CUAS offers access to quality education for everyone, see Guideline R-02 Chancengleichheit (equal opportunities)
CUAS gives applicants without a High School Diploma the chance to study a Bachelor program, if the necessary requirements are fulfilled. For details see the infos about the study-qualification-course.
Special supplementary courses allow students to get the necessary competences in order to be admitted to a study degree program
Specific measures such as tutorials and a strong focus on applied learning makes it easier for students from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to finish their studies with success.
Every person is considered for admission to CUAS, no matter their age, disability or background.
At CUAS, students learn about topics such as sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, cultural diversity, circular economy, climate and environment protection, environmental management, climate-friendly methods of construction etc.
Examples: Bachelor degree program Disability and Diversity Studies, Bachelor and Master degree program Social Work, Bachelor study program Intercultural Management, Master training course Management of Conservation Areas (UNESCO Chair as first University of Applied Sciences in Austria), Bachelor degree program Sustainable Real Estate Management etc.
Aspects of sustainability (relation to the SDGs, climate crisis, impact on society, etc.) are firmly anchored in the framework conditions for the further or new development of degree programs.
CUAS strongly supports students from countries such as the Ukraine or Ghana when applying for an Ernst-Mach grant and thus, enables them to study in Carinthia for one or two semesters.
CUAS also provides scholarships for its own students in need, so they can study a semester abroad and have an international experience.
The talk series „face to face - Persönlichkeiten am Campus“ (personalities on campus) is taking place around 3 times a semester. Prominent personalities from the world of business, politics, sports etc. speak about a current topic and also explain how it connects to sustainability in their sector.
CUAS Center for Further Education focuses on lifelong learning. The range of courses, which includes courses with a Master's degree, courses with an academic degree and certificate courses, addresses current topics and developments as well as professional challenges and related qualification requirements.
In September 2021 a follow-up event to the “Day of Teaching” took place. The keynote had the title Developing a Connected Curriculum: Integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, professors could attend workshops that focused on integrating the SDGs into teaching.
In summer semester 2021, a survey about sustainability was conducted amongst our students. The aim was to draw attention to the topic and to find out more about the habits and priorities of our student population.
Special “coffee-calls” are taking place several times a year with the aim to communicate examples of best practice regarding the integration of the SDGs into teaching and research.
In the future, it is our goal to better integrate the SDGs into the curricula. An elective course on sustainability for all students rounds off the available course offer in the long run.