Study programs Engineering & IT

The institute "Engineering & IT" stands for practical studies in small groups with TOP equipped infrastructure such as the "Science & Energy Labs" - embedded in an attractive living and learning environment. Students have the opportunity to develop visionary and sustainable ideas, to help shape them and to use their excellent education as well as the connection to industry through our unique "Study & Work" offer as a basis for their future career steps. The "Study & Work" offer is available on all Bachelor's and most Master's programs in the study area.

The wide range of Bachelor degree programs spans from information technologies with four different focal points and elective modules such as Data Science, Internet of Things or Mobile Systems Development to the classic engineering studies. For three years now, the department has been offering the joint Bachelor's program "IT - Joint Degree" with the FH Technikum Wien. The first year takes place in Vienna, the other two years are completed in Carinthia.

On the one hand the Master degree programs at the Institute of Engineering & IT are focused on current scientific and technological issues. On the other hand student delve deeper into contents from their respective bachelor programs. Master students often work on research projects in cooperation with companies and realize their own projects. More comprehensive projects can be derived from the implementation of individual components, scientific activities at conferences, assistance in the preparation of publications as well as the implementation of prototypes

* subject to accreditation by AQ Austria
** will no longer be offered from autumn 2024




Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:


7 good reasons

for an "Engineering & IT" study at the CUAS:


The laboratories in the "Engineering & IT" field of study at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences at Campus Villach and Campus Klagenfurt-Primoschgasse are closely linked to the students' practical training and to Ph.D. research projects. Thus, students are able to solve problems that arise through realistic projects within the framework of a modern, well-equipped laboratory infrastructure. The labs are divided into three departments; these include, for example, the sound studio, the EMC lab, the smart lab CARINTHIA, the innovation workshop, the battery lab, the industrial robotics lab and many more.

In addition to learning the theoretical basics, students are also given the tools to implement the contents in practical projects in cooperation with private companies, public institutions, NGOs or research projects. Every Bachelor's program (full-time) therefore includes a compulsory practical semester. Most of the Master's programs can be studied alongside a job.

Students can take advantage of Carinthia University of Applied Sciences’ cooperation with countless companies to gain practical insights and learn about current tasks.

In addition, the companies also benefit from the students, who are able to get to know them at an early stage, for example at the "Meet & Match" job fair.

The "Meet & Match" is organized by the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and takes place every year in May.
Click here to go to our BLOG about the job fair: Meet & Match Job Fair - MEET & MATCH

For more information about the "Job- und Karriereservice" of the FH Kärnten click HERE.

In cooperation with Infineon Technologies Austria AG, we offer first-year students of the Systems Engineering course the opportunity to combine studying and working while working. Further partners are PMS, M-Tech and NTS. > Study & Work - learn more


Especially in the start-up phase, the Gründergarage provides young entrepreneurs with a top infrastructure. Equipped with Internet and software access including support, proximity and use of the laboratory facilities on the Villach campus as well as personal and professional support from the University of Applied Sciences.

More details you can findHERE (in GERMAN)


In the weeks before the start of your studies, we offer preparatory courses in mathematics and computer science to prepare you optimally for the first semester. The courses take place in block form at the campuses in Klagenfurt and Villach, so that working people can also participate. Participation is free of charge.

More information and registration

Absolvent*innen facheinschlägiger HTLs können ihr Studium um bis zu einem Jahr verkürzen, wenn die Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllt und ausgewählte Einstiegsprüfungen vor Studienbeginn absolviert werden. Für die Absolvent*innen der HTLs in Kärnten sowie der HTL Shkodra in Albanien ist der Einstieg in das 3. Semester eines facheinschlägigen Bachelor-Studiums OHNE Einstiegsprüfungen möglich.

Detaillierte InformationHIER


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Research in the Engineering & IT study area

The Engineering & IT department sees itself as a competent partner for industry, business and society in the field of digitization and provides support in digital transformation processes. With the help of applied research, we want to contribute to shaping the current social and industrial upheavals caused by digital change, demographic development and the need for environmental and climate protection. Our main fields of activity are Industry 4.0 and Smart City/Smart Region. The research in our fields of activity is increasingly enriched by inter- and transdisciplinary questions. We meet these challenges through agile project management and through close cooperation with the other study areas of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in order to harmonise technical, social and economic issues.

Our research-related core competence fields lie in the following areas

  • Electronics & mechatronic systems
  • Mechanical Engineering & Materials
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Innovation and technology management & transdisciplinary research approaches

Our aim is to strengthen the local industry and economy as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through know-how transfer, through joint development of the skills of young talents and by supporting start-up initiatives. Through cooperation at national and international level, we also want to be a reliable and innovative research and development partner at European level.

Science and Energy Labs
With an area of 1,600 square meters, the "Science and Energy Labs" are among the largest and best equipped laboratories in southern Austria. 

The Engineering and IT study area focuses on the research fields:

  • Electronics, Mechatronics, Robotics
  • Energy, environment, mobility
  • Innovation, materials, production
  • data science
  • Society of the future - technical solutions

"Our research work contributes to the increased use of smart technologies and the introduction of artificial intelligence in all industrial, economic and social areas for the benefit of mankind.“

FH-Prof. DI Dr. Franz O. Riemelmoser, MBA
Head of research and development in the Engineering & IT study area

Our research centers


ADMiRE Research Center


Carinthia Institute for Microelectronics


Carinthia Institute for Smart Materials

Our Research Groups


Health, Inclusion & Care


Modelling and Design of Integrated Systems and Circuits


Additive Manufacturing in Agile Virtual Systems for Design


R&D Center For 5G Use Case Integrations


Sensor Integrations in Mechatronics Systems


Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurship Education


Spatial Informatics for Environmental Applications


Moderne, innovative, flexible & personalisierte Laborausbildung

Virtual Walk T10

More Engineering & IT

Into study with additional competence

The FH Add-Ons are preparatory, accompanying and advanced courses for prospective students who want to refresh or deepen their knowledge in the natural sciences. As an additional competence for the start of studies, the consolidation of the knowledge in the MINT subjects helps to facilitate the start of the daily study routine.

In the weeks prior to the start of your studies, we offer additional courses in the subjects of mathematics and computer science to prepare you optimally for the first semester. The aim is to bring the different levels of performance and knowledge of the prospective students to the same level. Knowledge gaps can be filled, existing knowledge can be refreshed. Tutorials during the first semester ensure constant support and promotion of your own skills. Lecturers from the Engineering & IT department impart specialist knowledge in mathematics and computer science, which is relevant for all technical fields of study, regardless of the choice of study.

Participation is voluntary and free for prospective students.

RoboCup Junior

Der RoboCup zählt zu den weltweit bedeutendsten Technologieevents im Bereich Forschung und Ausbildung. Als führender und größter Wettbewerb für intelligente Roboter vereinigt der jährlich stattfindende RoboCup interdisziplinär wissenschaftliche Problemstellungen aus den Themenfeldern Robotik, künstliche Intelligenz, Informatik, Elektrotechnik sowie Maschinenbau.

Der RoboCup Junior gibt Jugendlichen die Gelegenheit, Technik und Naturwissenschaften kennenzulernen und mit Robotern zu experimentieren. Nationale und internationale Teams messen sich spielerisch in drei verschiedenen Disziplinen und lernen Jugendliche aus anderen Schulen, Bundesländern, Nationen und Kulturen kennen.

Der Wettbewerb findet für zwei Altersklassen in drei Disziplinen statt:

  • Primary: 10- 14 Jahre
  • Secondary: 15-18 Jahre

Weitere Informationen:

Jugendliche entwickeln Roboter, die miteinander Fußball spielen. Nach dem Anpfiff spielen die Roboter selbständig ohne Eingreifen der Schüler.

In den Kategorien Dance und Theatre haben die Teams jeweils zwei Minuten Zeit ihren Roboter eine Choreografie oder sonstige Performance präsentieren zu lassen. Fantasie, Kreativität und technische Problemlösungsfähigkeit stehen im Vordergrund und werden von einer Jury bewertet.

In dieser Disziplin werden Roboter gebaut, deren Aufgabe das Suchen und Retten von Opfern im Rahmen eines Katastrophenszenarios ist.

Mittels Bausätzen werden die Roboter von den Jugendlichen selbst mit fachlicher Unterstützung seitens der FH zusammengebaut und sind für jeden, der schon immer Spaß und Interesse an Lego & co. hatten, bedienbar.


FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Werth
Studiengangsleitung Systems Engineering

+43 5 90500 2125

Quality partnership HTL: Entry into the 2nd or 3rd semester

HTL graduates can shorten their studies by up to one year if the admission requirements are met and selected entry examinations are passed before the start of studies.

After successful completion of the Matura and after a positive admission procedure at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, entry into the 3rd semester is possible after successful completion of entry examinations.

Admission requirements are a grade point average of 2 or better in the last two annual school reports (4th and 5th grade) and a letter of recommendation from the respective HTL.


Please submit your application documents for a Bachelor's degree program in the field of "Engineering & IT" ideally ONLINE and include your 4th and 5th grade leaving certificates. After checking the documents, we will contact you if individual courses or semesters can be credited. You will then receive the necessary information about the Moodle preparation courses, which will be offered free of charge from June, and tutorials with the respective teachers.

Entrance exams are offered at the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia in the months of July and September in the first and second week respectively. For these entrance exams, we offer free preparation courses in Moodle starting in June. Participants will be registered by us for the corresponding preparatory courses, all course materials are included in the free package:

  • Tutorials with the lecturers
  • Sample exercises with sample exams
  • Setting up a discussion forum where questions can be asked online
  • 1-2 preparatory sessions at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences to clarify content-related questions

The necessary entry examinations must be completed positively before the start of the study program.

Students who enter the first or second semester despite existing knowledge are invited to work alongside the course instructors as coaches for students without prior technical knowledge. The course can be credited on request or is assessed as "successfully attended".

Entry into the 2nd semester after basic military service as well as individual crediting of individual courses are possible for all Bachelor's degree programs in the field of "Engineering & IT".


A quality partnership has been concluded with the HTLS in Carinthia and the HTL Shkodra in Albania.

Graduates of these HTLs can enter the 3rd semester without additional examinations if their grade point average is ≤ 2 (based on their 4th grade annual report) and if they have a recommendation from the respective head of department or class. Please include your 4th grade report card with your application.

Workshops for Science Clip

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is a project partner of the initiative of the Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering (OVE).

The science communication platform, an initiative of the OVE Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering, is aimed at schools that want to deal with specific topics. Through special teaching materials as well as various activities - such as workshops and excursions - secondary school students gain a deeper insight into the subject matter. The services offered by are, of course, free of charge.


Study + Work

With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!

Study & Work for full-time students

  • Extent of employment: marginally up to 8h / week possible
  • Timetable: Some degree courses are organized so that Monday is a day off.

Study & Work for part-time students

  • Scope of employment: part-time up to max. 20h / week possible
  • The timetable is organized in a work-friendly way (lectures at the end of the day, weekend, blocked or online).

CUAS extended

Since the winter semester 2019/20, it has been easier for students from the Lavant Valley region to study "Engineering & IT" at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in the part-time organisational form.
Systems Engineering started for the first time in the fall of 2019, and with the winter semester 2020/21, two more "extended" courses were added, namely "Mechanical Engineering" and "Industrial Engineering.
EXTENDED means that

  • Selected courses are held in the premises of PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik GmbH.
  • Some courses or parts of courses will be transmitted live via video conference from Villach to the provided premises of PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik GmbH.
  • The remaining courses take place at the FH-Campus Villach, where the course is offered regularly, together with the "regular" group of part-time students.

smart lab Carinthia

Rapid Prototyping Lab for pupils, students & interested people.

Further information:Smart lab Carinthia


start-up garage


Welcome to the start-up garage of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences - we were looking for exactly you! The "start-up garage" of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is a service facility for prospective entrepreneurs on their way to self-employment.

More information (in German):



Lehre für Maturant*innen +  Bachelorstudium „Systems Engineering“, berufsbegleitend

Seit Herbst 2020 wird in Kärnten von einigen Industriebetrieben eine neu entwickelte Doppellehre für das Berufsbild „Prozess- und Elektrotechnik (Anlagen- und Betriebstechnik)“ angeboten. Das Angebot richtet sich speziell an Maturant*innen von AHS und BHS, die nach der Matura eine Lehre absolvieren möchten und an einer vertiefenden berufsbegleitenden Ausbildung interessiert sind.

Durch organisatorische Maßnahmen ist es zusätzlich möglich, parallel das Bachelor-Studium „Systems Engineering“ an der FH Kärnten am Campus Villach berufsbegleitend zu studieren.


Die FH Kärnten kooperiert mit Industriebetrieben wie beispielsweise ÖBB, Infineon Technologies Austria AG in Villach, Flex in Althofen, RHI Magnesita in Radenthein und der Fachberufsschule Villach, um ein neues, attraktives Bildungsangebot für Maturant*innen zu schaffen. Weitere Unternehmen für diese Doppellehre sind im Gespräch.

Dauer der Ausbildung

  • Lehre = Doppellehre verkürzt auf 3 Jahre
  • Studium = Bachelor-Studium, 6 Semester
    •  Das Bachelor-Studium kann mittels eines Antrages auf „Streckung“ auf vier Jahre ausgedehnt werden, und wird innerhalb von vier Jahren parallel zur Lehre absolviert. Für die praktische Umsetzung ist mit den Studierenden vor Studienbeginn ein Gespräch zu führen und ein Antrag auf „Streckung“ auszufüllen.

Aufwand pro Woche:

  • 4 Tage Lehre (im Unternehmen bzw. in der Berufsschule)
  • 2 Tage Studium an der FH Kärnten (1 Werktag + Samstag)


  1. Schritt: Bewerbung für eine Lehrstelle in einem Unternehmen, das diesen Lehrberuf anbietet:
  2. Schritt: Nach erfolgter Zusage für die Lehrstelle ist eine Bewerbung für das berufsbegleitende Bachelor-Studium „Systems Engineering“ am Campus Villach möglich
  3. Schritt: Aufnahmeverfahren an der FH-Kärnten
  4. Schritt: Studienbeginn Mitte September an der FH Kärnten am Campus Villach

Faculty and Staff - Engineering & IT

Dean Engineering & IT, Head of Degree Program Information Technology

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Christian Menard
+43 (0)5 90500-3200

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor of Data Science

FH-Prof. DI (FH) Dr. techn.

 Markus Prossegger
+43 (0)5 90500-3148

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Image Processing

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Thomas Klinger, MLBT
Head of Degree Program Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies, Spatial Information Management

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Gerald Gruber
Head of Degree Program "Medical Engineering & Analytics", Program Director of "Medical Engineering"

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Günther Grabner, Ph.D.
+43 (0)5 90500-3582

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Head of Degree Program Networt & Communication Engineering


 Simon Grasser, MBA
+43 (0)5 90500-3100

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Head of Degree Program Electrical Energy & Mobility Systems, Professor of Electrical Engineering/Electrical Drive Engineering

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.

 Winfried Egger
Head of Degree Program Integrated Systems and Circuits Design, Professor of Microelectronics/Analog Design

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Johannes Sturm
Head of Degree Program Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Light Weight Engineering

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Robert Hauser
Head of Degree Program Systems Engineering, Systems Design

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Wolfgang Werth
Head of Degree Program Industrial Engineering and Management (Bachelor & Master)

FH-Prof. DI Dr.

 Erich Alois Hartlieb
Vice Dean Engineering & IT, Head of Degree Program "Green Transition Engineering", Professor of Communication Engineering/Signal Processing DI

 Ulla Birnbacher
Program Director Multimedia Technology


 Jürgen Thierry
+43 (0)5 90500-3226

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Administration of Studies


 Michaela Filippitsch
+43 (0)5 90500-3101

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Dagmar Maria Kofler
 Alexandra Reithofer
Student Support Services
 Erika Gamnig
+43 (0)5 90500-3102

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Elizabeth Maggauer-Hoffmann
 Claudia Palank
+43 (0)5 90500-3201

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Planning of Schedules and Rooms
 Carina Jellitsch
 Tamara Penker
 Katrin Wölfle
Organizational Support
 Katja Kitzmüller
+43 (0)5 90500-3104

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Lecturer1


 Michaela Gollner, MSc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3543

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Aleksandar Karakas, BSc BSc MSc Priv.-Doz. DI Mag.a rer. nat.

 Anita Kloss-Brandstätter
Professor of English
 Marvin Hoffland, MSc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3215

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Mag. Dr. phil.

 Oswald Jochum, MA
Hochschullehrender für Elektronik, Schaltungstechnik und Messtechnik
 Christoph Riedl, BSc MSc
Hochschullehrer für angewandte Elektronik
 Bernd Filipitsch, BSc MSc
Professor for Artificial Intelligence

FH-Prof. DI Dr. techn.

 Stefan Schrunner
Professor for Innovation Management Entrepreneurship

FH-Prof. DI Dr.

 Josef Tuppinger


 Beáta Bachratá, Ph.D.
+43 (0)5 90500-3221

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Sandra Filipic-Klinar
+43 (0)5 90500-3117

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Sebastian Spintzyk, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3214

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor Ambient Assisted Living

FH-Prof. DI Dr.

 Johannes Oberzaucher
+43 (0)5 90500-3234

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professorship for Applied Physics and Sensor Technology

FH-Prof. Dr. habil.

 Pascal Nicolay
Professor of Industrial Economics

FH-Prof. Dr.

 Joachim Werner
Professor for Claud & Edge Computing


 Christoph Uran, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3119

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor for Computer Graphics & Augmented Reality

DI Dr. techn.

 Andreas Daniel Hartl
Professor of Electrical Engineering

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Helmut Wöllik
+43 (0)5 90500-3131

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor of Geoinformatics

FH-Prof. Dr.-Ing.

 Karl-Heinrich Anders Dipl.-Ing. techn.

 Adrijana Car

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.

 Gernot Paulus, MSc. MAS
Professur for Industrial Management

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Roland Willmann
Professor of Computer Science Univ.-Doz. Dr.

 Elke Hochmüller
+43 (0)5 90500-3114

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Christian Madritsch

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Dominik Rauner-Reithmayer
+43 (0)5 90500-3212

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor of Information Technology/Optical Transmission Technology

FH-Prof. DI (FH) DI Dr.

 Jürgen Schussmann
+43 (0)5 90500-3128

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professur für Konstruktion & Simualation


 Robert Winkler
Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering

FH-Prof. DI Dr.

 Franz Oswald Riemelmoser, MBA
Professor of Mathematics/Network Engineering

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Peter Bachhiesl
+43 (0)5 90500-3112

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professur für Mechatronik

FH-Prof. Dr.

 Christoph Ungermanns
Professor for Medical Informatics Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3266

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Professor of Physics

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Manfred Baltl
Professor of Industrial Engineering

Mag. DI Dr.

 Bernhard Heiden, MBA
Professur für Robotik und mechatronische Systeme

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Mathias Brandstötter
Professor for technical mathematics

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Mario Kapl
Professor of Telematics

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Klaus Raab
+43 (0)5 90500-3121

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Senior Lecturer

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.

 Robert WERNER
Senior Researcher

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mag. (FH)

 Michael Roth

Ing. Mag.

 Gerald Zebedin
Senior Researcher/Lecturer
 Lakshmi Srinivas Gidugu, Ph.D.


 Claude Humbert


 Petra Hössl
 Gerlinde Koppitsch, BA MA


 Daniela Krainer, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3225

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Hannes Oberlercher, BSc MSc


 Emmanuel Seun Oluwasogo


 Violeta Petrescu
 Lilia Maria Schmalzl, M.Sc.
 Katerina Sidiropulu Janku, Ph.D.
 Philipp Sommeregger, MSc


 Mario Wehr
Senior Researcher/Senior Lecturer


 Michael Karl Reiner, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3216

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Supervisor EMV Test Center, Lecturer of Measurement Instrumentation

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Michael Reil
Research Coordinator and Support, Lecturer


 Angelika Voutsinas
Senior Lecturer1

FH-Prof. Dr. phil.

 Colin Heller, M.A.


 Wolfgang Leitner

 Oana Stefana Mitrea, MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3330

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
International Relations Coordinator
 Stefanie Steiner, BA B.Ed M.A.
Senior Researcher/Lecturer

Dott.ssa mag.

 Elisa Borella, MU
Research Assistant
 Monika Auinger, MSc.
 Vanessa Berger, MSc

Mag.a rer. nat.

 Tanja Oberwinkler-Sonnleitner, MSc
Project Staff
 Ilja Svetnik, MSc
Professor of Slovenian


 Katarina Fürst
+43 (0)5 90500-4222

Hauptplatz 12
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten
Professur für Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeit

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.

 Michael Jungmeier


 Nikolaus Ortner
+43 (0)5 90500-7508

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Part-time Lecturer
 Alexander Elbe, BSc MSc
Junior Researcher/Junior Lecturer, Project Staff


 Christoph Martin Erlacher, MSc
Senior Researcher

Dr. rer. nat.

 Vid Svara, MSc
Research Assistant
 Matthew BIO, B.Sc. MSc
 Manuel Breitenfelder, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3116

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Amin Chegeni, Ph.D.


 Jörg Kastelic
 Mohammad Khosravi, MSc
 Elisabeth Konrad, BSc


 Sandra Lisa Lattacher, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3267

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Marius Laux, BSc MSc
 Oleksii Liashenko
 Sutatip Pittayapong, MSc
 Mohammad Mustafa Sadoun, M.Sc.

Dr. mont.

 Sandra Schulnig
 Shilpa Shyam, M.Eng. B.E.
 Dariia Strelnikova, BSc MSc
 Sakine Deniz Varsavas, BSc MSc


 Christoph Voutsinas, MSc
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
 Christian Kreiter, BSc MSc
Junior Researcher
 Maja Cetic, BSc MAS
+43 (0)5 90500-2162

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Monika Decleva, BSc
 Elisabeth Wiegele, BSc MSc
Junior Researcher/Junior Lecturer


 Ingmar Bihlo
Senior Researcher iLEAD
 Eleni Zografou, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3228

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Project Staff
 Ahmed Mohamed Jubartalla Ali, MSc.
 Rajani Arasada, MSc
 Clarissa Becker, B.Eng. MSc
 Daniel Cerdà Holmager
 Letícia Cotinguiba Silva
+43 (0)5 90500-3230

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Dr. phil.

 Daniel Todd Dalton


 Valentin Egger, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3113

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Izabella Noemi Foro, BSc MSc


 Philipp Hasenöhrl
 Philipp Melchior Jeschofnik, BSc MSc
+43 (0)5 90500-2306

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Valentina Clara Peternell, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3213

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Johanna Marion Schulz
 Selina Anna-Maria Strasser, B.A. M.A.
Senior Researcher im Projekt BioMONITec

Mag. rer. nat.

 Klaus Steinbauer
Project Assistant
 Paul Amann, BSc MSc
 Benedict Anemba
+43 (0)5 90500-3120

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Clara Bauer, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3224

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Alexander Berndt, BSc MSc


 Anita Bister
 Amin Fakia, BSc MSc
 Julian Simon Greiler
 Izzet Güzelkara
 Antonina Hammermüller, B.E. MSc
 Rosmarie Brigitte Heim, BSc MSc
 Pierre Hohenberger, BSc
 Mercedes Alejandra Lara Gutiérrez, MSc
 Shyam Sunder Mandapally
 Vishnu Parameswaran Nair, MSc
 Ahmad Suhrab Naseri, B.Sc.
 Marta Polizzi, M.Sc.
 Benjamin Prost, BEng
 Hassan Saleem
 Yannick Elias Schwann
+43 (0)5 90500-3229

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Syed Tawheed Ahmad
 Jagadish VAIBHAV, MSc


 Lawrence Whitmore
 Polona Zakrajsek, MSc.


 Dominic Blandine Zettel, BSc MSc
Key Researcher


 Wolfgang Scherr, M.Sc.


 Santiago Martin Sondón
Part-time Lecturer

Mag. iur.

 Robert Astner, MBL

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Andreas Bachinger

FH-Prof. Dr.

 Erwin Baumgartner

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Rainer Baumschlager, MSc.

DI Dr. techn.

 Thomas Brandtner


 Matthias Buttazoni
 Anna Drechslerová, BSc MSc

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Bernd Eichberger


 Sylvicley Figueira da Silva


 Erwin Fugger, MSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr. techn.

 Wolfgang Granig

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.

 Monika Grasser, MA

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Ing.

 Markus Haring

DI Dr. techn.

 Markus Heinrici

DI Dr. techn.

 Sebastian Franz Höfler, BS


 Reinhard Ingruber

Ing. Dipl.-Ing.

 Jutta Isopp


 Rafael Janski, BSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Ziad Khalil

Dr. rer. nat.

 Hanns Kirchmeir


 Herfried Lammer

Assoc.Prof. DI Dr. techn.

 Christian Landschützer
 Michael Lecher, BSc MSc


 Christian Lenzhofer, MSc


 Manfred Ley


 Mathias Male, BSc MSc
 Semi Karim Mamou, BSc MSc

DI DI Dr. techn.

 Christian Mentin, BSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Wolfgang Meyer

FH-Prof. DDipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr.

 Lukas Möltner

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Bernd Neuner

DI Dr. mont.

 Walter Ochensberger

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr. phil. habil.

 Andreas Pester

DI Dr. mont.

 Manuel Petersmann

Assoc.Prof. Dr.

 Roberto Petrella

DI techn.

 Olivia Pfeiler

em.o.Univ.-Prof. Dr.

 Jürgen Pilz

Mag. DI Dr. techn.

 Kathrin Plankensteiner

DI Dr. techn.

 Christian Rabitsch


 Jörg Michael Raditschnig


 Christian Reidl, MBA


 Reinhard Rieger


 Thomas STEFAN, MSc.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Heinz Stanek, MBA
 Philipp Andreas Steinegger, BSc MSc


 Christoph Stock

Mag.a rer. soc. oec.

 Iris Straßer

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Dietmar Sträußnigg


 Robert Ukowitz, MAS
 Alexander Ulbing, BSc MSc

DI Dr. techn.

 Rudolf Vallant

DI Dr. techn.

 Mirjana Videnovic-Misic

Mag. Dr. techn.

 Roland Winkler

DI Dr. techn.

 Andreas Wittmann
Laboratory Engineer


 Michael Dorfer
+43 (0)5 90500-3123

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Peter Grabner
+43 (0)5 90500-3115

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
 Franz-Philipp Kraushofer, BSc


 Johannes Loretz
+43 (0)5 90500-3232

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Christian Oswald

Ing. Dipl.-Ing.

 Hans Werner Samonik, BSc


 Ulf Erich Scherling
 Raphael Sommer
 Josef Zwatz, BSc MSc
Junior Researcher
 Stephan Mark Thaler, BSc MSc MSc
Laboratory Management EngIT & Lecturer


 Reinhard Tober
Staff Marketing & PR Department

Mag.a (FH)

 Petra Lomsek
Trainee Office Management
 Sofia Bergmann

Campus & Arrival

Campus Primoschgasse

Klagenfurt combines joie de vivre, nature and culture. The city of just over 100,000 inhabitants on Lake Wörthersee is a recreational area that fulfils every wish. Slovenia and Italy are not far away, the mountains are within reach. Klagenfurt's cultural scene is also vibrant, with clubs, stages and museums. The Old Square with its many shops, restaurants and cafés is the centre of city life. The idyllic Lendkanal connects the city with the lake and, like Kreuzbergl, is a popular destination for amateur sportsmen and nature lovers. 
The campus in Primoschgasse has perfect transport connections - a separate bus line stops directly in front of the FH on the Südring. The view from the roof terrace onto the mountain panorama surrounding Klagenfurt offers the perfect space for relaxing breaks.

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–Primoschgasse on a 360° Tour.

coming from the west (from A10, A11) along the southern motorway A2: 
Exit Klagenfurt/Wörthersee (Minimundus), along Südring for about 7 km, turn left at the Südring/Gerberweg intersection (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Standort Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the east along the southern motorway A2: 
Exit Klagenfurt-Ost, turn into town (left), direction Klagenfurt-Zentrum after 1 km on Völkermarkterstraße (right) after about 2.5 km turn left at the intersection into Südring (Kika), at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station) turn into town (right), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the south along the Rosentalerstrasse B91: 
turn right at the intersection Rosentalerstrasse/Südring (PSK) into Südring, along Südring for about 2.5km. turn left at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the north along the St. Veiterstrasse B83:
Turn left, follow St. Veiterring into Völkermarkterring (right) southbound, extension Völkermarkterring into Lastenstraße until you reach the railway underpass (approx. 800m), extension Lastenstraße into Gerberweg, after approx. 750m turn left to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Klagenfurt main station, footpath to Südpark along Bahnstraße (direction east), footpath along Gerberweg to Primoschgasse to FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (direction south), duration from main station about 20 min.


Airport Klagenfurt, by taxi to the FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (duration about 20 min), or by public utility bus to Heiligengeistplatz, change to line 40, 41, 42, 70 or 71, duration from airport about 50 min.