Family-friendly university
Creating a family-friendly environment for staff and students is at the heart of the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia's efforts in the hochschuleundfamilie project. Since 2014, organisational measures have been implemented at our university to support the compatibility of family and studies/profession.
The topic of family friendliness at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences was made visible during the audit "hochschuleundfamilie" and the first existing measures were presented. Building on this, further measures were defined and implemented in various subject areas in the following audit periods.
After the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences was awarded the basic "hochschuleundfamilie" certificate in 2014, the certificate was renewed in 2017 and 2020. Within each audit period, measures were developed and implemented in a number of selected topic areas.
In its efforts, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences refers to the following concept of family: "Family includes people who have a binding relationship with each other and who care for and bear responsibility for each other".
Continuous expansion of the digital teaching offer
- Use of the digital learning platform Moodle
- Increased online teaching (location-independence)
- Increased blended learning with synchronous and asynchronous learning phases (time independence)
- Use of MS Teams as a platform for online teaching and online meetings
- Training / support for the development of didactic concepts by the Didactics Centre
- Equipment for hybrid teaching in numerous lecture halls/seminar rooms
Adaptations of examination regulations
- Module examinations = fewer certificates
- Part-time studies = stretching of one academic year to 2 years
- Make compulsory internships possible on a part-time basis
- Illness of children or relatives in need of care = excuse for examinations
Implement "Student Support Service
- Systematic development of student health management
- Psychosocial crisis counselling for students
Establish guidelines and company agreements that take into account the changing working conditions and needs, and also improve the compatibility of work & family.
- Company agreement on "Flexible Working Hours" with an annual accounting.
- Directive "Distance Working" allows working at home or at other locations (from 2015 - 2021)
- Company agreement on "Sabbatical", which includes various savings models for individual sabbaticals. The "Sabbatical" company agreement, which allows for various savings models for individual time off
- Company agreement "Working in a Home Office" (replaces "Distance Working" guideline) (since 2021)
Rahmenbedingungen für ein gesundes, engagiertes und ausgeglichenes Arbeiten an der FH Kärnten zu schaffen, um die Ziele als Fachhochschule erfolgreich umzusetzen.
- Implementierung Laufbahnmodell und Gehaltsmodell
- Inanspruchnahme von Elternteilzeit, Altersteilzeit, Papamonat und Väterkarenz
- Betriebliche Gesundheitsvorsorge: Im Projekt FH4HEALTH werden Maßnahmen für folgende 3 Säulen entwickelt und angeboten:
1. Gesunde Mitarbeiter*innen und Studierende
2. Gesunde Arbeit
3. Gesunde Unternehmenskultur

Ulla Birnbacher
Projektleitung hochschuleundfamilie
+43 5 90500 2111