Professionelle Kompetenz:

Reflektierte Haltung und Methoden- kompetenz für die professionelle sexualpädagogische Arbeit





€ 5.590,-- 


2 Semester

Geplanter Start

Oktober 2025


Info-Veranstaltung "Sexualpädagogik & sexuelle Bildung"


  • Freitag, 28. März 2025, 18:00 Uhr, ONLINE via ZOOM

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Aus organisatorischen Gründen (Zugangslink zu Zoom) bitten wir um Anmeldung zur Info-Veranstaltung per Mail an: 


Sexual pedagogy and sexual education - certificate course

Sexual pedagogy and sexual education

Sexuality is an important cross-cutting issue in work with people, from childhood through adolescence to old age, for people with or without disabilities and for all genders. However, since in our post-modern, pluralistic societies it is no longer possible to assume generally accepted values and norms, this also results in considerable uncertainty in dealing with sexuality. Generational and cultural differences between professionals in the field of social education or counseling and the addressees can also contribute to uncertainty. Dealing with sexuality therefore places special demands on pedagogical and counseling professionals.

Graduates of the university course acquire the necessary professional basics and methodological competences to develop and implement sexual education offers for different target groups in different settings. The educational goal is to become more articulate and self-confident in sexual matters and to be able to move confidently and behave appropriately in the professional field with regard to sexuality.

The university course is conducted in cooperation with the German Institute for Sexual Education (isp).


Info & contact

Your contact person

For questions about the study contact:


Mag.a (FH) Daniela Pluch
Administration & Management CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4312

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Level of qualification
Certificate course


Teaching units


Introductory price:
€ 5.490,- Euro for the whole training (plus ÖH-fee) - the price does not include meals and overnight stays.


€ 24,70 / Semester (indexangepasst)

Duration of studies
2 semesters, 8 modules


Form of organization


Teaching language



Jahrgang 2025:

  • Start: 16. Oktober 2025


  •     Freitag, 28. März 2025, 18:00 Uhr, ONLINE via ZOOM, aus organisatorischen Gründen (Zugangslink zu Zoom) bitten wir um Anmeldung zur Info-Veranstaltung per Mail an: c.moser[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at


Für Mitarbeiter*innen der öffentlichen KJH, der KJH-Träger und aus dem Bereich Chancengleichheit gibt es Fördermöglichkeiten durch das Land Kärnten. Die Abteilung Kinderschutz steht Ihnen für Fragen zur Verfügung:

Sabrina Felscher, MA
Fachstelle Kinderschutz
+43 (0) 50536 – 14622


Bildungsförderung für berufliche Weiterbildung Land Kärnten 

Aim & Content

The aim of the university course in sexual education and sexual pedagogy is to acquire theoretical and professional competencies in the field of sexual education and sexual pedagogy. This involves dealing with sexuality as a positive aspect of being human, the promotion of sexual self-determination, sexual rights and sexual health, as well as prevention and intervention in cases of sexualized violence and sexual violations of boundaries.


The certificate course comprises 8 modules with a total of 18.5 ECTS spread over 2 semesters. The focus is on the following core areas:
  • Introduction sexual pedagogy and sexual education
  • Body and sexual education
  • Sexual biography, methodical basics of sexual pedagogic counseling
  • Aspects of sexual science and sexuality in the life course
  • Gender identities and sexual orientations
  • Sexuality and violence, law and child protection
  • Multiple forms of expression of sexuality - senses and sensuality
  • Final module - practical project, project presentation and final colloquium


What distinguishes the university course in sexual pedagogy and sexual education?

  • Observation of at least 2 teaching units in the field of sexual education: The aim is to get to know and experience regional networks, different fields of activity and the specific work of institutions.
  • Professional exchange and reflection on the conception of a sexual education project within a small learning group (max. 5 persons) in close supervision and consultation by a lecturer of the isp.
  • Supervision of the students through team teaching with 2 teachers
  • Extensive and constantly updated working material in the form of specialized texts, methods and worksheets as well as literature, media and material lists
  • Networking with people from the field of sexual education, politics, the social and educational system as well as various fields of work and activity and with the German-speaking sexual education community
  • Design of educational processes through diverse methods on a cognitive, multi-sensory as well as interactive level.
  • Reflection on one's own socialization and educational processes, one's own values and moral concepts with regard to sexuality and their influence on sexual education work.
  • Basic information and reflection on group dynamic processes within the course as well as in sexual education work with groups.
  • Continuous development of attitudes
  • isp-teaching team with many years of experience in various fields of work and action


Organization & Dates

The certificate course is conducted in cooperation with the deutschen Institut für Sexualpädagogik. This is organized on a part-time basis and takes place at the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia, Campus Feldkirchen. Block courses enable the combination of study and work:


Planned start of course: October 2023

Application deadline: 31.07.2023

Block dates 1st semester (WS 2023):
full day (approx. 8:00 - 17:00)

Module 1: 05-07.10.2023
Module 2: 07.-09.12.2023
Module 3: 25.-29.01.2024 - takes place externally (in Carinthia)
Module 4: 22.-24.02.2024

Block dates 2nd semester (SS 2024):
full day (approx. 8:00 - 17:00)

Module 5: 18.-20.04.2024
Module 6: 23.-25.05.2024 and 08.06.2024
Module 7: 12.-15.06.2024 - takes place externally (in Carinthia)
Final module: 05.-07.09.2024

Location: University of Applied Sciences Carinthia, Campus Feldkirchen, Hauptplatz 12, 9560 Feldkirchen
2 block dates will take place at an external venue (within Carinthia).


Team of speakers:

  • Kathrin Brönstrup
  • Marcel Franke
  • Christine Hofstätter (technical management)
  • Sven Neumann
  • Jörg Nitschke

Here you can find more information about Referent*innen und dem Institut für Sexualpädagogik Deutschland.




  • Relevant specialized training in the field of social work or social sciences, health care, education or training, and
  • an opportunity to practice in the context of full-time or voluntary employment in an organization that works with children, young people or adults, or
  • a relevant activity as a freelancer or self-employed person.

The university course in sexual pedagogy and sexual education is aimed at professionals who want to qualify themselves for a professional approach to the topic of sexuality in their educational, social work and/or counseling work.


For an application we need:

  • Application form
  • current curriculum vitae with photo
  • proof of completed education
  • proof of citizenship

Application deadline:Applications are already possible!


Team Mag.a Ruth Hechtl
Scientific Director


+43 5 90500 4223

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Mag.a (FH) Christine Hofstätter
Prfessional Director



isp - Institut für Sexualpädagogik
Wien / Klagenfurt / Koblenz

Dr. Karlheinz Valtl
Scientific advisory board

Institute for Educational Sciences at the University of Vienna, Advisory Board of the Society for Sexual Education (gsp)

Mag.a Alexandra Liegl 
Head of CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4311

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Mag.a (FH) Daniela Pluch
Administration & Management CUAS Academy

+43 5 90500 4312

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten