Sebastian Horvath
Lendarchitektur ZT GmbH
In the "Master Session ONLINE" on Monday, April 7th, 2025, from 4 - 7 p.m. CET, you will receive valuable information about all master's degree programs and courses at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). These will be presented in 30-minute time slots each.
HERE you can register for the info session on your desired study program or course.
Participation is free of charge and without obligation.
Rural areas as well as social issues are increasingly in the social focus and also in the focus of the Master's program in Architecture. In the master's program, the design and theoretical skills acquired in the bachelor's program are increasingly discussed in a networked manner and worked on in design projects.
The competencies include design, draft, building culture and history, architectural theory, building typologies, society and ethics, structural engineering, structural planning, building physics and building services engineering, management, process design and communication. Building on the contents of the Bachelor's program in "Architecture", Master's students learn how to sharpen the arguments of their design decisions and provide evidence for them. At the end of a master's degree program, students should be able to identify tasks and develop projects from them, as well as to carry out planning and design in a high-quality and sustainable manner.
Das Masterstudium Architektur versorgt dich mit viel Wissen, Praxis und Inspiration in drei essenziellen Bereichen: Dialogkultur | Materialkultur | Umbaukultur. Das alles braucht es für Klimatauglichkeit im Baubereich - und wiederum für nachhaltige Gesellschaftsentwicklung.
Wir fragen uns: Dürfen wir überhaupt noch bauen? Für wen bauen wir? Warum bauen wir?
„Bauen mit Allen“ ist unsere Antwort. Das heißt: inklusiv Bauen. Auf zusätzlichen Landverbrauch und Versiegelung verzichten. Lokale Communities fördern. Prozessarchitektur ist unser Mittel, um partizipativ die Gesellschaft einzubeziehen.
Abreißen? Oder doch umbauen und weiterdenken? Wir sind uns sicher: Bauen mit Bestand ist in Zukunft die wichtigste Aufgabe von Architekt*innen.
Denn: Bestehende Bauwerke sind ein Lager von Rohstoffen, eine Quelle von Geschichte(n). Und oft ökonomisch sinnvoll.Wir vermitteln alles Rüstzeug, um Bestehendes weiterzuentwickeln. Und Bauteile und Materialien wiederzuverwenden.
Und manchmal braucht es doch: Neubauten, Zubauten, Erweiterungen. Die DNA neuer Architektur muss besonders ressourcenbewusst sein. Sprich: aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, die CO2 binden und einlagern. Etwa Holz. Da sind wir an der Quelle – im Holzland Kärnten. Die Architekturausbildung in Sachen Holzbau ist hier Teil der regionalen Wertschöpfungskette. Sie profitiert vom technischen Niveau der lokalen Industrie.
Winterterm 2025
Period I: 01.11.-15.03.2025
Period II: 16.03.-15.05.2025
Period III: 16.05.-15.07.2025
Period IV: 16.07.-30.09.2025*
For applicants from outside Europe applications are only accepted within Period I.
*We reserve the right not to open the period or to close it early!
The semester starts in October - we only offer intake in winterterm!
The start of lectures can be found in the individual timetable which is available after enrollment.
Monday–Friday full-time and partly on Saturdays
Study Guidance
Book your personal appointment right now!
You can find out more about our advisory services, events and fairs on our website.
Language of Instruction: German
Minimum of B2, stated by either
-DAF ("Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
-ÖSD ("Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch)
-GOETHE Sprachinstitut
Admission requirements:
Please note that foreign educational documents in some cases need to be legalized as well as translated in order to apply. More information can be found in our official application guideline
In den Online-Infosessions stellt Ihnen die Programmleitung das Studium detailliert vor. Sie erhalten wertvolle Informationen zu Studieninhalt, Praktika, den Aufnahmevoraussetzungen und den vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten.
Prof. Mag. Arch. Wolfgang Grillitsch
Head of Degree Program Architecture
+43 (0)5 90500-5113
Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:
Prof. Mag. Arch. Wolfgang Grillitsch
Head of Degree Program Architecture
+43 (0)5 90500-5113
Dein Architektur Masterstudium macht dich fit für die Bauwende und deine Karriere. Du hast die Möglichkeit, im Studium vieles zu entscheiden: Unsere drei Säulen – Bauen mit Allen, Bauen mit Bestand, Bauen mit Holz - werden durch ein Wahlpflichtmodul ergänzt, das sich über drei Semester erstreckt. Dabei kannst du die Schwerpunkte der Dialog-, Umbau- und Materialkultur vertiefen oder noch intensiver forschen.
Mit unserem Start-Up-Programm hast du auch die Möglichkeit, deine eigene Geschäftsidee auszutesten und ein Unternehmen zu gründen.
Lendarchitektur ZT GmbH
Architekturbüro dunkelschwarz ZT
Bechter Zaffignani Architekten
HANDWERK (Bau-/Möbeltischlerei Steger)
Gesamtheitliche sowie gewerkeübergreifende Gestaltung und Bearbeitung handwerklicher Herausforderungen, vor…
Architektur studieren in einem inspirierenden Umgebung: Dein Campus befindet sich in einem historischen Gebäude. Das „Spittl“ wurde in der ersten Häufte des 16. Jahrhunderts errichtet und immer wieder adaptiert: ein Renaissance-Bau mit einem zweigeschossigen Arkadenhof und einer klassizistischen Fassade. Das vermittelt kreative Studien-Atmosphäre.
Deine Architektur-Stadt, dein Bau-Land
Spittal an der Drau ist ein idealer Ort für dein Masterstudium Architektur. Warum? Dein Anschauungsmaterial und Experimentierfeld befinden sich unmittelbar vor der Haustür – im Alpe-Adria-Raum. Verkehrsgünstig liegt Spittal zwischen städtischen und ländlichen Sphären. Zwischen den Tiefschneehängen der Nockberge und dem Badewasser des Millstätter Sees. Zwischen Arbeitsimpulsen und Freizeitwert. Heißt: Du studierst dort, wo andere auch gerne Urlaub machen.
FH Spittal
Villacher Straße 1, A-9800 Spittal a.d. Drau
+43 5 90500 1101 | bau[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at
Spittal an der Drau liegt verkehrsgünstig. Und unsere FH mittendrin. Leicht erreichbar aus allen Richtungen: Villach/Klagenfurt, Salzburg/München oder Wien und Lienz/Innsbruck.
Mit dem Zug
InterCity-Züge wie S-Bahnen der ÖBB halten in engem Takt in Spittal an der Drau/Millstätter See. Dann geht’s weiter zu Fuß – gemütlich in 15 Minuten. Oder du nimmst das Rad.
Mit dem Auto
Vom Norden: über die A 10 (Tauernautobahn), Abfahrt Spittal Nord-Millstätter See.
Von Westen: über die Drautal-Bundesstraße B 100.
Von Süden/Osten: über die A 10 (Tauernautobahn), Abfahrt Spittal Nord-Millstätter See.
In order to be admitted into a bachelor degree program at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences at least one of the following criteria must be fulfilled:
Moreover, there are degree program specific additional prerequisites as well as more comprehensive information regarding admissions on the individual web pages of the corresponding degree program. The German University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) entrance qualification certificate is only valid as an admission prerequisite for an Austrian UAS/FH bachelor degree program when combined with an applicable vocational certificate.
Persons in their last year of school may apply for a study place in a bachelor degree program before taking their secondary school-leaving exams by submitting their most current secondary school grade/marks report. The secondary school-leaving certificate must be submitted during the registration process at the beginning of the semester.
In order to be admitted into a master degree program at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences at least one of the following criteria must be fulfilled:
Persons in their last semester of their bachelor degree programs may apply for a study place in a master degree program by submitting their most current transcript of records. The completion of the bachelor degree program certificates must be submitted during the registration process at the beginning of the semester.
At least one of the following criteria must be met for admission to the Master's degree programme in Architecture at the CUAS University:
*) Applicants in the field of interior design have the possibility to make up for missing competences in the field of architecture, e.g. solid and steel construction, until the end of the third semester of the Master's programme. The competences to be made up for will be determined after a successful admission procedure (admission interview and PDF portfolio) before the start of the programme on the basis of the curriculum of the Bachelor's programme. If the prerequisite is fulfilled, students can start their diploma thesis and are on an equal footing with consecutive students after its successful completion.
Before enrolment in a degree program at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, a learning agreement is concluded between the prospective student and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
This contract defines the rights and obligations of the student and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
The rights and obligations of the student at a glance:
The learning agreement is sent electronically to applicants who have been accepted onto a degree program. In addition to the electronic consent to the learning agreement, the timely payment of the tuition fee and the Austrian Students´ Union fee is a prerequisite for admission to the degree program.
Significant legislative basis for a UAS degree program in Austria can be found here:
FHG - Federal Act on University of Applied Sciences Degree Programs (in German only)
HS-QSG - Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Regarding the accreditation of previously gained academic knowledge through courses and/or exams taken at other institutions of higher education, the respective degree program administration/director will use the principle of ‘course per course relevant accreditation.
The equivalency of the previously taken courses in terms of content and scope to the offered courses in the degree program will be determined by the degree program administrator/director. If an equivalency is determined to exist, then those courses passed with positive marks/grades will be recognized and accredited. Additional examination of academic knowledge in these cases is not foreseen.
Specialized knowledge and relevant experiences acquired through professional and on-the-job experience may also be considered for accreditation for relevant courses. In cases of accrediting professional experience for course credits, additional examinations may be carried out if applicable.
Applications for accreditation are to be submitted directly to the Program Director no later than the start date of the relevant study course(s).
The student must decide where s/he will spend the semester abroad (i.e., a partner university) and will need to coordinate with the responsible Departmental International Coordinator concerning the necessary requirements.
Before the student spends the semester abroad, s/he is required to submit a completed Learning Agreement. This document contains all the courses the student will take abroad and will be recognized at CUAS once s/he finishes the courses successfully. The courses should correspond as much as possible to the courses offered in the curriculum of the student’s CUAS study program in the relevant semester in content and semester hours. It is highly recommended to students to take 30 ECTS credits abroad.
The Learning Agreement is signed and approved by the individual student, the host institution and the program director of the study degree program or a designated faculty member at CUAS.
The Learning Agreement is a declaration of the courses which are to be taken abroad and is not valid as an official recognition document by Austrian law. Therefore, the document is to be linked to the official document “Antrag auf Anerkennung / Application for Accreditation” for academic studies abroad.
During the first four weeks of the study abroad semester the student is allowed to change the Learning Agreement. For example, previously selected courses do not take place or overlap. The host institution and CUAS must agree upon the courses to be changed. If this is approved, the changes must be listed separately on the Learning Agreement (section “Changes to the original Learning Agreement). Afterwards the document is signed and approved by the individual students, the host institution and the program director of the study degree program or a designated faculty member at CUAS.
After the semester abroad the courses taken abroad will be recognized at CUAS. Therefore, the original Transcript of Records from the host institution and the legally valid document “Antrag auf Anerkennung / Application of Accreditation” (which is linked to the Learning Agreement) are obligatory. The student lists on the document the successfully finished courses abroad. After the recognition process is positively completed, the CUAS Transcript of Records will contain those courses.
In cases where the semester abroad is not completed successfully, the Departmental Coordinator and program director of the relevant study degree program will determine on an individual basis if and what courses will be accredited and what a student can do to make up those missing credits which were not accredited.
Detailed information about a semester abroad
For further questions please contact the International Relations Office.
Degree programs at University of Applied Sciences fundamentally only offer a limited number of study places.
In the framework of the application process each applicant will carry out an interview which will influence the allocation of the study places. Additionally, specific degree study programs may require written application tests as well as content-specific/technical aptitude tests. Detailed information regarding the degree program specific application requirements are provided on the degree programs’ web pages.
Repetitive applications for a study place at the same study degree program (e.g., in the following year) is generally allowed; however, the entire application process will start anew and candidates must resubmit all documents and carry out all steps again.
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences reserves the right to levy a surety of EUR 363.36 from the applicant in case of doubt on the authenticity or correctness as regards content of the documents proving the fulfillment of the admission requirements or in case that the documents are not sufficient for a decision on the fulfillment of the admission requirements in accordance with § 4 para. 5a FHG. This surety will be reimbursed to the applicant if the review has proved the authenticity and the correctness of the documents and the fulfillment of the admission requirements.
Detailed information about application deadlines can be found at the websites of the respective degree programs!
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences accepts both exchange students from partner institutions and so-called ‘Free Mover’ students. The decision to accept Free Movers is made on an individual basis by the relevant Degree Program Director. In the first case an official nomination (via e-mail) from the partner institution is necessary. After the nomination the student will be provided information regarding the application procedure.
Free Movers may apply directly.
Detailed information and deadlines
In order to register as a student at CUAS, each student must fulfill the following:
The enrollment periods for each degree program will be announced in advance to all applicants.
The examination regulations are an integral part of the education contract between the student and Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. It is also available to students and lecturers on the intranet.
Exams are graded according to the FHG [Federal Act on University of Applied Sciences Degree Programs]) § 17 (1), in the Austrian Grading System:
Austrian grading scheme | Definition |
2 | GOOD: |
Successfully completed | Positive Leistung, wo eine genaue Differenzierung nicht tunlich ist. |
Not completed | Negative performance, where a strict differentiation is not adequate |
Recognised | Transfer credits for courses with equivalent learning outcomes |
The final bachelor's and master's examinations before a committee are graded according to FHG (Federal Act on University of Applied Sciences Degree Programs) § 17 (2) in the following grading scale:
In applying this grading system, it has to be noted that the grades “Pass with merit” and “Pass with distinction” are reserved exclusively for an examination performance clearly exceeding the level of performance required to pass these final exams.
Please note: This part of the Website is only available in German.
Die Nostrifizierung ist die Anerkennung eines ausländischen Studienabschlusses (Ausbildung im tertiären Bereich/an Hochschule/Universität) als gleichwertig mit dem Abschluss des inländischen Bachelor- bzw. Masterstudiums an der FH Kärnten. Die Nostrifizierung an der FH Kärnten kann nur erfolgen, wenn ein mit dem ausländischen Studienabschluss gleichwertiger Studiengang an der FH Kärnten eingerichtet ist und sofern die Nostrifizierung zwingend für die Berufsausübung in Österreich notwendig ist (z.B. reglementierter Beruf). Ein nostrifizierter akademischer Grad entfaltet dieselben Rechtswirkungen wie ein im Inland erworbener akademischer Grad.
Innerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU) bzw. des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraumes (EWR) ist eine Nostrifizierung nicht zwingend erforderlich und daher auch nicht möglich. Die Anerkennungsentscheidung von europäischen Ausbildungen in einem reglementierten Beruf (z.B. im Bereich der medizinisch-technischen Dienste, Hebammen und Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege) erfolgt in Österreich durch die zuständige Behörde (das für Gesundheit zuständige Ministerium bzw. Landesregierungen).
Auszug aus:
Nostrifizierungsansuchen können nur für Studienabschlüsse eingebracht werden, welche mit dem Studienangebot der FachhochschuleKärnten übereinstimmen.
Die Nostrifizierung ist ein Verwaltungsverfahren an einer Universität bzw. Fachhochschule, die an bestimmte Voraussetzungen gebunden ist.
Der/Die Antragsteller/in muss nachweisen, dass die Nostrifizierung für seine/ihre angestrebte Tätigkeit in Österreich eine zwingende (siehe: „Was ist vorzulegen?“) Voraussetzung ist. In allen anderen Fällen obliegt die Bewertung des ausländischen Studiums ohnehin dem/der Arbeit- oder Dienstgeber/in.
Die Nostrifizierung kann an jeder Universität bzw. Fachhochschule, an der ein vergleichbares österreichisches Studium eingerichtet ist, beantragt werden. In vielen Fällen kommen daher mehrere Universitäten bzw. Fachhochschulen in Betracht. An welcher davon der/die Antragsteller/in in einem solchen Fall das Verfahren beantragt, bleibt seiner/ihrer Wahl überlassen. Der gleiche Nostrifizierungsantrag kann jedoch nur an einer Hochschule eingebracht werden.
Siehe: Notwendige Anlagen zum Antrag auf Nostrifizierung
Die Nostrifizierungstaxe beträgt derzeit EUR 150,00 und ist im Voraus zu entrichten. Dazu kommen Gebühren und Verwaltungsabgaben. Mehr Informationen unter Anlagen zur Nostrifizierung.
Kriterien der Überprüfung sind Inhalte, Umfang und Anforderungen desjenigen österreichischen Studiums, mit dessen Abschluss die Gleichwertigkeit beantragt wird. Wenn einzelne Voraussetzungen nicht zutreffen, können diese als außerordentliche/r Studierende/r absolviert werden. Sämtliche Bedingungen werden mit Bescheid vorgeschrieben. Wenn der/die Antragsteller/in alle zusätzlichen Bedingungen erfüllt hat oder wenn keine Bedingungen vorgeschrieben wurden, stellt die zuständige Stelle die Nostrifizierung fest.
..., weil die Unterschiede zum österreichischen Studium zu groß sind, kann um Zulassung zum österreichischen Studium angesucht und nach erfolgter Zulassung die Anerkennung von Prüfungen aus dem ausländischen Studium, soweit sie den österreichischen gleichwertig sind, erfolgen. Danach kann das österreichische Studium fortgesetzt und abgeschlossen werden.
Auszug aus: Wie-Verläuft-eine-Nostrifizierung
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a student-oriented system to accumulate and transfer different study credits.
The ECTS is one of the main characteristics of the Bologna Process and is used within the European tertiary system to allow universities and other institutes of higher education to recognize and accredit students’ previous post-secondary coursework. Moreover, this allows students to accumulate credits from different institutions as well ensure that their tertiary degrees are recognized internationally. Thus, the ECTS-system regulates not only student mobility within Europe but also the admission to institutes for further studies.
The system is based upon the transparency of defined learning outcomes and learning processes. The acquisition of experience and knowledge is made transparent through the defined learning outcomes in the course description, the corresponding curriculum module and the degree program’s entire curriculum; this significantly contributes to quality assurance.
ETCS credits are calculated based upon a student’s workload, which in normal cases is necessary to pass a course successfully.
The learning outcomes describe what students should know, understand and be able to do after the successful completion of a learning process. The work load defines the amount of time typically necessary for all learning activities (e.g., lectures, seminars, projects, lab exercises, self-study, exams) in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
Within the European tertiary system, a semester is assessed to have 30 ECTS credits and an academic year 60 ECTS credits. The workload for an academic year ranges between 1.500 and 1.800 hours. In Austria, one ECTS credit is equivalent to a workload of 25 real hours.
The Learning Agreement (an agreement to accredit courses completed in a semester abroad) encompasses a listing of all the courses/modules/learning units that a student is to attend and complete at the partner university during the semester abroad. The courses’ ID-numbers and the ECTS credits to be transferred are listed in this document as well. When a ECTS credit transfer is to take place, then the learning agreement must be signed and approved by all three parties involved before the semester abroad: the student, the host institution and the sending institution. It is possible to make amendments to the learning agreement four weeks after the begin of the semester abroad.
The document Confirmation of Stay (Aufenthaltsbestätigung) confirms the actual stay of students at the host institution and is normally issued by the International Relations Office. The document may be issued by the host institute’s International Relations Office at the earliest two weeks before students abroad depart back to their home countries. This document is mandatory for Erasmus+ students.
The Transcript of Records (Datenabschrift) provides an overview of all study courses (completed courses/modules, grades/marks and the number of achieved ETCS credits). The ToR provides a proof of courses successfully completed and thus is very useful for student mobility (before the semester abroad, the ToR can be provided to the host institution and after the semester abroad, it provides the foundation for the recognition/accreditation of courses completed abroad at the sending institution).
The Diploma Supplement (Diplomzusatz) contains a standardized description of a completed degree program. The diploma supplement aims to improve the overall international transparency of degrees as well as to serve as a document for the recognition of academic and professional qualifications.
Infos unter
For payments within the additional period, the tuition fee increases by 10%. Registration is only possible after receipt of payment at the account of CUAS!
*Please note the individual start of the courses! The exact dates can be found on the website of the respective degree programme, or contact the responsible administration for more information
**Please refer to the websites of the respective degree programs to find out which application periods are open.
*** Deviations and changes concerning the lecture-free periods are possible! Please inform yourself
about your study programme with your administration.