
  • They can administer contrast media or radioactive substances according to a doctor's orders.
  • They pay attention to patient safety and radiation protection within the framework of comprehensive quality management.
  • They lay the foundation for the assessment of images by the doctor by applying the methods of image post-processing and analytical preparation.
  • They are prepared for scientific work, write Bachelor's theses on practice-relevant topics and also have the opportunity to work on research projects of the study program.

Current courses - Radiologic Technology

LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Anatomical and Physiological Bases VO 4,0 4,0 B3.00000.70.110
Job-specific Anatomy VO 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.130
Data Processing in Medicine and Telecommunications ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.10.020
English for Radiological Technologists SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.011
Basics of Hospital Hygiene VO 1,0 1,0 B3.00000.70.120
Contrast Agents and Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.10.030
Medical Terminology and Classification VO 2,0 2,0 B3.00000.70.100
Emergency Measures Group 1 SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.050
Emergency Measures Group 2 SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.050
Pharmacology and Toxicology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.040
Presentation Techniques ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.120
Projection Radiography - Physics and Technology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.071
Projection Radiography - Projection Teaching and Recording Technology 1 Group 1 ILV 3,5 4,0 B3.06700.10.090
Projection Radiography - Projection Teaching and Recording Technology 1 Group 2 ILV 3,5 4,0 B3.06700.10.090
Projection Radiography - Projection Teaching and Recording Technology 1 Group 3 ILV 3,5 4,0 B3.06700.10.090
Projection Radiography - Projection Teaching and Recording Technology 1 Group 4 ILV 3,5 4,0 B3.06700.10.090
Projection Radiography - Radiological and Machine Vision Processing ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.080
Radiation Physics VO 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.10.060
Radiation Protection 1 - Radiation Protection Basic Training Group 1 ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.100
Radiation Protection 1 - Radiation Protection Basic Training Group 2 ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.100
Radiation Protection 1 - Radiation Protection Basic Training Group 3 ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.100
Radiation Protection 1 - Radiation Protection Basic Training Group 4 ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.100
Techniques of Scientific Work ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.110
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Time and Self Management ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.00000.70.550
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 1 including Bachelor Thesis 1 Group 1 SE 2,0 4,0 B3.06700.30.140
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 1 including Bachelor Thesis 1 Group 2 SE 2,0 4,0 B3.06700.30.140
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 1 including Bachelor Thesis 1 Group 3 SE 2,0 4,0 B3.06700.30.140
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 1 including Bachelor Thesis 1 Group 4 SE 2,0 4,0 B3.06700.30.140
Professional Ethics ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.30.130
Job-specific Pathology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.30.010
Digital Image Processing 2 - Deepening Group 1 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.30.020
Digital Image Processing 2 - Deepening Group 2 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.30.020
Digital Image Processing 2 - Deepening Group 3 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.30.020
DL and Angiography: Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 1 UE 1,0 1,5 B3.06700.30.040
DL and Angiography: Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 2 UE 1,0 1,5 B3.06700.30.040
DL and Angiography: Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 3 UE 1,0 1,5 B3.06700.30.040
DL and Angiography: Investigations and Interventions VO 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.30.030
Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Research (Basic) ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.00000.80.170
Nuclear Medicine - Applied Exercise (Skills Lab) Group 1 UE 1,0 1,5 B3.06700.30.100
Nuclear Medicine - Applied Exercise (Skills Lab) Group 2 UE 1,0 1,5 B3.06700.30.100
Nuclear Medicine - Applied Exercise (Skills Lab) Group 3 UE 1,0 1,5 B3.06700.30.100
Nuclear Medicine - Physics and Technology VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.30.080
Nuclear Medicine - Investigations and Therapy VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.30.090
Professional Communication Techniques in a Professional Context SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.30.120
Sonography - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 1 UE 1,5 2,5 B3.06700.30.070
Sonography - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 2 UE 1,5 2,5 B3.06700.30.070
Sonography - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 3 UE 1,5 2,5 B3.06700.30.070
Sonography - Physics and Technology VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.30.051
Sonography - Investigations and Interventions ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.30.060
Radiation Protection 3 - Clinical Application of unsealed Radioactive Substances Group 1 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.30.110
Radiation Protection 3 - Clinical Application of unsealed Radioactive Substances Group 2 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.30.110
Radiation Protection 3 - Clinical Application of unsealed Radioactive Substances Group 3 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.30.110
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Academic Writing SE 2,0 3,0 B3.00000.70.650
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Thesis Preparatory Seminar - Bachelor Thesis 2 Group 1 SE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.110
Bachelor Thesis Preparatory Seminar - Bachelor Thesis 2 Group 2 SE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.110
Internship 3 BOPR 0,0 9,0 B3.06700.50.090
Digital Image Processing 3 - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 1 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.160
Digital Image Processing 3 - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 2 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.160
Multimodal Management and Innovations in Radiology ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.040
Multi Professional Team - Leadership ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.060
Quality- and Process Management VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.050
Radiation Oncology - Radiation Treatment Planning 2 Group 1 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.030
Radiation Oncology - Radiation Treatment Planning 2 Group 2 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.030
Radiation Oncology - Radiation Treatment Planning 2 Group 3 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.030
Legal Basics for Health Professions VO 1,5 1,5 B3.00000.70.180
Internship Reflection 3 Group 1 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Internship Reflection 3 Group 2 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Internship Reflection 3 Group 3 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Internship Reflection 3 Group 4 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Internship Reflection 3 Group 5 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Internship Reflection 3 Group 6 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Radiological Pathologies ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.010
Technical Quality Assurance Group 1 UE 0,5 0,5 B3.06700.50.020
Technical Quality Assurance Group 2 UE 0,5 0,5 B3.06700.50.020
Technical Quality Assurance Group 3 UE 0,5 0,5 B3.06700.50.020
Technical Quality Assurance Group 4 UE 0,5 0,5 B3.06700.50.020
Technical Quality Assurance Group 5 UE 0,5 0,5 B3.06700.50.020
Teleradiology - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 1 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.150
Teleradiology - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) Group 2 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.150
Social Interaction with severely ill and dying Patients SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.080
Compulsory optional subject: Wahlpflichtfach/ Elective CourseTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Optional Subject - Bussiness Formation/Entrepreneurship SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.140
Optional Subject - Sonography in-depth study SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.120
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
General Pathology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.00000.80.130
Internship 1 BOPR 0,0 10,0 B3.06700.20.090
CT - Physics and Technology VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.20.051
CT - Post Processing and Image Analysis Group 1 UE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.20.070
CT - Post Processing and Image Analysis Group 2 UE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.20.070
CT - Post Processing and Image Analysis Group 3 UE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.20.070
CT - Investigations and Interventions Group 1 ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.060
CT - Investigations and Interventions Group 2 ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.060
CT - Investigations and Interventions Group 3 ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.060
Digital Imaging 1 VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.20.040
Projection Radiography - Shooting Technique 2 including Breast Diagnostics Group 1 ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.030
Projection Radiography - Shooting Technique 2 including Breast Diagnostics Group 2 ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.030
Projection Radiography - Shooting Technique 2 including Breast Diagnostics Group 3 ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.030
Internship Reflection 1 Group 1 SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.100
Internship Reflection 1 Group 2 SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.100
Imaging Anatomy Group 1 ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.010
Imaging Anatomy Group 2 ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.010
Imaging Anatomy Group 3 ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.010
Radiobiology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.20.020
Radiation Protection 2 - Diagnostic use X-ray and Gamma Radiation Group 1 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.080
Radiation Protection 2 - Diagnostic use X-ray and Gamma Radiation Group 2 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.080
Radiation Protection 2 - Diagnostic use X-ray and Gamma Radiation Group 3 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.080
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Internship 2 BOPR 0,0 12,0 B3.06700.40.090
MRT - Physics and Technology VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.40.011
MRT - Post Processing and Image Analysis Group 1 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.40.030
MRT - Post Processing and Image Analysis Group 2 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.40.030
MRT - Post Processing and Image Analysis Group 3 UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.40.030
MRT - Investigations and Interventions Group 1 ILV 4,0 4,0 B3.06700.40.020
MRT - Investigations and Interventions Group 2 ILV 4,0 4,0 B3.06700.40.020
MRT - Investigations and Interventions Group 3 ILV 4,0 4,0 B3.06700.40.020
Radiation Oncology - Applied Exercises and Patient Management (Skills Lap) Group 1 UE 1,5 2,0 B3.06700.40.060
Radiation Oncology - Applied Exercises and Patient Management (Skills Lap) Group 2 UE 1,5 2,0 B3.06700.40.060
Radiation Oncology - Applied Exercises and Patient Management (Skills Lap) Group 3 UE 1,5 2,0 B3.06700.40.060
Radiation Oncology - Radiation Treatment Planning 1 Group 1 ILV 1,5 2,0 B3.06700.40.070
Radiation Oncology - Radiation Treatment Planning 1 Group 2 ILV 1,5 2,0 B3.06700.40.070
Radiation Oncology - Physics and Technology VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.40.040
Radiation Oncology - Tumor Pathology and Therapy Concepts VO 3,5 4,0 B3.06700.40.050
Internship Reflection 2 Group 1 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.40.100
Internship Reflection 2 Group 2 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.40.100
Internship Reflection 2 Group 3 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.40.100
Internship Reflection 2 Group 4 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.40.100
Internship Reflection 2 Group 5 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.40.100
Radiation Protection 4 - Therapeutic application of ionized Radiation Group 1 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.40.080
Radiation Protection 4 - Therapeutic application of ionized Radiation Group 2 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.40.080
Radiation Protection 4 - Therapeutic application of ionized Radiation Group 3 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.40.080
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 2 including Bachelor Thesis 2 Group 1 SE 1,0 4,0 B3.06700.60.050
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 2 including Bachelor Thesis 2 Group 2 SE 1,0 4,0 B3.06700.60.050
Internship 4 BOPR 0,0 21,0 B3.06700.60.030
Professional Law for Radiological Technologists VO 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.070
Health Care and Public Health VO 2,0 2,0 B3.00000.80.150
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B3.06700.60.060
Internship Reflection 4 Group 1 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040
Internship Reflection 4 Group 2 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040
Internship Reflection 4 Group 3 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040
Internship Reflection 4 Group 4 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040
Internship Reflection 4 Group 5 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040
Internship Reflection 4 Group 6 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Anatomical and Physiological Bases VO 4,0 4,0 B3.00000.70.110
Job-specific Anatomy VO 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.130
Data Processing in Medicine and Telecommunications ILV 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.10.020
English for Radiological Technologists SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.011
Basics of Hospital Hygiene VO 1,0 1,0 B3.00000.70.120
Contrast Agents and Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.10.030
Medical Terminology and Classification VO 2,0 2,0 B3.00000.70.100
Emergency Measures SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.050
Pharmacology and Toxicology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.040
Presentation Techniques ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.120
Projection Radiography - Physics and Technology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.071
Projection Radiography - Projection Teaching and Recording Technology 1 ILV 3,5 4,0 B3.06700.10.090
Projection Radiography - Radiological and Machine Vision Processing ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.080
Radiation Physics VO 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.10.060
Radiation Protection 1 - Radiation Protection Basic Training ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.10.100
Techniques of Scientific Work ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.10.110
Optional subjectTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
First Aid UE 1,0 1,0 B3.00000.70.200
Time and Self Management ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.00000.70.550
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Thesis Preparatory Seminar - Bachelor Thesis 2 SE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.110
Internship 3 BOPR 0,0 9,0 B3.06700.50.090
Professional Law for Radiological Technologists VO 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.070
Digital Image Processing 3 - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.160
Multimodal Management and Innovations in Radiology ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.040
Multi Professional Team - Leadership ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.060
Quality- and Process Management VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.050
Radiation Oncology - Radiation Treatment Planning 2 ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.030
Legal Basics for Health Professions VO 1,5 1,5 B3.00000.70.180
Internship Reflection 3 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.50.100
Radiological Pathologies ILV 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.010
Technical Quality Assurance UE 0,5 0,5 B3.06700.50.020
Teleradiology - Applied Exercises (Skills Lab) UE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.50.150
Social Interaction with severely ill and dying Patients SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.080
Compulsory optional subject: Wahlpflichtfach/ Elective CourseTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Optional Subject - Bussiness Formation/Entrepreneurship SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.140
Optional Subject - Sonography in-depth study SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.120
Wahlpflichtfach/Elective subject - Intercultural awareness and communication skills SE 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.50.131
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
General Pathology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.00000.80.130
Internship 1 BOPR 0,0 10,0 B3.06700.20.090
CT - Physics and Technology VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.20.051
CT - Post Processing and Image Analysis UE 1,0 2,0 B3.06700.20.070
CT - Investigations and Interventions ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.060
Digital Imaging 1 VO 1,5 1,5 B3.06700.20.040
Projection Radiography - Shooting Technique 2 including Breast Diagnostics ILV 2,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.030
Internship Reflection 1 SE 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.100
Imaging Anatomy ILV 3,0 3,0 B3.06700.20.010
Radiobiology VO 2,0 2,0 B3.06700.20.020
Radiation Protection 2 - Diagnostic use X-ray and Gamma Radiation ILV 1,0 1,0 B3.06700.20.080
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Thesis accompanying Seminar 2 including Bachelor Thesis 2 SE 1,0 4,0 B3.06700.60.050
Internship 4 BOPR 0,0 21,0 B3.06700.60.030
Health Care and Public Health VO 2,0 2,0 B3.00000.80.150
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B3.06700.60.060
Internship Reflection 4 SE 0,5 1,0 B3.06700.60.040

Job & Career

Graduates are qualified for professional work in public and private health care institutions, in rehabilitation facilities, science and research institutions, in facilities of industry and commerce as well as in veterinary medical facilities.

The versatile range of tasks includes examinations and therapies, equipment technology, patient management, organisation, procurement, interdisciplinary cooperation, IT in medicine, documentation, radiation protection, quality management.

Graduates of the study programme in radiological technology are entitled to use the professional title "radiological technologist" in accordance with § 10 para. 1 no. 3 of the Federal Act on the Regulation of Higher Medical-Technical Services (MTD Act), Federal Law Gazette No. 460(1992 as amended).

Radiological technologists can pursue further studies after their Bachelor's degree. On the website of the Austrian Professional Association for Radiological Technology, for example, you will find a small selection of current opportunities in the university sector:


Career Profiles

Tina Rosskopf

Das Radiologietechnologie-Studium führte Tina Rosskopf von Tamsweg nach Klagenfurt

René Schranzer

Neuroimaging, Max-Planck Institut


More Radiologic Technology

Faculty and Staff - Radiologic Technology

Head of Degree Program Radiologic Technology

 Evelin Haimburger, MSc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3540

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Student Support Services
 Anja Drabosenig
+43 (0)5 90500-3505

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Diana Holbura, BA MA MHC
+43 (0)5 90500-3401

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Lisa Krenn
+43 (0)5 90500-3506

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Staff Services & Support Department
 Ines Tanja Grud, BA MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3504

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Daniela Josefine Lindner, BA MA
Senior Lecturer1


 Michaela Gollner, MSc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3543

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Viktoria Scariano, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3545

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Anna Suppnig, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3544

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer1
 Uschi Halbreiner, BSc BSc BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3528

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Rudolf Janz, M.Ed.
+43 (0)5 90500-3411

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

 Eithne Knappitsch
Professur für Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention Priv.-Doz. Mag.a

 Eva Mir
+43 (0)5 90500-4126

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Part-time Lecturer

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.

 Thomas Kau
 Harald Kogelbauer, BSc MSc
 Birgit Lippe, M.Sc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3542

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Dr. med. univ.

 Christine Orasch-Kollegger

Dr. med.

 Manuel Taschwer, B.A.
 Christian Michael Werhounig, BSc
 Lisa-Marie Wiester, BSc

Campus & Anreise

Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße

The capital of Carinthia has numerous events and sights all year round. Whether the World Bodypainting Festival, Ironman Austria, major concerts in the Wörthersee Stadium, open air cinema in the Burghof or the magical Christmas market during Advent - there is always something going on here.

The campus in St. Veiterstraße in Klagenfurt is characterised by short distances. The FH building is located in the immediate vicinity of the city centre and is directly on the grounds of the clinic. In addition, green spaces make it possible to spend time at the university in a pleasant atmosphere.

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße and the Ärztehaus on a 360° Tour.

Coming from Villach or Wolfsberg: Take the A 2 South Motorway, bypass Klagenfurt Nord and take the exit Klagenfurt Nord/ Feldkirchen. Drive south on the Feldkirchner-Straße - towards the city. Follow the road until you reach St. Veiter Ring and turn left. Turn left at the St. Veiter Straße intersection and after approx. 600 m select the entrance to the Landeskrankenhaus site on the left-hand side. Our university building is on the left side.

Coming from St. Veit: Take the S37 directly onto St. Veiter Straße. Follow the road until you reach the entrance to the grounds of the Landeskrankenhaus on the right-hand side. Our university building is on the left-hand side.


Coming from Klagenfurt main station: When you leave the station building, turn left towards the bus station. Lines 40 and 41 of the Klagenfurt public utility company will take you to our building.  Distance: about 2,5 km. Walking time: approx. 25 minutes. 

Coming from the bus station -Heiligengeistplatz: The bus lines 40 and 41 of the Klagenfurt public utility company will bring you to our building.  Distance: about 1,2 km. 


Go on foot - discover the city! 

Coming from the bus station - Heiligengeistplatz: Walk east on Wiesbadener-Str. towards Neuer Platz and keep right. Turn left into Kramergasse, cross Alter Platz and continue along Wiener Gasse to Heuplatz.  Cross the Heuplatz and continue on the St. Veiter Straße. After about 600 m you will find the entrance to the grounds of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital on the left-hand side. Our building is located on the left side of the street.  Walking time: approx. 15 min.

Our building is number 24 on the site plan of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital.


St. Veiter Straße 47
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

+43 5 90500 3501

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße on a 360° Tour.