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- Studienwechsler*innen anderer Hochschulen
- Absolvent*innen nach Grundwehrdienst
- Ohne Zusatzprüfungen bei erfüllten Zugangsvoraussetzungen

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info[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at oder unter +43 5 905007700.

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Indispensable experts in various technical disciplines

No matter whether it is vehicle construction, aerospace, energy technology or plant engineering: mechanical engineers are indispensable in a wide range of technical disciplines. They work in the area of conflict between advancing globalisation, increasing scarcity of resources and permanent technological progress, which constantly presents developers and designers with new challenges. Students on the "Mechanical Engineering" course of study are optimally prepared for these challenges.

Three possibilities for SPECIALISATION

The study program can be completed both part-time and full-time. There is a choice of three branches of study for specialisation: Manufacturing Engineering, Energy Engineering and Technical Design. Students learn about modern manufacturing technologies, including 3D printing. The course design focuses on project-based learning in order to combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills in the best possible way. In addition, there is special expertise in simulation-supported design, which is an important competence for graduates later in their professional lives.

Competences in the fields of simulation, bionic design and prototyping are also the focus of the bachelor's degree program in "Mechanical Engineering". However, entrepreneurial skills are also important for successful mechanical engineers. These are consolidated with courses in languages, economics and management. The course of study places particular emphasis on practical training, which is conveyed in the laboratory exercises offered, in a development project and finally in the professional internship. In addition to careers in companies with a technical orientation, graduates can also choose to deepen their academic knowledge or work in specialized research institutions after completing the course. 

Mechanical engineering extended


Seit dem WS 2020/21 ist es für Studierende aus der Region Lavanttal leichter möglich, das berufsbegleitende Bachelor-Studium Maschinenbau abwechselnd am Campus Villach und in St. Stefan / Lavanttal zu absolvieren:

Access has been made easier for students from the Lavanttal region to complete the Bachelor's degree programmes in "Systems Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering" and "Industrial Engineering" (in the part-time organisational form).

FH EXTENDED @ Lavanttal means that
  • Selected courses are held on the premises of the FH Kärnten on the premises of PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik GmbH.
  • some courses or course dates are transmitted live from Villach to the modern classrooms of PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik GmbH by video conference
  • the remaining courses will be held together with the group of part-time students at the FH Campus Villach, where the degree programme is offered.
  • the Regional Management Lavanttal supports the students with EUR 200 start-up capital

Presence phase at the start of studies (FH Carinthia, Campus Villach)

Course times during the semester:
Winter semester (WS): Mid-September - early February
Summer semester (SS): End of February - beginning of July

Course times (within the week, except attendance week)

  • Mon & Wed: from 5:40 pm (hybrid / St.Stefan Lavanttal)
  • Fri: from 2:20 pm (face-to-face teaching or hybrid / St.Stefan Lavanttal)
  • Sat: full day (face-to-face teaching, Campus Villach)

Download Flyer

HTL graduates can shorten their bachelor's degree by up to one year if they have passed selected entrance examinations before starting their studies and have completed a relevant HTL. The entry requirement for the 2nd or 3rd semester is a grade point average of 2 or better in the last two annual reports (4th and 5th grade) of the HTL.

Entry into the 2nd semester is possible on an individual basis after reviewing the documents.

Further information

Study & Work

With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!

Study & Work for full-time students

  • Extent of employment: marginally up to 8h / week possible
  • Timetable: Some degree courses are organized so that Monday is a day off.

Study & Work for part-time students

  • Scope of employment: part-time up to max. 20h / week possible
  • The timetable is organized in a work-friendly way (lectures at the end of the day, weekend, blocked or online).


Mechanical Engineering part-time

Application deadline

Winterterm 2025
Period I: 01.11.-15.03.2025
Period II: 16.03.-15.05.2025
Period III: 16.05.-15.07.2025
Period IV: 16.07.-30.09.2025* 

For applicants from outside Europe applications are only accepted within Period I.

*We reserve the right not to open the period or to close it early.

Study start

The semester starts in October - we only offer intake in winterterm!

The start of lectures can be found in the individual timetable which is available after enrollment.

Teaching time

Mon & Wen from 17:40

Fri from 14:20

Sat full-time till 16:00


Study Guidance

Book your personal appointment right now!

You can find out more about our advisory services, events and fairs on our website.

Further information

Language of instruction:
German (minimum B2 Level)

Mechanical Engineering extended

Application deadline

Winterterm 2025
Period I: 01.11.-15.03.2025
Period II: 16.03.-15.05.2025
Period III: 16.05.-15.07.2025
Period IV: 16.07.-30.09.2025* 

For applicants from outside Europe applications are only accepted within Period I.

*We reserve the right not to open the period or to close it early.

Study start

The semester starts in October - we only offer intake in winterterm!

The start of lectures can be found in the individual timetable which is available after enrollment.

Teaching time

Monday & Wednesday 17.40h
Friday 14.20 h
Saturday fulltime


Study Guidance

Book your personal appointment right now!

You can find out more about our advisory services, events and fairs on our website.

Further information

Language of instruction:
German (minimum B2 Level)



Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:




Head of Degree Program



Level of qualification
ECTS credits
Tuition fees
€ 363.36 / semester
Qualification awarded
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Duration of study
6 semester
ÖH (Austrian Student Union) fee
€ 25.20 / semester
Language of instruction
FH campus
  • Villach

General Study Information










As a newly designed engineering program, the bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering provides a comprehensive understanding of the function of machines, product development and plants. Mechanical engineers deal with vehicle construction, plant engineering, production engineering, product development, engine technology and the associated classical basic subjects. They work in areas such as aerospace, series development, energy technology or energy machine construction.

Students can choose between a part-time course of study and a full-time course of study. Students can also choose between three specialisation areas: production engineering, energy mechanical engineering and technical design. Current topics such as additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping, generative design and bionics as well as simulation-supported design and validation are examined in detail in these modules. Up to 3D printing, students come into contact with a variety of modern manufacturing techniques.

What students should bring to their studies:

  • Interest in scientific and technical tasks.
  • A creative personality who enjoys innovative developments.
  • Logical thinking skills combined with a good command of English.
  • Curiosity and the ability to work independently.

Concrete previous knowledge is not necessary for the Bachelor's degree program "Mechanical Engineering". Therefore, students from all types of schools can start this course of study after their Matura if they bring the appropriate interest and willingness to perform. In order to facilitate the start of studies, the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences offers intensive courses in mathematics, computer science and physics. Missing university entrance qualifications can be compensated by relevant professional qualifications and attendance of the pre-study course.

After successful completion of their studies, graduates have the following skills and knowledge:

  • They apply their basic knowledge from the subjects mathematics, computer science, mechanics and electrical engineering in order to derive and implement solutions.
  • Sound basics in bionics, industrial design and product development
  • Sound basics in presentation techniques, design thinking and creativity techniques
  • Sound basics in CAD modelling, CAM development
  • Well-founded basics in simulation software
  • They know about the basic principles and procedures in applied measurement and control technology.
  • They are able to assist in the implementation of controls in mechanical systems.
  • You are familiar with the essential physical principles for the mechanical, thermodynamic and fluidic design of machines and plants and are able to use electrical drives, combustion engines and fluid flow machines in a targeted manner. - They can explain the essential methods from statics and strength theory, kinematics and kinetics.
  • They can design plants and their components and recognise weak points in designs and existing plants and are able to design machines and plants in accordance with the load.
  • They describe complex technical systems from the field of mechanical engineering and modify them according to the system concept.
  • They are familiar with the development and production processes up to recycling. 

Current courses - Mechanical Engineering

LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Chemistry ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.10.040
Chemistry ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.10.040
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.10.010
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.10.010
English 1 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.11.071
English 1 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.11.071
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Engineering Mathematics 1 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.010
Engineering Mathematics 1 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.010
Physics 1 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.00000.10.080
Physics 1 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.00000.10.080
Engineering Statics ILV 3,0 3,5 B2.00000.10.090
Engineering Statics ILV 3,0 3,5 B2.00000.10.090
Technical drawing ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.10.030
Technical drawing ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.10.030
Materials Science 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.12.100
Materials Science 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.12.100
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Electric Drives 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.30.030
English 3 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.30.021
Science of Strength of Materials 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.030
Fluid mechanics ILV 3,0 4,5 B2.06060.30.050
Machine elements 1 ILV 2,5 3,5 B2.00000.32.300
Numerical methods ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.30.020
Technical dynamics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.010
Engineering Thermodynamics 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.040
Material and Component Testing Group 1 LB 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.30.080
Material and Component Testing Group 2 LB 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.30.080
Material and Component Testing Group 3 LB 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.30.080
Material and Component Testing Group 4 LB 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.30.080
Study program: EnergiemaschinenbauTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Hydraulic systems and pneumatics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.011
Measurement and sensor technology2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.30.110
Study program: FertigungstechnikTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Manufacturing Machines ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.30.100
Industrial Design ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.060
Study program: Technisches DesignTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Presentation techniques 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.120
Industrial Design ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.060
Study program: FertigungstechnikTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Additive manufacturing ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.120
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Business Administration ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.70.010
Business Administration ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.70.010
Fundamentals of Innovation Managment ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.70.020
Fundamentals of Innovation Managment ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.70.020
Machine dynamics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.020
Machine dynamics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.020
Presentation techniques SE 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.52.430
Presentation techniques SE 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.52.430
Project Mechanical Engineering PT 3,0 5,0 B2.06060.50.010
Project Mechanical Engineering PT 3,0 5,0 B2.06060.50.010
Quality Management ILV 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.52.410
Quality Management ILV 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.52.410
Technical Systems Experiment LB 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.030
Technical Systems Experiment LB 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.030
Technical Systems Simulation ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.230
Technical Systems Simulation ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.230
Academic Research and Writing VO 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.00.320
Academic Research and Writing VO 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.00.320
Study program: Energy TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Electric Drives 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.250
Electric Drives 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.250
Piston Engine ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06062.50.240
Piston Engine ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06062.50.240
Design of Experiment ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.52.420
Design of Experiment ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.52.420
Study program: Production TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Evaluation of production processes ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.50.440
Logistics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.70.790
Design of Experiment ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.52.420
Design of Experiment ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.52.420
Study program: Technical DesignTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Introduction to Generative Design ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.060
Prototyping 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.050
Theory of industrial design ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.06060.50.040
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
CAD ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.150
CAD ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.150
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.160
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.160
English 2 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.20.201
English 2 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.20.201
Science of Strength of Materials 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.00.030
Science of Strength of Materials 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.00.030
Casting and separation ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.060
Casting and separation ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.060
Engineering Mathematics 2 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.20.040
Engineering Mathematics 2 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.20.040
Mathematical Modeling and Parameterization ILV 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.20.080
Mathematical Modeling and Parameterization ILV 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.20.080
Mess- und Sensortechnik ILV 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.20.190
Mess- und Sensortechnik ILV 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.20.190
Physics 2 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.00000.20.030
Physics 2 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.00000.20.030
Recasting and joining ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.070
Recasting and joining ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.070
Material science 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.170
Material science 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.170
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Finite element method ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.060
Design and Construction ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.06060.42.160
Mechanisms and gear trains ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.00.110
Intercultural Communication SE 1,0 1,0 B2.00000.00.021
Design Theory ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.140
Machine elements 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.100
Project management ILV 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.00.310
Control Engineering Mechanical Engineering ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.110
Engineering Thermodynamics 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.010
Heat and material transfer ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.030
Study program: EnergiemaschinenbauTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of process automation ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.130
Fluid flow machines ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.070
Study program: FertigungstechnikTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Additive manufacturing ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.120
Surface technology and tribology ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.100
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.500
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.500
Internship BOPR 0,0 21,0 B2.00000.60.460
Internship BOPR 0,0 21,0 B2.00000.60.460
Recycling Technologies SE 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.60.010
Recycling Technologies SE 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.60.010
Seminar Bachelor Thesis SE 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.480
Seminar Bachelor Thesis SE 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.480
Seminar Internship SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.470
Seminar Internship SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.470
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Chemistry ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.10.040
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.10.010
English 1 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.11.071
Informatik 1: Grundlagen und Programmieren ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.050
Engineering Mathematics 1 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.10.010
Physics 1 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.00000.10.080
Engineering Statics ILV 3,0 3,5 B2.00000.10.090
Technical drawing ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.10.030
Materials Science 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.12.100
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Electric Drives 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.30.030
English 3 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.30.021
Science of Strength of Materials 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.030
Fluid mechanics ILV 3,0 4,5 B2.06060.30.050
Machine elements 1 ILV 2,5 3,5 B2.00000.32.300
Numerical methods ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.30.020
Technical dynamics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.010
Engineering Thermodynamics 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.040
Material and Component Testing LB 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.30.080
Study program: EnergiemaschinenbauTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Hydraulic systems and pneumatics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.011
Measurement and sensor technology2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.30.110
Study program: FertigungstechnikTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Manufacturing Machines ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.30.100
Industrial Design ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.060
Study program: Technisches DesignTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Presentation techniques 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.120
Industrial Design ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.30.060
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
ABWL ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.70.010
Machine dynamics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.020
Sustainable Innovation Management ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.70.020
Presentation techniques SE 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.52.430
Project Mechanical Engineering PT 3,0 5,0 B2.06060.50.010
Quality Management ILV 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.52.410
Technische Systeme Labor LB 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.030
Technical systems Simulation ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.50.230
Academic Research and Writing VO 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.00.320
Study program: EnergiemaschinenbauTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Elektrische Antriebe 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.250
Kolbenmaschinen ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06062.50.240
Study program: FertigungstechnikTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Evaluation of Production Processes with Focus on Sustainability ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.50.440
Sustainable Supply Chain Management ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.70.790
Versuchsplanung ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.52.420
Study program: Technisches DesignTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Introduction to Generative Design ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.060
Prototyping 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.50.050
Theory of industrial design ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.06060.50.040
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
CAD ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.150
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.160
English 2 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.20.201
Science of Strength of Materials 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.00.030
Casting and separation ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.060
Engineering Mathematics 2 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.00000.20.040
Mathematical Modeling and Parameterization ILV 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.20.080
Mess- und Sensortechnik ILV 1,5 2,0 B2.00000.20.190
Physics 2 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.00000.20.030
Recasting and joining ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.070
Material science 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.20.170
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Finite element method ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.060
Design and Construction ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.06060.42.160
Mechanisms and gear trains ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.00.110
Intercultural Communication SE 1,0 1,0 B2.00000.00.021
Design Theory ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.140
Machine elements 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.100
Project management ILV 1,0 1,5 B2.00000.00.310
Control Engineering Mechanical Engineering ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.110
Engineering Thermodynamics 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.010
Heat and material transfer ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.030
Study program: EnergiemaschinenbauTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of process automation ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.130
Fluid flow machines ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.070
Study program: FertigungstechnikTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Additive manufacturing ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.00000.40.120
Surface technology and tribology ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.100
Study program: Technisches DesignTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Presentation techniques 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.090
Prototyping 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.06060.40.080
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Examination DP 0,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.500
Internship BOPR 0,0 21,0 B2.00000.60.460
Recycling Technologies SE 2,0 3,0 B2.06060.60.010
Seminar Bachelor Thesis SE 1,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.480
Seminar Internship SE 2,0 2,0 B2.00000.60.470

Job & Career

Graduates of this program are specialists in all relevant areas of mechanical engineering. The professional field thus opened up is comprehensive and includes the entire field of mechanical and plant engineering as well as manufacturing and production technology.

Graduates are employed as:

  • R&D engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Test engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Sales Engineer
  • customer support engineer

The areas of activity include:

  • Mechanical engineering (all areas)
  • Plant construction (all areas)
  • Vehicle construction
  • aerospace
  • Power Engineering
  • Relevant research institutions

The successful completion of the Bachelor's degree entitles the holder to a Master's degree in the field of Engineering & IT at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in the scope of 4 semesters as well as a Master's degree in the field of Engineering & IT at another FH or university.

Career profiles

Martin Planner, BSc MSc

Martin Planner war schon immer an Technik interessiert. Bereits als Kind wusste der gebürtige Kärntner, dass er einmal Maschinenbauingenieur werden…

Clarissa Becker, MSc

Clarissa Becker, MSc.

For the native German, it all started with a fascination for the show “Sendung mit der Maus” and an irrepressible curiosity about how everyday…

Alexander Winkler

Alexander Winkler

Alexander Winkler received targeted training for his current function in his continuing education.

Giuseppe Piccolruaz

Giuseppe Piccolruaz decided to study mechanical engineering with a specialisation in power engineering at the Villach Campus.


Faculty and Staff - Mechanical Engineering

Head of Degree Program Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Light Weight Engineering

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Robert Hauser
Administration of Studies
 Dagmar Maria Kofler
Planning of Schedules and Rooms
 Carina Jellitsch
Professor of Computer Science

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Christian Madritsch
Professur für Konstruktion & Simualation


 Robert Winkler
Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering

FH-Prof. DI Dr.

 Franz Oswald Riemelmoser, MBA
Professor of Physics

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Manfred Baltl
Professor of Industrial Engineering

Mag. DI Dr.

 Bernhard Heiden, MBA
Head of Degree Program Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems, Professor of Electrical Engineering/Electrical Drive Engineering

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.

 Winfried Egger
Senior Lecturer

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.

 Robert WERNER
Senior Researcher/Lecturer
 Hannes Oberlercher, BSc MSc


 Sandra Filipic-Klinar
+43 (0)5 90500-3117

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Research Assistant
Project Staff
 Clarissa Becker, B.Eng. MSc
Laboratory Engineer


 Christian Oswald

Ing. Dipl.-Ing.

 Hans Werner Samonik, BSc
Junior Researcher
 Stephan Mark Thaler, BSc MSc MSc
Laboratory Management EngIT & Lecturer


 Reinhard Tober
Part-time Lecturer

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Andreas Bachinger


 Sylvicley Figueira da Silva

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.

 Monika Grasser, MA

Ing. Dipl.-Ing.

 Jutta Isopp


 Mathias Male, BSc MSc

FH-Prof. DDipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr.

 Lukas Möltner

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Bernd Neuner


 Thomas STEFAN, MSc.

Campus & Arrival


The Villach region combines tradition, cosmopolitanism and quality of life with the advantages of an innovative business location. Villach, a small town with about 60,000 inhabitants, is an international high-tech location with groundbreaking cooperation between science and industry and is also increasingly developing into a start-up town.

Situated directly at the intersection of three cultures, Villach, situated on the Drava river, is an important traffic junction in the Alps-Adriatic region. This special geographical location and the beautiful landscape around Villach and in the federal state of Carinthia have made the region a popular holiday destination for generations, further beyond the borders. The drinking water quality of the lakes and the particularly clean air make Villach and its surroundings an environmental paradise.

In addition to its geographical advantages, Austria also leads the world in terms of its social and health care system and is considered a particularly safe, prosperous and liveable country.

Despite the above-average prosperity and the comprehensive state social benefits, Villach compares favourably with many international destinations. The "small town bonus" comes into its own here and makes everyday life affordable.

 Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.
 Make a virtual walk through the Science & Energy Labs – T10.

Motorway exit Wernberg, then on the B 83 approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, after the Villach town sign the B83 passes under the A2 motorway, and then immediately right the first exit in the direction of MAGDALENEN SEE. Following the signs for Magdalenen See, the road leads through a small wooded area, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Magdalenen See (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St. Magdalene. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.


Motorway exit Villach/Ossiacher See, then approx. 2 km in the direction of Villach, on the right is Gasthof Seehof, on the left is Lake Vassach, continue on the B33 left in the direction of east, Wernberg, Klagenfurt, always follow the B33, after approx. 4 km turn right in the direction of Magdalenen See. The road leads through a small forest, always follow the road, after an S-curve past Lake Magdalenen (left) always straight ahead, cross the southern railway line and go uphill directly into the centre of St.Magdalen. Turn right at the top of the hill, down the road, the grounds of the technology park are already visible to the south, the chimney of the combined heat and power plant, and directly in the sharp right-hand bend turn left onto the grounds of the technology park.



The bus company Dr. Richard runs from Villach city to the FH in about every 15 minutes. The timetables are coordinated with the timetables of the ÖBB.


Europastraße 4
9524 Villach, Austria

+43 5 90500 7700 

Explore Campus Villach on a 360° Tour.