Startschuss für die Lernstation 2025
Die Lernstation 2025 geht in die nächste Runde. Mit neuen Impulsen und innovativen Ansätzen wird das zukunftsorientierte Lernen und Lehren weiter…
This department offers a variety of studies in health sciences, social work as well as management and health and nursing.
Sozialpsychiatrische Weiterbildung
Mode of study: berufsbegleitend
Mode of study: berufsbegleitend
Akademischer Lehrgang
Klinisches Risikomanagement
Mode of study: berufsbegleitend
Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:
Brigitte Pintar, BA M.Ed.
Program Administration
Kerstin Kucher
Program Administration
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Holger Penz
for a "Health Sciences and Social Work" study at CUAS:
A team of lecturers and professors, who are actively involved in institutions and companies in the health care industry - as specialists or managers - ensures the practical relevance.
The Department of Health and Social Studies is characterised by a wide range of studies, from social work to biomedical analysis, an enormous quality of the training offered and a lively connection to practice.
The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences attaches great importance to gathering professional experience. From analysis in the laboratory to research, treatment and care to preventive health care - graduates support and promote people in different areas and situations of life.
The quality of internships is the priority of the Internship Office. We offer students the best possible internship conditions through certified internship facilities, training for internship teachers and working with internship coordinators.
In addition to excursions, there is the possibility of spending a semester abroad at one of our 140 partner universities. Together we rely on a strong international know-how network.
The Skills Labs, as modern laboratory facilities, enable diagnostic and/or therapeutic measures to be carried out using medical (large-scale) equipment and laboratory apparatus. The equipment of the practice rooms, depending on the course of study, e.g. massage couches or hospital beds, allows the simulation and practice of applications such as mobilisation exercises or birth procedures.
The limited number of study places allows optimal supervision and individual support of students in small groups.
Application-oriented projects - in cooperation with health and social institutions as well as with scientific partners - are implemented in great variety in the G&S study area.
Die Lernstation 2025 geht in die nächste Runde. Mit neuen Impulsen und innovativen Ansätzen wird das zukunftsorientierte Lernen und Lehren weiter…
Am 14. März 2025 findet im Stadtsaal Feldkirchen der World Social Work Day statt. Das diesjährige Motto lautet: “Haltung zeigen, Solidarität stärken!“…
Online-Veranstaltung der FH Kärnten in Kooperation mit dem Kärntner Gesundheitsfonds und der Geschäftsstelle für Geschlechterspezifische Medizin…
Year after year, new English-language programs are added at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.
Beginn: 00:00
- 31. Mar
Beginn: 00:00
- 11. Sep
Research and development are the basis for high-quality health and social care. Application-oriented projects - in cooperation with health and social care institutions as well as with scientific partners - are implemented in the study area of health and social care in a wide variety of ways. Student cooperation is a matter of course and gives students the opportunity to get to know research and development in a practical way. In the course of the Master's programs, competences in this field are deepened and open the way to a doctoral program and a potential research career.
In cooperation with the Finnish University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä (JAMK), the master's programs Health Management and Social Work: Developing and Design offer an international double degree program (DDP).
The DDP is an initiative of the study programmes with the aim of strengthening the European dimension in studies and thus opening up international career opportunities for students. In addition, it enables students to make international contacts and take a broader perspective on health care.
The program comprises 30 ECTS. These are integrated into the curricula of the Master's programs and include two international study weeks (Summer School in Jyväskylä and Spring School at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences), a specific offer of online courses for the Master's thesis, and optionally one or two practice weeks round off the program.
All segments of the program are held in English.
Title Health Management
Title Social work: Developing and shaping
Requirement for participation:
1st Semester
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
4th Semester
The international orientation is an important part of our study programs. On the one hand, through international cooperation in teaching and research, and on the other hand, by making it possible for students to complete internships or semesters abroad.
Brigitte Pintar, BA M.Ed.
Student advisory service
+43 5 90500 4101
Viele Projekte des Studienbereiches Gesundheit und Soziales, wie F&E Projekte, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten oder Fachtagungen/Workshops, werden mit internationalen Partnern durchgeführt.
Das umfangreiche internationale Netzwerk und der Wissensaustausch sind wichtig, damit unsere Lehrenden, Studierenden und MitarbeiterInnen gemeinsam lernen, lehren und forschen können.
Hier weitere Details zu den Forschungsprojekten.
Studierende des Masterstudienganges Gesundheitsmanagement haben im Rahmen eines Joint Degree Programmes die Möglichkeit, einen Doppelabschluss an der JAMK Unitersity of Applied Sciences und der FH Kärnten zu erhalten.
Dafür werden 30 ECTS Punkte an der Partnerhochschule in der "School of Health and Social Studies" im Programme "Health care and social services development and management" absolviert. Das Programme steht besonders engagierten Studierenden offen, die Bewerbung dafür läuft im 1. Semester des Master-Studiengangs.
Partnerhochschule: JAMK University of Applied Sciences
Nähere Informationen zum genauen Ablauf der Bewerbung:
Brigitte Pintar, BA M.Ed.
+43 5 90500 4101
Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programmes „International Credit Mobility“ und der Kooperation zwischen der FH Kärnten und University Tifariti absolvierten…
Wenn ich heute an mein Praktikum der Sozialen Arbeit in Kampala zurückdenke, erinnere ich mich zuerst an eine tolle, wertvolle und interessante…
Fjorde, Berge und ... noch mehr Fjorde!
Mein Erasmuspraktikum in Finnland war eine einzigartige und intensive Zeit!
Die Kinder- und Jugenduniversität der FH Kärnten schafft für Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 6 und 19 Jahren vielfältige Gelegenheiten Hochschule in Forschung und Lehre kennenzulernen. Wir bieten Themen aus den Bereichen Gesundheit und Soziales sowie Engineering/IT in partizipativen Workshop - Formaten am Campus Feldkirchen oder „on tour“ direkt an Schulen an.
Im Rahmen der interaktiv gestalteten Workshops werden mit den teilnehmenden Schülerinnen und Schüler Themen aus den Bereichen Sucht, Autismus, Diversität, Mobbingprävention, Geschlechter- und Familienvielfalt, Menschenrechte und Diskriminierung sowie Geoinformatik und Technik, u. v. m. erarbeitet. Geleitet werden die Workshops von Lehrenden der FH Kärnten oder von Studierenden aus dem Studienbereich „Gesundheit und Soziales“ in Form eines Peer-Education-Formates.
Nähere Informationen zum gesamten Workshop-Angebot sowie zum Ablauf und zur Anmeldung der einzelnen Workshops finden Sie hier.
In den Bachelor-Studiengängen werden verpflichtende Praktika durchgeführt. Als integraler Bestandteil des Studiums trägt es zu einer Berufserfahrung bereits während der Ausbildung bei. Im Praktikum erhalten Studierende Einblick in Aufgaben- und Problemstellungen, Strukturen und Abläufe des gewählten Berufsfeldes. Das Praktikum kann im In- oder Ausland absolviert werden (mehr Infos zum Auslandspraktikum im International Relations Office). Detaillierte Infos zu Dauer und Ablauf des Berufspraktikum und zu FH Gesundheitsberufen finden Sie auf den Seiten der jeweiligen Studiengänge.
Um unseren Studierenden der gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Studiengänge die nötige Praxisausbildung zu garantieren, gibt es eigens eingerichtete Praxisräume sowie Skills Labs. Diese Räumlichkeiten bieten neben neuestem Equipment auch das ideale Setting um die Theoriekenntnisse und Problemlösungskompetenz in der Praxis umzusetzen.
Die Skills Labs als moderne Laborräume ermöglichen die Durchführung von diagnostischen und/oder therapeutischen Maßnahmen anhand von medizinischen (Groß)Geräten und Laborgeräten.
Die Ausstattung der Praxisräume je nach Studiengang zB mit Massageliegen oder Krankenhausbetten, gestatten die Simulation und das Einüben von Anwendungen wie Mobilisationsübungen oder Geburtsabläufen.
Auch die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung der Berufsgruppen findet bereits bei den Studierenden statt, wenn zB das AAL (Active Assisted Living) Labor gemeinsam von ErgotherapeutInnen und MedizintechnikerInnen genutzt wird.
Das Praxisbüro Gesundheit & Soziales (G&S) versteht sich als Ansprechpartner*in und Schnittstelle für Studierende, Lehrende und Kolleg*innen der Berufspraxis in Fragen der inhaltlichen und operativen Gestaltung von Praktika.
Damit Praktika zur erfolgreichen Praxisorientierung im Studium beitragen, müssen sie entsprechende Qualität aufweisen. Daher liegt der Fokus der Arbeit des Praxisbüros immer auf der Qualitätsentwicklung der studienintegrierten Praktika.
Aus diesen Schwerpunkten resultieren folgende Aufgaben:
Christina Anticevic-Harrant
Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin
(DW 4202)
Mario Bokalic
Leiter Praxisbüro
(DW 4217)
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Holger PenzFH-Prof. Dr.
Marco Kachler, BSc LL.M.Mag. phil.
Eva SachererFH-Prof. Dr.
Michael Alexander Suppanz, MSc. Mag.a habil.
Anita Mitterdorfer, BA M.Ed. MAFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Klaus WettlMag.a
Birgit Mü
Evelin Haimburger, MMag.a
Angelika Mitterbacher, MSc. MEdMag.a (FH)
Romana PertlMag.a
Christina Anticevic-HarrantMag. rer. soc. oec.
Daniela ReautschnigMag. phil.
Katharina Springer, MAFH-Prof.
Markus Kraxner, MScDipl.-Ing. (FH) Mag. (FH)
Michael RothFH-Prof. Dr.
Martin Schusser, MSc. Dr. phil.
Melanie Breznik, BSc MAMag.a
Michaela Gollner, MSc.Mag.
Sonja Haubitzer, M.Ed.FH-Prof.
Melitta Horak, B.Sc. MScDipl.-Psych.
Andrea StitzelMag.a
Katarina FürstFH-Prof. Mag.a
Astrid Paulitsch-FuchsFH-Prof. Mag. (FH) Mag. Dr.
Martin Josef KlemenjakFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Hubert Höllmü Mag.a
Ruth Mag.a
Sabine SpanzMag.
Bernd Mag.a
Oana Stefana Mitrea, Mag.a (FH) phil.
Gabriele Priv.-Doz. Mag.a
Eva MirFH-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr.
Florian Buchner, M.P.H.Mag.a phil.
Carla KÜFFNERFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Helmut SpitzerFH-Prof.
Katrin FeldermannDr. phil.
Dominik Holzer, BSc rer. soc. oec.
Christine PichlerFH-Prof. Mag. phil. Dr. phil.
Gerald PoscheschnikFH-Prof. Dr.
Ralf ReicheFH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Peter GranigDipl.-Biol. Dr. rer. nat.
Carolina Mü
Kathrin Hilgarter, BSc MSc. MADott.ssa mag.
Cecilia GoriDI
Verena Komposch, BA MADipl.-Ing.
Daniela Krainer, BScMag.a
Manuela Perchtaler, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, BScMag.a (FH)
Christina Leitner-InteringMag. (FH)
Mario BokalicMag.a (FH) Dr.
Marika GruberDr.
Andrea Limarutti, BA Mag. (FH)
Eithne KnappitschFH-Prof. DI Dr.
Johannes OberzaucherMag.a rer. nat.
Tanja Oberwinkler-Sonnleitner, MScMag.a (FH)
Marion Strebinger, MAMag.
Bianca Lidolt-Petscher, Bakk. MASMag.
Johanna BreuerMag.
Andreas GamnigDott. mag.
Paolo ScarianoMag.a
Carmen Simona SourijMag.a Dr.
Susanne AignerDr. phil.
Katrin Anna Allmayer, BA MAFH-Prof. Dr.
Helmut Richard ArnoldDr. med.
Ellen Auer-WelsbachMag.
Florian Baravalle, LL.M.Mag.a
Bettina BaumgartnerMag. Dr.
Florian BenischkeMag. Dr.
Josef Johann BernhartMag.
Dominik Bischof, LL.M. MBA MAMMag.a
Irma Blackert-GoschMag.a
Esther BlassnigFH-Prof. Prof. Dr.
Sandro BliemetsriederMag. phil.
Gloria med. univ.
Carina Brenner, BScMag.a
Doris BrunnerDipl.-Biol. Dr.
Martin ChristmannMag. phil. Dr.
Gregor med. univ.
Tatjana CzerninHon.-Prof. (FH) MMag. Dr.
Wolfgang DeutzMag.a
Ulrike Di VoraMag.
Cornelia Dobrautz-LeitnerMag. iur.
Mario DrussnitzerProf. Dipl.-Bw. (FH)
Alexander Dürr, MBAMag.a phil. Mag.a phil.
Alice EbenbergerArch. DI
Christine Eder, MScMag. art.
Eva EgermannDSA
Christian Eile, M.S.M.
Elisabeth Fedl, M.Ed.Mag.
Bernadette FeuersteinDr.
Matthias FürstnerMMag.a
Ludmilla GasserDr. med.
Alexander GlasDI
Andreas Gmoser, MScMMag.
Peter GriehserDI
Bernhard Gruber, BScMag.
Peter GuggenbergerProf. DDr.
Norbert GässlerDr. med. univ. Dr. med. dent.
Jan GässlerMag. iur. Dr. iur.
Michael HalmichDipl.-Ing. Mag.a
Isabella Hinterleitner, MScMag.
Michael HinterreiterMag. phil. Dr. phil.
Sylvia HojnikDr. med. univ.
Petra HollmannDr. med. univ.
Rainer HuditzMag.
Stefan HumerDr.
Martin HydenMag. (FH)
Sandra HüblMag.a
Karin IbovnikDr. med. univ.
Sylvia Kaap-FröhlichPriv.-Doz. Dr. med.
Thomas KauDr. med. univ.
Franz KelzMag.
Florian KerschbaumerMag.
Karin Kersche, MADr. med. univ.
Monika KorotajMag.a rer. soc. oec.
Eva KralMag. iur.
Lisa Maria KrennDr.
Angelika KresnikMag.a
Beate Elvira
Karin MARTINMag. phil.
Daniele MaranoDr. Dr.
Christian MattersbergerMag. Dr.
Veronika MichitschIng. Dr. med. univ.
Goran MitrovicDI
Martin MorandellMag.a (FH)
Jasmin Moser, MPHDr. med. univ.
Michel Müller-EggenbergerMag.
Heidemarie Müller-Riedlhuber, MASDr. med. univ.
Mireille NgossoMag.
Claudia OberdorferDr. med. univ.
Christine Orasch-KolleggerAss.-Prof. Dr.
Miloslav POSTRAKMag.
Markus Pebö
Julia PolandMag.a
Ursula PosratschnigDr. med. univ.
Arno PramsohlerDipl.-Päd.
Elisabeth Prattes, MScMag.a
Michaela Pötscher-GareißMMag.a
Denise Sophie Johanna Raneg-MüllerDr. med. univ.
Bernhard RaunikDr. phil.
Sebastian Rauter-NestlerMag.a
Helga Reichmann-GitschthalerMag.a phil.
Maria Theresia Reisinger,
Monika RiedelDr. med.
Markus RinaldiMag.
Christian RudischProf. Dr.
Gerd SadowskiMag.
Semra phil.
Heidemarie SamonigMag.
Waltraud SawczakDr.
Bringfriede ScheuIng.
Jörg SchifferlDr. phil.
Carmen Schlojer,
Ute Kathrin SchulzMag. (FH) rer. soc. oec.
Maria SchulzeMag.
Andreas SchwarzMag.a iur.
Yvonne SchwarzMag.
Peggy SeehaferMag. M.Eval. Dr. rer. nat.
Birgit SenftMag. (FH)
Werner Simonitti, M.Ed.Mag.a
Gerit Smole-NagelerDr.
Manfred SorschagDr.
Folker SpitzenbergerMag.a
Christina Staubmann, MBAMag.
Stephanie StegfellnerMag. (FH) Dr. phil.
Markus-Andreas SteindlMag. theol.
Brigitte med.
Lena StöcklDr. med.
Florian SulzerDr. med.
Manuel Taschwer, B.A.Mag.a
Elisabeth ThallingerMag.
Maximilian TheissMag. (FH)
Jana TilliDr. med. univ.
Silvia TürkMag. phil.
Andreas Varch, B.A. B.A. MA
Christa Barbara WALTER, MASMag.a
Elke WaldnerDr.
Iris WarumMag.
Daniel WeidlitschMag. Dr.
Michael WrentschurMag. phil.
Manuela Wresnik, MAIng. Mag.
Gerald ZebedinMag.
Claudia Zimmermann, MScKlagenfurt combines joie de vivre, nature and culture. The city of just over 100,000 inhabitants on Lake Wörthersee is a recreational area that fulfils every wish. Slovenia and Italy are not far away, the mountains are within reach. Klagenfurt's cultural scene is also vibrant, with clubs, stages and museums. The Old Square with its many shops, restaurants and cafés is the centre of city life. The idyllic Lendkanal connects the city with the lake and, like Kreuzbergl, is a popular destination for amateur sportsmen and nature lovers.
The campus in Primoschgasse has perfect transport connections - a separate bus line stops directly in front of the FH on the Südring. The view from the roof terrace onto the mountain panorama surrounding Klagenfurt offers the perfect space for relaxing breaks.
Explore Campus Klagenfurt–Primoschgasse on a 360° Tour.
coming from the west (from A10, A11) along the southern motorway A2:
Exit Klagenfurt/Wörthersee (Minimundus), along Südring for about 7 km, turn left at the Südring/Gerberweg intersection (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Standort Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.
Coming from the east along the southern motorway A2:
Exit Klagenfurt-Ost, turn into town (left), direction Klagenfurt-Zentrum after 1 km on Völkermarkterstraße (right) after about 2.5 km turn left at the intersection into Südring (Kika), at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station) turn into town (right), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.
Coming from the south along the Rosentalerstrasse B91:
turn right at the intersection Rosentalerstrasse/Südring (PSK) into Südring, along Südring for about 2.5km. turn left at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.
Coming from the north along the St. Veiterstrasse B83:
Turn left, follow St. Veiterring into Völkermarkterring (right) southbound, extension Völkermarkterring into Lastenstraße until you reach the railway underpass (approx. 800m), extension Lastenstraße into Gerberweg, after approx. 750m turn left to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.
Klagenfurt main station, footpath to Südpark along Bahnstraße (direction east), footpath along Gerberweg to Primoschgasse to FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (direction south), duration from main station about 20 min.
Airport Klagenfurt, by taxi to the FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (duration about 20 min), or by public utility bus to Heiligengeistplatz, change to line 40, 41, 42, 70 or 71, duration from airport about 50 min.
Primoschgasse 8–10
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
+43 5 90500 3101
+43 5 90500 3301
Erkunden Sie den Campus Klagenfurt–Primoschgasse bei einer 360° Tour.
The capital of Carinthia has numerous events and sights all year round. Whether the World Bodypainting Festival, Ironman Austria, major concerts in the Wörthersee Stadium, open air cinema in the Burghof or the magical Christmas market during Advent - there is always something going on here.
The campus in St. Veiterstraße in Klagenfurt is characterised by short distances. The FH building is located in the immediate vicinity of the city centre and is directly on the grounds of the clinic. In addition, green spaces make it possible to spend time at the university in a pleasant atmosphere.
Explore Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße and the Ärztehaus on a 360° Tour.
Coming from Villach or Wolfsberg: Take the A 2 South Motorway, bypass Klagenfurt Nord and take the exit Klagenfurt Nord/ Feldkirchen. Drive south on the Feldkirchner-Straße - towards the city. Follow the road until you reach St. Veiter Ring and turn left. Turn left at the St. Veiter Straße intersection and after approx. 600 m select the entrance to the Landeskrankenhaus site on the left-hand side. Our university building is on the left side.
Coming from St. Veit: Take the S37 directly onto St. Veiter Straße. Follow the road until you reach the entrance to the grounds of the Landeskrankenhaus on the right-hand side. Our university building is on the left-hand side.
Coming from Klagenfurt main station: When you leave the station building, turn left towards the bus station. Lines 40 and 41 of the Klagenfurt public utility company will take you to our building. Distance: about 2,5 km. Walking time: approx. 25 minutes.
Coming from the bus station -Heiligengeistplatz: The bus lines 40 and 41 of the Klagenfurt public utility company will bring you to our building. Distance: about 1,2 km.
Coming from the bus station - Heiligengeistplatz: Walk east on Wiesbadener-Str. towards Neuer Platz and keep right. Turn left into Kramergasse, cross Alter Platz and continue along Wiener Gasse to Heuplatz. Cross the Heuplatz and continue on the St. Veiter Straße. After about 600 m you will find the entrance to the grounds of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital on the left-hand side. Our building is located on the left side of the street. Walking time: approx. 15 min.
Our building is number 24 on the site plan of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital.
St. Veiter Straße 47
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
+43 5 90500 3501
Explore Campus Klagenfurt–St. Veiter Straße on a 360° Tour.
The young district town of Feldkirchen in Carinthia, gateway to the Carinthian Nockberge mountains and Lake Ossiacher See, lies in the centre of Carinthia, in Austria's southernmost province. In addition to unspoilt nature and friendly people, Feldkirchen with its modern shops, stylish boutiques, cosy restaurants and coffee houses is an ideal location for students. Both the mountains and lakes in the area and the proximity to Slovenia and Italy offer a wide range of sports and leisure activities for young and old. Swimming, surfing, sailing or mountain hiking or skiing, ice skating or snowboarding make Feldkirchen an attractive and popular campus!
Take the car, it's so tempting.
Coming from Klagenfurt: You drive on the bypass of Feldkirchen to the 3rd traffic light (Baumax) and turn left there(Ossiacher See Süduferstraße). Follow the road for approx. 1km and turn left towards the centre, into Ossiacher Straße (before the railway crossing). After approx. 200m you will see a free parking lot on the left side, drive straight on for approx. 200m and you will reach the main square. At the lower end on the left you will find the building of the Fachhochschule. There are a few short parking spaces in front of the building.
Coming from Villach: Turn right at the first traffic light into the Ossiacher See Süduferstraße. Follow the road for about 1km and then turn left towards the centre, into Ossiacher Straße (before the railway overpass). After approx. 200m you will see a free parking lot on the left side. Continue straight ahead for approx. 200m to the main square. At the lower end on the left is the building of the University of Applied Sciences. There are a few short parking spaces in front of the building.
Take bus or train, it is safe and comfortable.
Coming from the station: When you leave the station building, turn left towards the centre. Turn left into Obere Tiebelgasse and then right into Bürgergasse, which will take you to the main square. The building on your left is the Fachhochschule, choose the entrance at the main square. Walking time: approx. 10 min.
Go on foot - discover the city!
Coming from the bus station: Walk along 10. Oktober-Strasse towards the city centre until you reach Schillerplatz. There turn right into Kirchgasse until the street forks. Turn left into Ossiacher Straße, which will lead you to the main square after a few steps. The University of Applied Sciences is located at the lower end of the main square, so go down to the left and you will find yourself right in front of the entrance. Walking time: approx. 5 min.Go on foot - discover the city!
Campus Feldkirchen
Hauptplatz 12
A-9560 Feldkirchen i. K.
+43 5 90 500 4101