Master Session ONLINE


In the "Master Session ONLINE" on Monday, April 7th, 2025, from 4 - 7 p.m. CET, you will receive valuable information about all master's degree programs and courses at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). These will be presented in 30-minute time slots each. 

HERE you can register for the info session on your desired study program or course.  

Participation is free of charge and without obligation.

Sozialwissenschaft trifft Technik | MASTER | INTERVIEW

Disability, Diversity & Digitalisierung - Masterstudium

Shaping the Future: the Master's Program in Disability, Diversity & Digitalization

The future is inclusive and digital! Do you want to play an active role in shaping it? The Master’s program “Disability, Diversity & Digitalization” (DDD) at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) equips you with the knowledge and skills to promote diversity in our society and make digitalization accessible.

The DDD Master’s program is designed to train experts in developing effective digitalization strategies. The core focus is the interdisciplinary cross-section of digital competencies and expertise in the (reflective) social sciences and ethics. Course topics include, for instance, “Ethics and Human Rights in the Age of Digitalization,” “Development and Application of Digital Assistance Systems,” and “Augmentative and Alternative Communication.”

The interdisciplinary curriculum combines theoretical foundations with application-oriented projects. Students acquire comprehensive knowledge in inclusion, accessibility, and diversity management while learning to integrate social and technical perspectives. These skills are applied to the development and implementation of assistive technologies.

One of the highlights of the Disability, Diversity & Digitalization Master’s program is its close integration of theory and practice. Students engage in real-world projects in collaboration with partners from various companies, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Through this hands-on experience, they gain not only technical expertise but also essential social and communication skills critical to professional success.

  • Disability and Diversity Studies as central focus of the program
  • In-depth knowledge of the interconnections between disability, diversity, and digitalization
  • Expertise in designing and implementing inclusive assistance concepts
  • Essential knowledge in the field of assistive technologies
  • Ethics and Technology Assessment: The ability to critically and constructively accompany the development and use of digital technologies, evaluating their opportunities and risks for people with disabilities and other marginalized groups
  • Individual specialization through four elective modules: Disability, Diversity & Digitalization in “Art and Culture,” “Social and Educational Systems,” “Aging,” and “the Work Environment”
  • Practice-oriented teaching that combines theoretical learning with real-world applications
  • Flexible, work-friendly study model: The DDD Master’s program offers a study model that can be tailored to your individual needs.
    On-Campus Learning (20-25%): Each semester includes an intensive block week held in person at the CUAS Klagenfurt (Primoschgasse) Campus. During this time, you will meet your peers and instructors face-to-face, build connections, and expand your compentencies through interactive workshops and seminars.
    Online-Learning (75-80%): In addition to the on-campus block week, online learning is conducted in intensive sessions twice a month, distributed across the following days and time slots:
    Thursday: 4:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    Friday: 2:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    Saturday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
    Self-Study: In addition, self-study plays a significant role in the DDD Master’s program, allowing students to independently deepen their understanding of the material covered in the courses.

The challenges we currently face require creative and interdisciplinary approaches. The DDD Master’s program offers you the opportunity to acquire valuable skills that are in high demand across various professional fields. From social work and public administration to business and technology, the career prospects are diverse and future-oriented.

Digital solutions and assistive systems are already utilized in the social and healthcare sectors, private environments, and the workplace. Developing these systems demands interdisciplinary research and development led by comprehensively trained specialists.
Graduates of the Disability, Diversity & Digitalization (DDD) Master’s program possess digital competencies, including elemental knowledge of technical assistive systems and programming, extensive expertise in social and cultural sciences, as well as management skills.
Students gain a broad understanding of the applications of digital assistive systems and contribute to their user-centered development. At the same time, Disability and Diversity Studies form the core academic focus of the DDD program, bridging technology and socio-cultural innovation.

By combining social and cultural knowledge and skills (75% of the program) with technical expertise (25%), the DDD Master's program achieves a well-balanced interdisciplinary approach. Key features of the program include the interdisciplinary exchange between social, cultural, and technical disciplines, as well as an international dimension in one English-taught semester.

A key aim of the program is to train experts capable of "translating" social perspectives into technical culture and practice, integrating them into the development and application of assistive technologies, for instance in the field of social robotics. Approaches from socio-technology and technology assessment play a significant role in this context. The module "Digital Foundations and Competencies" focuses on this key area and includes a laboratory course, the "Disability & Diversity Skills Lab," spanning two semesters. The module "Research and Development" is integrated throughout the program, deepening the analytical and practical focus through independent project and development work. These projects are based on the inclusive, participatory approaches to science and research acquired in the program. The modules "Critical Disability & Diversity Studies" and "Ethics and Human Rights in the Digital Age" provide the core social and cultural theoretical foundations of the Master's program in DDD.

Participatory approaches to science and research are a central focus throughout the curriculum. Aspects based on social sciences and dialogue are continuously emphasized, whether in defining ethical standards for digital business models, designing assistive technologies for specific applications, or considering gender-specific perspectives such as the "digital gender gap." Students evaluate their scientific approaches and digital solutions in diverse practical contexts to assess their applicability. An interdisciplinary problem-solving project, such as a disability management strategy or a project to enable digital participation of older adults, may serve as the subject of the Master's thesis. This thesis can be developed in collaboration with (social) companies.

The DDD Master’s program targets graduates from social, health, and economic sciences who wish to engage with digital technologies in the context of disability and diversity agendas, as well as graduates of technical programs who wish to expand their portfolio with expertise in the social and cultural sciences. The program’s core teachings include exploring the potential of new technologies, addressing potential exclusion, and examining ethical questions and human rights in the context of comprehensive digitalization.
The employment-friendly format of the program features 80% online teaching as well as phases of self-directed study, and offers a high degree of flexibility.

As Disability, Diversity, and Digitalization alumni, diverse career prospects in forward-thinking and socially significant fields will be open to you:

  • Inclusion and Diversity Consulting: Support companies, institutions, and organizations in developing inclusive and diversity-sensitive strategies and training programs.
  • Consulting on Assistive Technologies: Advise on the use and customization of digital tools to ensure accessible participation.
  • Assessment of Digital Technologies from the ethical and Technology Assessment perspectives: Work on projects and in committees addressing ethical questions and the societal impact of digital innovations.
  • Development of Accessible Digital Solutions: Design and implement digital products and applications that facilitate access for persons with various sensory and motoric disabilities, chronic illnesses, language barriers, neurodiversity, and more.
  • Project Management in Social Innovation and Inclusive Digitalization: Lead projects that promote societal change through digital inclusion.

These fields of activity apply in various professional fields, such as:

  • Institutions supporting people with disabilities and the social economy
  • Companies and organizations across all industries focusing on diversity and inclusion
  • Research and academia, to further develop insights and share knowledge
  • Self-employment, for example as consultant or developer of inclusive technologies

With this qualification, you are exceptionally well-prepared to shape the digital transformation in a socially responsible and inclusive manner across different industries and sectors.

Do you want to shape organizations that value and promote employee diversity? The Diversity & Inclusion Management (DIM) program at CUAS creates experts in practical inclusion! Learn how to recognize and integrate different perspectives and needs to unlock the full potential of your employees. The DIM program provides hands-on knowledge and practical skills for effective Diversity & Inclusion Management. Join us in shaping a work environment where everyone feels valued and thrives!

Are You Interested?

Take the first step toward your career in Disability, Diversity & Digitalization – Apply now!
The DDD program team is happy to provide you with more information. Feel free to contact us directly to learn more: ddd[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at

Application deadline

Winterterm 2025
Period I: 01.11.-15.03.2025
Period II: 16.03.-15.05.2025
Period III: 16.05.-15.07.2025
Period IV: 16.07.-30.09.2025* 

For applicants from outside Europe applications are only accepted within Period I.

*We reserve the right not to open the period or to close it early!

Study start

The semester starts in October - we only offer intake in winterterm!

The start of lectures can be found in the individual timetable which is available after enrollment.

Teaching time

One block week per semester takes place in presence at our Campus in Klagenfurt (Primoschgasse).

Classes take place appr. twice a month and are distributed among the following days and time slots:

Thursday: 16:30 - 21:30

Friday: 14:30 - 21:30

Saturday: 08:30 - 16:00


Study Guidance

Book your personal appointment right now!

You can find out more about our advisory services, events and fairs on our website.

Further information

Language of Instruction: German
Minimum of B2, stated by either
-DAF ("Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
-ÖSD ("Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch)
-GOETHE Sprachinstitut

Admission requirements:
Please note that foreign educational documents in some cases need to be legalized as well as translated in order to apply. More information can be found in our official application guideline

Online-Infosession buchen

Unsere Online-Infosession bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich umfassend über das Studium Disability, Diversity & Digitalisierung zu informieren. Entdecken Sie die spannenden Studieninhalte und gewinnen Sie neue Perspektiven. Zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit einer Lehrperson des Studiengangs auszutauschen. Mag.a habil. Susanne Dungs
Studiengangsleitung Disability & Diversity Studies, Professur für Ethik und Sozialphilosophie

+43 5 90500 4225




Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Bei Fragen zum Studium kontaktieren Sie:


Level of qualification
ECTS credits
Tuition fees
€ 363.36 / semester
Qualification awarded
  • Master of Arts in Social Sciences
Duration of study
4 semester
ÖH (Austrian Student Union) fee
€ 25.20 / semester
Language of instruction
FH campus
  • Klagenfurt

General Study Information









Study & Work

With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!

Study & Work for full-time students

  • Extent of employment: marginally up to 8h / week possible
  • Timetable: Some degree courses are organized so that Monday is a day off.

Study & Work for part-time students

  • Scope of employment: part-time up to max. 20h / week possible
  • The timetable is organized in a work-friendly way (lectures at the end of the day, weekend, blocked or online).


Profil des Studiengangs

Technologien als Chance – Diversity als Basis

Durch das Masterstudium DDD werden vielfältige Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen im Feld der digitalen Transformation vermittelt und mit den Agenden von Disability und Diversity verbunden. Diese Themenstellung richtet sich auf den sozialen Sektor, aber auch andere Sektoren der Gesellschaft sind von einer umfassenden Digitalisierung gekennzeichnet, wie das Bildungs- und Gesundheitswesen sowie die Arbeitswelt insgesamt. Die Corona-Pandemie hat diese Digitalisierung zusätzlich angeschoben.

Das Masterstudium DDD vermittelt demzufolge sowohl Expertisen aus den Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften und dem Disability- und Diversity-Management, als auch aus den technischen Wissenschaften. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Entwicklung und Implementierung Assistiver Technologien und den damit verbundenen Entwickler*innen-Nutzer*innen-Dialogen. Es handelt sich dabei um Technikentwicklungen, die der umfassenden Barrierefreiheit dienen. Gerade sie plausibilisieren die inhaltliche Verbindung des Studiengangs mit den Disability und Diversity Studies. Einerseits gilt die fachliche Aufmerksamkeit neuen Zugangshürden, die durch Digitalisierung entstehen, andererseits dem Abbau von Barrieren durch unterschiedliche Formen digitaler Assistenzsysteme.

Die Studienanforderungen sind die folgenden:

  • Interesse an der sozialwissenschaftlichen und interdisziplinären Auseinandersetzung mit Chancen und Herausforderungen der umfassenden Digitalisierung in allen Lebens- und Arbeitsbereichen;
  • Interesse an sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und ihren Themenstellungen;  
  • Freude am Erwerb digitaler Grundlagen und Kompetenzen (Arbeiten mit Rechnern, programmiersprachliche Konzepte, einfaches Programmieren);
  • Bereitschaft, sich kritisch-konstruktiv mit der Entwicklung von Assistiven Technologien auseinanderzusetzen und sich mit dem breiten Spektrum ihrer Einsatzmöglichkeiten und ihrem Beitrag zu einer inklusiven Gesellschaft vertraut zu machen;
  • Beschäftigung mit Technikfolgen im gesellschaftlichen Gefüge (Technology-Assessment);
  • Spaß am Aufsetzen von kreativen und innovativen Konzepten und Lösungen, die partizipativ angelegt sind und Entwickler*innen-Nutzer*innen-Dialogen eine große Bedeutung beimessen.

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Masterstudiengangs Disability, Diversity und Digitalisierung verfügen Absolvent*innen über folgende Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse:

  • Fachwissenschaftliche und methodische Kompetenzen – hier stehen einerseits Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften (Critical Disability und Diversity Studies) und andererseits digitale Grundlagen und Kompetenzen (aus der Informatik) im Zentrum sowie deren soziotechnische Verknüpfung. Dazu gehört auch der Umgang mit der breiten IT-Palette und Beratung zu ihrer Nutzung (Technikberatung) einschließlich des Umgangs mit Informationen und Daten (Datenschutz). Im Rahmen der „21st century skills“ wird dies als „Digital literacy skills“ bezeichnet.
  • Aktivitäts- und umsetzungsorientierte Kompetenzen – um in unternehmerischen, organisationalen und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen wirkungsvoll zu sein, verfügen die Absolvent*innen über eine ganzheitliche Auffassungsgabe und können in komplexen Situationen adäquat handeln sowie auf vielfältige Lösungsmöglichkeiten zugreifen.
  • Betroffenenkontrollierte,nutzer*innenorientierte, partizipative & gemeinwesennahe Ansätze – in die jeweiligen Zusammenhänge und die sich darin stellenden Anforderungen ausgewählt einbetten.  
  • Fähigkeit zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und Forschen – die Absolvent*innen sind befähigt, eigenständige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten / Forschung durchzuführen bzw. vorliegende Literatur und Studien differenziert zu nutzen.
  • Soziale und Selbstkompetenzen – Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung, auch in interdisziplinären Kontexten und mit diversen Zielgruppen; Personale Kompetenzen: respektvoller Umgang mit Anderen und eine Haltung der Offenheit.
  • Ethische Prinzipien und gesellschaftliches Engagement – Die Absolvent*innen können ihr professionelles Handeln vor dem Hintergrund von Disability und Diversity sowie allgemeiner ethischer Prinzipien reflektiert begründen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechtsdokumente treten sie für eine Verbesserung menschlicher Lebensbedingungen sowie Teilhabe aller an der Gesellschaft ein.

Current courses - Disability, Diversity & Digitalization

LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Active Ageing SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.280
Assistive und digitale Handlungsfelder im Alter (Assistive and digital fields of action in old age) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.260
Assistive und digitale Handlungsfelder in der Arbeitswelt (Assistive and digital fields of action in the world of work) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.300
Demografischer Wandel - politische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte in internationaler Perspektive (Demographic change - political and economical considerations in an international perspective) SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.290
Demografischer Wandel und digitalisierte Arbeitswelten in Österreich (Demographic change and digitalized working environments in Austria) SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.270
Disability und Diversity Management in Organisationen und Unternehmen (Disability and Diversity Management in organisations and companies) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.310
Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Intercultural Communication) Group A SE 3,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.240
Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Intercultural Communication) Group B SE 3,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.240
Internationale Perspektiven des Disability- und Diversity-Managements in der digitalisierten Welt (InternationalInternational Perspectives of Disabil SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.330
Human-machine interactions in digital assistance systems ILV 2,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.220
Migration, ethnische und kulturelle Vielfalt (Migration, ethnic and cultural Diversity) SE 2,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.230
Quantitative evaluation methods in interdisciplinary projects ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.210
Soziale Gerechtigkeit im digitalen Wandel (Social Justice in the Context of Digital Change) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.250
Unternehmensmodelle im Kontext von Disability, Diversity & Digitalisierung (Business models in the context of Disability, Diversity & digitalization) SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.320
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Research Project Conclusion and Presentation of Results Group A ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.40.320
Research Project Conclusion and Presentation of Results Group B ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.40.320
Gender and Technology ILV 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.330
Master's Thesis MT 0,0 20,0 M3.08850.40.340
Master's Colloquium Group 1 KO 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.360
Master's Colloquium Group 2 KO 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.360
Master's Colloquium Group 3 KO 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.360
Master's Colloquium Group 4 KO 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.360
Master's Colloquium Group 5 KO 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.360
Master's Colloquium Group 6 KO 2,0 2,0 M3.08850.40.360
Master's Examination ME 0,0 3,0 M3.08850.40.350
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Active Ageing SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.280
Assistive und digitale Handlungsfelder im Alter (Assistive and digital fields of action in old age) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.260
Assistive und digitale Handlungsfelder in der Arbeitswelt (Assistive and digital fields of action in the world of work) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.300
Demografischer Wandel - politische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte in internationaler Perspektive (Demographic change - political and economical considerations in an international perspective) SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.290
Demografischer Wandel und digitalisierte Arbeitswelten in Österreich (Demographic change and digitalized working environments in Austria) SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.270
Disability und Diversity Management in Organisationen und Unternehmen (Disability and Diversity Management in organisations and companies) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.310
Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Intercultural Communication) SE 3,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.240
Internationale Perspektiven des Disability- und Diversity-Managements in der digitalisierten Welt (InternationalInternational Perspectives of Disabil SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.330
Human-machine interactions in digital assistance systems ILV 2,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.220
Migration, ethnische und kulturelle Vielfalt (Migration, ethnic and cultural Diversity) SE 2,0 4,0 M3.08850.30.230
Quantitative evaluation methods in interdisciplinary projects ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.210
Soziale Gerechtigkeit im digitalen Wandel (Social Justice in the Context of Digital Change) ILV 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.250
Unternehmensmodelle im Kontext von Disability, Diversity & Digitalisierung (Business models in the context of Disability, Diversity & digitalization) SE 2,0 3,0 M3.08850.30.320

Beruf & Karriere

Der Masterstudiengang eröffnet mit seiner fachlichen Kombination äußerst zukunftsträchtige und vielfältige Berufsfelder. Die Arbeit im sozialen Sektor, aber auch im gesamten wirtschaftlichen und gesundheitlichen Bereich, steht angesichts demographischer Entwicklungen, klimatischer Herausforderungen oder gesundheitlicher Krisen vor großen Anforderungen, die eines Zusammenführens unterschiedlicher fachlicher Perspektiven bedürfen, um geeignete Konzepte und Lösungen zu entwickeln. Dabei macht der digitale Wandel vor keinem Bereich – ob beruflich oder privat – Halt und setzt in einer außerordentlichen Geschwindigkeit sowohl inkludierende als auch exkludierende Prozesse in Gang. Die Reflexion dieser Prozesse, aber vor allem die Mitgestaltung innovativer technologischer Entwicklungen in interdisziplinären Handlungsfeldern sind die zukünftigen Tätigkeitsbereiche der Absolvent*innen des Masterstudiums DDD.

Ausgewählte Berufsfelder

  • Produktentwicklung und Technikberatung:
    Nutzer*innenorientierte Entwicklung und Einsatz Assistiver Technologien, Technikberatung zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten Assistiver Technologien (Soziale Robotik, digitale Prothetik)
    Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich Unterstützter Kommunikation / Universal Design

  • Ausbildung, Fort- und Weiterbildung:
    Digitale Wissens- und Kompetenzvermittlung in unterschiedlichen Arbeits- und Lebensbereichen, in Bereichen wie z.B. Gesundheitswesen, Gemeinden, Unternehmen etc.

  • Disability und Diversity Management:
    Abteilungs- und Bereichsleitung in den Bereichen Disability Management und Diversity Management in verschiedensten Unternehmen und Organisationen

  • Lehre und Forschung:
    Wissenschaft und Forschung im Spannungsfeld Digitalisierung und Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, Vermittlung von Fachwissen aus multidisziplinärer Perspektive an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

  • Inklusionspädagogik:
    Beratung von (pädagogischen) Einrichtungen hinsichtlich inklusiver und diversitätssensibler Ansätze, Entwicklung und Begleitung inklusiver Bildungsprojekte

  • Beratung und Consulting:
    Behindertenvertretung, Peer Counceling und Peer Support, assistierende und advokatorische Begleitung von Gleich- und ähnlich Betroffenen, „Persönliche Assistenz“, Unterstützung der Selbstvertretungsbewegungen
    Projektentwicklung und -begleitung im Bereich inklusiver Arbeitswelt, wie z.B. im Rahmen von Fachdiensten für den beruflichen (Wieder-)Einstieg und beruflicher Rehabilitaionsmaßnahmen

  • Geschäftsgründungen in den Bereichen Digital Entrepreneur oder Social Entrepreneur

Mehr DDD

Wir freuen uns, Sie zur Ringvorlesung der Disability & Diversity Studies einzuladen. Die Veranstaltungen finden alle am Campus Klagenfurt – Primoschgasse oder online statt. Anmeldung und Rückfragen unter p.regenfelder-davis[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at

Faculty and Staff - Disability, Diversity & Digitalization

Head of Degree Program Disability & Diversity Studies, Professor of Ethics and political Philosophy Mag.a habil.

 Susanne Dungs
+43 (0)5 90500-4225

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Administration of Studies
 Sonja Nagelschmied, BA
+43 (0)5 90500-3301

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Mag.a (FH)

 Romana Pertl
+43 (0)5 90500-3302

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Student Support Services
 Lisa Krenn
+43 (0)5 90500-3506

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Staff Services & Support Department
 Katja Kitzmüller
+43 (0)5 90500-3104

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professur für Disability und Diversity in Kontexten digitaler Transformation

 Oana Stefana Mitrea, MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3330

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professur für Handlungsfelder der Disability and Diversity Studies

Mag.a phil.

+43 (0)5 90500-3328

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor of Sociology of DDS rer. soc. oec.

 Christine Pichler
+43 (0)5 90500-3326

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Researcher/Lecturer


 Verena Komposch, BA MA
+43 (0)5 90500-3325

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Cosima Mattersdorfer, BA M.A.
+43 (0)5 90500-4128

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Petra Regenfelder-Davis, B.A. M.A.
+43 (0)5 90500-0

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Lecturer of Social Work

FH-Prof. Mag. (FH) Mag. Dr.

 Martin Josef Klemenjak
Lecturer/Senior Researcher

Mag.a (FH) Dr.

 Marika Gruber
Lecturer of English Mag.a

 Sabine Spanz
+43 (0)5 90500-4112

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

FH-Prof. DI Dr.

 Johannes Oberzaucher
+43 (0)5 90500-3234

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Researcher/Lecturer


 Daniela Krainer, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3225

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3266

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Lukas Wohofsky, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3219

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Research Assistant
 Antonia Kranzelbinder, BA MA
+43 (0)5 90500-3327

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Part-time Lecturer
 Katrin Ackerl Konstantin, PhD

FH-Prof. Prof. Dr.

 Sandro Bliemetsrieder

Mag. phil.

 Gloria Bottaro


 Doris Brunner

Arch. DI

 Christine Eder, MSc

Dipl.-Ing. Mag.a

 Isabella Hinterleitner, MSc


 Heidemarie Müller-Riedlhuber, MAS

Campus & Anreise

Campus Primoschgasse

Klagenfurt combines joie de vivre, nature and culture. The city of just over 100,000 inhabitants on Lake Wörthersee is a recreational area that fulfils every wish. Slovenia and Italy are not far away, the mountains are within reach. Klagenfurt's cultural scene is also vibrant, with clubs, stages and museums. The Old Square with its many shops, restaurants and cafés is the centre of city life. The idyllic Lendkanal connects the city with the lake and, like Kreuzbergl, is a popular destination for amateur sportsmen and nature lovers. 
The campus in Primoschgasse has perfect transport connections - a separate bus line stops directly in front of the FH on the Südring. The view from the roof terrace onto the mountain panorama surrounding Klagenfurt offers the perfect space for relaxing breaks.

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–Primoschgasse on a 360° Tour.

coming from the west (from A10, A11) along the southern motorway A2: 
Exit Klagenfurt/Wörthersee (Minimundus), along Südring for about 7 km, turn left at the Südring/Gerberweg intersection (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Standort Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the east along the southern motorway A2: 
Exit Klagenfurt-Ost, turn into town (left), direction Klagenfurt-Zentrum after 1 km on Völkermarkterstraße (right) after about 2.5 km turn left at the intersection into Südring (Kika), at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station) turn into town (right), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the south along the Rosentalerstrasse B91: 
turn right at the intersection Rosentalerstrasse/Südring (PSK) into Südring, along Südring for about 2.5km. turn left at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the north along the St. Veiterstrasse B83:
Turn left, follow St. Veiterring into Völkermarkterring (right) southbound, extension Völkermarkterring into Lastenstraße until you reach the railway underpass (approx. 800m), extension Lastenstraße into Gerberweg, after approx. 750m turn left to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Klagenfurt main station, footpath to Südpark along Bahnstraße (direction east), footpath along Gerberweg to Primoschgasse to FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (direction south), duration from main station about 20 min.


Airport Klagenfurt, by taxi to the FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (duration about 20 min), or by public utility bus to Heiligengeistplatz, change to line 40, 41, 42, 70 or 71, duration from airport about 50 min.