Bachelor Degree Program Information Technologies
Study Program Geoinformation and Environment (part-time)

Study content Geoinformation & Environment

In addition to basic knowledge in computer science and mathematics, the focus of the training is on geoinformation and its use in environmental issues, e.g.

  • How can geodata help to identify dangers to the environment and nature and to plan protective measures?
  • In which zones can an urban area grow in an environmentally and socially compatible way?
  • What borders a nature reserve and how is it influenced by humans?

In addition to problem-solving skills, interdisciplinary thinking and working, and technological know-how, the following skills are needed to deal with these questions:

  • Understanding essential interrelationships in diverse environmental issues.
  • Analysis and evaluation of environmental issues
  • Digital communication of newly generated information and results (digital environment)
(Dieser Studienzweig wird ab Herbst 2024 nicht mehr angeboten)



Please contact us if you have any questions about your studies:

Head of Degree Program

Level of qualification
ECTS credits
Tuition fees
€ 363.36 / semester
Qualification awarded
Duration of study
6 semester
ÖH (Austrian Student Union) fee
€ 25.20 / semester
Language of instruction
FH campus
  • Klagenfurt
  • Villach

General Study Information









HTL graduates can shorten their bachelor's degree by up to one year if they have passed selected entrance examinations before starting their studies and have completed a relevant HTL. The entry requirement for the 2nd or 3rd semester is a grade point average of 2 or better in the last two annual reports (4th and 5th grade) of the HTL.

Entry into the 2nd semester is possible on an individual basis after reviewing the documents.

Further information

Study + Work

With over 100 Study & Work partner companies and organizations, CUAS offers students the opportunity to combine studying and working!

Study & Work for full-time students

  • Extent of employment: marginally up to 8h / week possible
  • Timetable: Some degree courses are organized so that Monday is a day off.

Study & Work for part-time students

  • Scope of employment: part-time up to max. 20h / week possible
  • The timetable is organized in a work-friendly way (lectures at the end of the day, weekend, blocked or online).


The Bachelor's major in Geoinformation and Environment is dedicated to the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their applications in engineering, ecology, and business. Students gain a comprehensive insight into the geoinformation sciences and learn how they are applied in a variety of practical ways. The program is characterized by interdisciplinarity, internationality, and a strong hands-on approach.

From environmental applications to spatial decision support to risk management, there are wide-ranging applications in geoinformation. In the course of their studies, students also deal with the design and development of GI systems and applications (e.g. WebGIS, geo-apps), analytics, spatial analysis and statistics, as well as data modeling, geodatabases and visualization. All these fields contribute from different perspectives to one thing above all: to a better understanding of our environment.

What Geoinformation & Environment students should bring to the program:

  • A creative personality and enjoyment of innovative developments.
  • Logical thinking skills coupled with an interest in science and technology.
  • Curiosity and the ability to work independently.
  • English skills.

Concrete previous knowledge is not necessary for the Bachelor's program Geoinfomation and Environment. Therefore, students from all types of schools can start this study program after graduating from high school if they have the appropriate interest and willingness to perform. In order to facilitate the start of studies, the FH Kärnten offers intensive courses in mathematics, computer science and physics. Lack of university entrance qualification can be compensated by relevant professional qualification and attendance of the pre-study course.

Upon successful completion of the Geoinformation & Environment degree program, graduates possess the following skills and knowledge:

  • They are versed in the core topics of geoinformation such as digital acquisition, analysis, processing, provision and presentation of geographic phenomena and spatial relationships.
  • They exploit the versatile methods of geoinformation in their completeness.
  • You apply GI technologies and know the essential fields of application of GIS systems and GIS software.

Current courses - Information Technologies

LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Discrete Mathematics Gr 1 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.011
Discrete Mathematics Gr 2 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.011
Introduction to Programming and Principles of Computer Science Gr 1 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.013
Introduction to Programming and Principles of Computer Science Gr 2 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.013
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry Gr 1 ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.012
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry Gr 2 ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.012
Project Management ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.10.010
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals on Anatomy and Pyhysiology VO 4,0 5,0 B2.08512.10.013
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering VO 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.10.010
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Lab LAB 2,0 2,0 B2.08512.10.011
Basics of Physics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08512.10.014
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering VO 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.10.010
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Lab LAB 2,0 2,0 B2.08512.10.011
Fundamentals of Telecommunication ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08513.10.013
Basics of Physics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08512.10.014
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Mobile Device Architectures 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.015
Data Managament ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.020
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.30.021
English 2 - Technical English and Business Communication Gr 1 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.010
English 2 - Technical English and Business Communication Gr 2 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.010
Mobile Application Development 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.016
IoT - Basics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.030
IoT - Standards and Protocols 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.031
Software Engineering 1 Gr 1 ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.013
Software Engineering 1 Gr 2 ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.013
Statistics and Probability Theory ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.012
Web Programming Gr 1 ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.30.011
Web Programming Gr 2 ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.30.011
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Remote Sensing ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.010
Geo-Databases ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.012
Geodatenqualität ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08514.30.013
Projections and Coordinate Systems ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.011
Spatial Interpolation Techniques ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.014
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals on Biosensors and Measuring Technologies ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.30.011
Medical Signal Processing ILV 3,5 4,0 B2.08512.30.012
Interfaces in Medicine ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.30.010
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
3D Graphics Engines ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08511.30.011
3D Modelling ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.30.010
Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.30.012
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Microcontroller ILV 4,0 6,0 B2.08513.30.011
Network Modelling ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08513.30.010
Signals and Systems 2 ILV 4,0 6,0 B2.08513.30.012
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Data Sources and Data Quality ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.50.020
English 4 - Career and Professional Skills Gr 1 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.50.010
English 4 - Career and Professional Skills Gr 2 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.50.010
Mobile Application Development 3 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.50.015
IoT - Applications ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.50.030
Project Bachelor Group I PA 0,5 7,0 B2.08510.50.011
Project Bachelor Group II PA 0,5 7,0 B2.08510.50.011
Project Bachelor Group III PA 0,5 7,0 B2.08510.50.011
Selected Topics on Data Science SE 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.50.021
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Medical Smart Sensors ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.013
Law and Standards VO 1,0 1,0 B2.08512.50.010
Telehealth ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.011
Visualization in Medicine ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.012
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Best Practices for Multimedia Technologies ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.50.011
Digital Rights Management VO 2,0 2,0 B2.08511.50.010
Innovation Management for Multimedia Technologies SE 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.50.012
Multimedia Content Production ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.50.013
Technology and Society SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08511.50.014
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Radio Networks ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08513.50.010
Network Design 2 ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08513.50.012
Network Management ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.50.011
Software Defined Networks ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.50.013
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Algorithms and Object-Oriented Programming ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08510.20.013
Analysis ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.20.011
Database Systems ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08510.20.014
English 1 - Introduction to Technical English SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.20.010
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of Electronics ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08512.20.010
Medical instrumentation VO 3,0 4,0 B2.08512.20.012
Medical Information Systems ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08512.20.011
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of Electronics ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08512.20.010
Internet Technologies ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.20.011
Signals and Systems 1 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.20.012
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Mobile Device Architectures 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.013
BIG Data Visualization ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.40.021
English 3 - Academic Presentation Gr 1 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.40.010
English 3 - Academic Presentation Gr 2 SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.40.010
Mobile Application Development 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.014
IoT - Sensors and Actuators ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.031
IoT - Standards and Protocols 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.032
Project KLU Group 1 PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Project KLU Group 2 PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Project VI Group 1 PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Project VI Group 2 PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Software Engineering 2 Gr 1 ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.40.012
Software Engineering 2 Gr 2 ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.40.012
Statistical Models in Data Science ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.40.020
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Digital Earth: Models, Methods and Applications SE 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.40.014
Digitale Geomedien 1 ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.40.011
Dissemination of GI: Effective Presentation Techniques ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08514.40.010
Spatial Analysis ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08514.40.015
Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.40.013
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Imaging Modalities ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.40.012
Medizinische Bildanalyse und Bildverarbeitung ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.40.011
Medical Informatics ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.40.010
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
3D Graphics Engines - Lab UE 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.40.011
Computer Animation ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.40.010
User Interfaces for AR and VR ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.40.012
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Mobile Communication ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08513.40.012
Network Design 1 ILV 3,0 3,0 B2.08513.40.010
Optical Networks ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.40.011
Verteilte Systeme ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08513.40.013
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Examination BE 0,0 2,0 B2.08510.60.013
Seminar for Bachelor Thesis SE 0,2 6,0 B2.08510.60.012
Professional Internship BPR 4,0 19,0 B2.08510.60.010
Current IT Trends VO 3,0 3,0 B2.08510.60.014
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Discrete Mathematics ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.011
Introduction to Programming and Principles of Computer Science ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.013
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.10.012
Project Management ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.10.010
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Digitalisierung und Umwelt ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.10.010
Mensch.Umwelt.Technologie 1 ILV 5,0 6,0 B2.08514.10.011
Umweltdaten: erheben, verstehen, handeln ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08514.10.012
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals on Anatomy and Pyhysiology VO 4,0 5,0 B2.08512.10.013
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering VO 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.10.010
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Lab LAB 2,0 2,0 B2.08512.10.011
Basics of Physics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08512.10.014
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Audio and Video Technology 1 ILV 4,5 5,0 B2.08511.10.012
Digital Photography and Image Composition ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.10.013
Design Basics - Visual Communication ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.10.011
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering VO 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.10.010
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Lab LAB 2,0 2,0 B2.08512.10.011
Fundamentals of Telecommunication ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08513.10.013
Basics of Physics ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08512.10.014
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Mobile Device Architectures 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.015
Data Managament ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.020
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.30.021
English 2 - Technical English and Business Communication SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.010
Mobile Application Development 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.016
IoT - Basics ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.030
IoT - Standards and Protocols 1 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.30.031
Software Engineering 1 ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.013
Statistics and Probability Theory ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.30.012
Web Programming ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.30.011
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Remote Sensing ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.010
Geo-Databases ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.012
Geodatenqualität ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08514.30.013
Projections and Coordinate Systems ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.011
Spatial Interpolation Techniques ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.30.014
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals on Biosensors and Measuring Technologies ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.30.011
Medical Signal Processing ILV 3,5 4,0 B2.08512.30.012
Interfaces in Medicine ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.30.010
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
3D Graphics Engines ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08511.30.011
3D Modelling ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.30.010
Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.30.012
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Microcontroller ILV 4,0 6,0 B2.08513.30.011
Network Modelling ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08513.30.010
Signals and Systems 2 ILV 4,0 6,0 B2.08513.30.012
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Data Sources and Data Quality ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.50.020
English 4 - Career and Professional Skills SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.50.010
Mobile Application Development 3 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.50.015
IoT - Applications ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08510.50.030
Project Bachelor PA 0,5 7,0 B2.08510.50.011
Selected Topics on Data Science SE 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.50.021
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Digitale Geomedien 2 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08514.50.015
Dissemination of GI: Copyright and Data Protection ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08514.50.013
GI-Standards and Interoperability ILV 3,0 3,5 B2.08514.50.012
Modelling in Geoinformation ILV 1,0 2,0 B2.08514.50.011
Project Seminar SE 1,0 1,0 B2.08514.50.010
WebGIS and GI-Services ILV 3,0 3,5 B2.08514.50.014
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Medical Smart Sensors ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.013
Law and Standards VO 1,0 1,0 B2.08512.50.010
Telehealth ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.011
Visualization in Medicine ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.012
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Best Practices for Multimedia Technologies ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.50.011
Digital Rights Management VO 2,0 2,0 B2.08511.50.010
Innovation Management for Multimedia Technologies SE 2,0 3,0 B2.08511.50.012
Multimedia Content Production ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.50.013
Technology and Society SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08511.50.014
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Radio Networks ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08513.50.010
Network Design 2 ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08513.50.012
Network Management ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.50.011
Software Defined Networks ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.50.013
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Algorithms and Object-Oriented Programming ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08510.20.013
Analysis ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08510.20.011
Database Systems ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08510.20.014
English 1 - Introduction to Technical English SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.20.010
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Graph-based Modelling and Analysis ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08514.20.011
Mensch.Umwelt.Technologie 2 ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08514.20.010
Umweltdaten: erheben, verstehen, handeln - Praktische Übungen UE 4,0 4,0 B2.08514.20.012
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of Electronics ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08512.20.010
Medical instrumentation VO 3,0 4,0 B2.08512.20.012
Medical Information Systems ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08512.20.011
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Audio and Video Technology 2 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.20.010
Introduction to Computer Graphics ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08511.20.011
Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08511.20.012
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Fundamentals of Electronics ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08512.20.010
Internet Technologies ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.20.011
Signals and Systems 1 ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.20.012
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Mobile Device Architectures 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.013
BIG Data Visualization ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.40.021
English 3 - Academic Presentation SE 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.40.010
Mobile Application Development 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.014
IoT - Sensors and Actuators ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.031
IoT - Standards and Protocols 2 ILV 2,0 2,5 B2.08510.40.032
Project PJ 2,0 5,0 B2.08510.40.011
Software Engineering 2 ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08510.40.012
Statistical Models in Data Science ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08510.40.020
Study program: Geoinformation and EnvironmentTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Digital Earth: Models, Methods and Applications SE 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.40.014
Digitale Geomedien 1 ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.40.011
Dissemination of GI: Effective Presentation Techniques ILV 2,0 2,0 B2.08514.40.010
Spatial Analysis ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08514.40.015
Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08514.40.013
Study program: Medical EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Imaging Modalities ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.40.012
Medizinische Bildanalyse und Bildverarbeitung ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.40.011
Medical Informatics ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.40.010
Medical Smart Sensors ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08512.50.013
Study program: Multimedia TechnologyTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
3D Graphics Engines - Lab UE 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.40.011
Computer Animation ILV 3,0 5,0 B2.08511.40.010
User Interfaces for AR and VR ILV 3,5 5,0 B2.08511.40.012
Study program: Network & Communication EngineeringTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Mobile Communication ILV 4,0 5,0 B2.08513.40.012
Network Design 1 ILV 3,0 3,0 B2.08513.40.010
Optical Networks ILV 3,0 4,0 B2.08513.40.011
Verteilte Systeme ILV 2,0 3,0 B2.08513.40.013
LectureTypeSPPSECTS-CreditsCourse number
Bachelor Examination BE 0,0 2,0 B2.08510.60.013
Seminar for Bachelor Thesis SE 0,2 6,0 B2.08510.60.012
Professional Internship BPR 4,0 19,0 B2.08510.60.010
Current IT Trends VO 3,0 3,0 B2.08510.60.014

Job & Career

Graduates have excellent and exciting job opportunities in a national and international environment. The fields of application are manifold, such as

  • environmental protection and environmental monitoring,
  • Disaster management of natural hazards,
  • Statistics and population analyses,
  • Location analyses and geomarketing
  • Crime analysis and security management

This website provides insight into literally 1000 GIS applications and job opportunities: ““!


The successful completion of the bachelor degree program entitles the holder to a master degree in the field of Engineering & IT at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in the scope of 4 semesters as well as to a master degree in the field of Engineering & IT at another university or college.

The English-language degree program "Spatial Information Management" trains experts for the national and international market. Applied research and practice-oriented teaching, spatial decision support and geo-simulations, distributed computing, data mining, and digital image processing are only some of the aspects that characterize the master's program. After completing their studies, Master's graduates are able to independently design and implement solution strategies for various application areas and to support experts in decision-making.


Planning of district heating networks

Stefan Breithuber

Graduate, works at KELAG Energie & Wärme GmbH

Survey and Geoinformation

Emmanuel Blaßnig

Graduate, works in the city council of the provincial capital Linz

Innovative ideas for the mobility of the future

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Krampe

Managing Director TraffiCon


Basis for water management, road construction, forestry and much more

Bernhard Kosar

Graduate, works in the Department of Geoinformation and Real Estate at the Office of the Upper Austrian Government in Linz

Career profiles

Mohammad Mustafa Sadoun

After achieving my BSc in Communication Engineering in Jordan, I came to FH-Kärnten in August 2018 to join the international Master’s program “Spatial…

Anna Staber

The combination of the two fields of interest geography and computer science led Anna Staber to the decision to study "Geoinformation" at the…

Judith Stratmann

My experience during the Master’s program“Spatial Information Management” at CUAS

Time flies by. One year ago, in summer 2019, I graduated from…

Fabian Kowatsch

Fabian Kowatsch studied Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences from 2012 to 2015. In 2017 he…

News & Awards

Sportmittelschule Lind zu Gast bei IT-Geoinformation

Am Mittwoch, den 20. September sowie Donnerstag, den 21. September 2023 besuchten die Klassen 3a und 2a der Sportmittelschule Lind ob Villach den…

FHT34 - Forscherin Daria Strelnikova

Im FH talk, moderiert von Innovationsforscherin Gloria Bottaro, spricht Daria Strelnikova über ihre Forschungsarbeit am Studiengang Geoinformation und…

Girls Day bei IT-Geoinformation und Umwelt

Mädchen tauchen in die spannende Welt der Technik ein“ – das ist das Motto der jährlich stattfindenden „Girls‘ Days“ an der FH Kärnten in den…

Klimaerwärmung: Ausgezeichnete Bachelor-Arbeit verhindert Bodenaustrocknung

Spricht man mit Lukas Wolbank, wird einem das Ausmaß der Klimaerwärmung so richtig bewusst. Weniger Niederschläge, Trockenperioden gefolgt von…


In the mandatory professional internship, you will implement the knowledge you have acquired in your geoinformation studies and thus have already gained practical experience by the end of your education. The internship can be done worldwide and usually lasts 12 to 15 weeks.

Here is an overview of some companies and institutions that allow a professional internship:

Corinna Katzler

Ich konnte die Möglichkeit eines Auslandpraktikums bei der Kantonspolizei Zürich in der Schweiz nutzen.

Alexander Sonnerer

Während des  6.  Semesters  habe  ich  mein  Pflichtpraktikum   in   Maun,   Botswana,   absolviert.

Simon Geigenberger und Ben Betzen

Unser zwölfwöchiges Berufspraktikum absolvierten wir am „Department of Geography“ der „University of St Andrews“ in Schottland.

Martin Schuster

Ich absolvierte mein Berufspraktikum am „Department of Geography“ an der „University of Canterbury“ in Christchurch, Neuseeland.


International visiting professors like Dr. Michael Leitner from Louisiana State University or Dr. Piotr Jankowski from San Diego State University deal with exciting and current issues in the field of geoinformation. We are also a strategic partner of the international GI_Forum conference (contact person Dr. Adrijana Car). Information on further numerous projects and cooperations can be found in our GI_Newsletter series: Edition 2019  |  Edition 2018  |  Edition 2017  |  Edition 2015

Marshall Plan Scholarship

The Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation annually awards scholarships to students at Austrian and American universities for research stays with a focus on technology and natural sciences in the USA and Austria (minimum 3 months). Depending on the length of the stay, the scholarship amounts to up to 10,000 euros and is aimed at Bachelor, Master and PhD students in natural science subjects.

Students of the current study programme Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies have so far worked very successfully on international projects.

Comparing the suitability of strava and endomondo GPS tracking data for bicycle travel pattern alaysis

Die Analyse von GPS Daten, die mobile Fitness-Applikationen beim Radfahren aufzeichnen, stand im Mittelpunkt des Berufspraktikums von Dariia Strelnikova. Im Rahmen eines Marshallplan Stipendiums erhielt sie die Möglichkeit zu einem Forschungsaufenthalt in den Vereinigten Staaten. Gemeinsam mit einem Team der Universität Florida wurden die Ergebnisse über raumzeitliche Muster während der Aktivität am Fahrrad gesammelt um die Radweginfrastruktur zu verbessern.

Hot Spot Analysen, Near Repeat Analysen und Risk Terrain Modeling

Mein Berufspraktikum im 6. Semester des Bachelorstudiengangs „Geoinformation und Umwelttechnologien“ habe ich von Februar bis Anfang Juni 2015 in den USA, in Baton Rouge, an der Louisiana State University (LSU) am Department für Geologie und Anthropologie absolviert. Mein Betreuer Dr. Michael Leitner ist dort als „Full-Time“ Professor in der Lehre und Forschung tätig und ermöglichte mir somit diesen großartigen Auslandsaufenthalt.

Das Ziel meiner Forschungsarbeit war es die drei wichtigsten statistischen Kriminalitätsvorhersagemethoden Hot Spot Analysen, Near Repeat Analysen und Risk Terrain Modeling miteinander zu vergleichen. Dabei wurden die Vor- und Nachteile der drei Analysemethoden aufgezeigt, um in weiterer Folge die passende Methode für die Stadtpolizei Wels auswählen zu können. Neben meinem Praktikum an der LSU hatte ich auch die Möglichkeit sehr viele neue und nützliche Kontakte zu knüpfen und Teile der Vereinigten Staaten kennenzulernen. Jedem dem die Möglichkeit für solch ein Praktikum geboten wird sollte die Chance im Ausland arbeiten oder studieren zu können auf jeden Fall nutzen.


As a student of the MSc program „Spatial Information Management“ (SIM), supported by the CUAS’ International Relation Office (IRO) and the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation I had the opportunity to visit the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. My Marshall Plan grant resulted not only from a successful application but also from the years long cooperation between Dr. Gernot Paulus (SIM@CUAS) and Dr. Christopher D. Lippitt from the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at UNM, both of whom supervised my thesis research.

During my stay, I worked on the quantitative comparison of nadir and oblique images, which is a part of my master thesis on the development of a multi-temporal phenological 3D model of vine. I benefited greatly from Dr. Lippitt’s extensive knowledge and experience, especially regarding remote sensing, while solving supposedly difficult problems related to image processing. Together with other incoming students I received a very warm welcome at the Department. We were introduced to all staff and had a tour of the campus and the city. I enjoyed everybody’s openness, prompt and easy communication. Aside from intense work on my project, I managed to do some sightseeing, mostly following the invitations from my colleagues. For example, I visited the Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument on the Pajarito Plateau, the inactive „Three Sisters“ volcanoes and the national museum of nuclear science & history. Given the high competence and experience of the staff, the friendly and respectful treatment of students, the campus amenities and the discourse and excursion offers, I would warmly recommend this research stay at the UNM in New Mexico to every student! Personally, I am exploring possibilities to return to the UNM to earn a doctoral degree.



Digitale Kriminalitätsanalyse: Wie moderne Geoinformationstechnologien dabei helfen, mögliche Ursachen für das Auftreten und die räumliche Verteilung von Verbrechen besser zu verstehen.

Im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes untersucht ein internationales ForscherInnenteam des Departments of Geography & Anthropology der Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge (USA) und des Studiengangs Spatial Information Management an der FH Kärnten (Campus Villach) mit innovativen Geoinformationstechnologien mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen der Verwahrlosung von Stadtteilen (engl.: „Urban Blight“) und dem Auftreten von Kriminalität. Die Untersuchungsgebiete liegen im Süden der USA in Baton Rouge (Louisiana). Das Team besteht aus Michael Leitner (Professor am Dept. of Geography & Anthropology an der Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge und internationaler Experte im Bereich der räumlichen Kriminalitätsanalyse); Judith Stratmann (Masterstudentin am Studiengang Spatial Information Management an der FH Kärnten), Alina Ristea (Doktoratsstudentin am Doktoratskolleg GIScience-Geoinformatics an der Universität Salzburg) und Gernot Paulus (Professor für Geoinformation an der FH Kärnten). Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, neue interdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden wie Spatial Video Technology und Geo-Narratives anzuwenden, um den städtischen Verfall und den Zusammenhang mit Kriminalitätsraten und Kriminalitätswahrnehmung auf der Mikroebene von „Neighborhoods“ in Baton Rouge in Louisiana (USA) zu untersuchen.

Die beiden Karten in Abbildung 1 und 2 zeigen erste Ergebnisse dieser aktuell in Baton Rouge laufenden Studie; einerseits die Verteilungsdichte für Indikatoren des städtischen Verfalls (Abb.1) und andererseits der Kriminalität (Abb.2) in den Nachbarschaften Fairfields und Mid City in Baton Rouge. Die Projektergebnisse wurden im Rahmen einer wissenschaftlichen Poster-Präsentation auf dem GI_Forum 2019 vorgestell

Geo is everywhere and in everything

After achieving my BSc in Communication Engineering in Jordan, I came to FH-Kärnten in August 2018 to join the international Master’s program “Spatial Information Management”. Being in this international space paved the way for a great experience. It was a delight to learn, integrate and build relationships with international communities especially in the very nice city of Villach.

I have learnt the key principles of GIS science and I was able to put my gained knowledge to work when I was granted the Marshallplan Scholarship to do my thesis “Comparison of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for water fowl detection and classification” at the University of New Mexico, USA, from March to July 2020.
In September 2021, I joined SIENA Research Group as a junior researcher and since that time, I have been involved in projects that utilize Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in spatial and environmental applications. For example, I was involved in developing pipelines for automated bird detection from areal imagery, building an extensive dataset for building footprint from satellite images, developing automatic boats tracking system based on image processing, smart-floor analysis and visualization system, automatic insect recognition, and many projects more.

If I have learnt one thing here: it’s the fact that “Geo is everywhere and in everything” and gaining knowledge about how to best utilize such treasure opens the way to endless development and achievement possibilities.


It has been such a gratifying experience working on my research in the Physics/Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science (PAIS) Department at the University of New Mexico (UNM). As Earth and Climate Change was the subject of my thesis, the Geography Department was very helpful to me as well. My host supervisor, Dr. Christopher Lippitt specifically challenges his staff to go beyond their normal comfort levels. During my time there, I have worked closely with Dr. Lippitt, who provided me with the resources and freedom to craft research projects aligned to my interests in answering the big questions like "where is this research going?", and "what else is out there worth a research effort?" I've been consistently pushed and motivated to come up with fresh research concepts.

I think this has given me the ideal environment to develop into a creative, informed, and autonomous researcher. The lab was equipped with everything I needed to conduct the experiments and collect all the empirical data I required for my research. Its atmosphere is friendly, approachable, and the instructors, students, and staff were very helpful and supportive.

Life in Albuquerque is affordable, and locals are always open to newcomers, especially students. Exploring its neighborhoods with locals is a great way to learn about its history and culture but also avoid crime-prone areas. The state of New Mexico offers a wide range of things to do and places to explore and enjoy. If you are an outdoor person, I strongly recommend applying for this position and seeing how magnificent nature there is.

Home Institution: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria
Host Institution: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Application of Spatial Exploratory Global Uncertainty-Sensitivity Analysis for Flood Protection Scenarios

My proposal on “Application of Spatial Exploratory Global Uncertainty-Sensitivity Analysis for Flood Protection Scenarios” has been accepted from Marshall Plan Scholarship, so that my journey to Austria began on the 1st of June! I was pretty sure that it would be a rewarding summer in terms of both research and fun, and neither CUAS nor Villach falsified me.

I am currently a geography PhD student in a joint doctoral program between San Diego State University and University of California, Santa Barbara. I have been studying my PhD since 2013 and my major subject area is Geographic Information Science. Specifically, I am a research assistant in a National Research Funded project called “A Spatiotemporal Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Human Environment Systems Models”. Align with this project; my main research area is uncertainty and sensitivity analysis (U-SA) for spatially explicitly models. Therefore, my proposed study in CUAS is focused on an environmental model, flood damage estimation, considering the importance of the model output and how effective it is in decision making process. Eco-hydrological modeling of flood damage assessment often employs spatially explicit models, which are prone to uncertainty in their input and output data. A modeling approach, which quantifies both uncertainty and sensitivity, is a mandatory step to increase the quality of decision making in spatially explicit models. This research on spatially-explicit models, aims to provide an effective tool for assessment of the quality in output and therefore leading an optimization for the land suitability and resource allocation problems. Considering the environmental conditions in Austria, this makes a suitable candidate region to implement the proposed research methodology.

During my stay in Villach, the technical meetings and discussing that I made with the faculty helped me to form my model and understand the existing conventional methods applied for flood damage estimation. Especially, the help and guidance of Dr. Gernot Paulus has a paramount importance in my research. Moreover, I also had chance to deal with another research subject with Christopher Erlacher which is quite parallel to my PhD subject interest and has very fruitful results. Therefore, these three months period help me to deal two different research problems with the generous support of CUAS faculty.

Besides involving in research, I was also happy to take the advantage of being in the center of Eastern Europe. Especially, being able to travel three countries in a day without having a jetlag was very enjoyable.  I made short trips to Udine, Graz, and Salzburg since I enjoy the history and architecture in a city a lot. Moreover, I visited Ljubljana and Lake Bled in Slovenia for my birthday. Although I was alone, the beauty of the nature and foods cheered me up! In this summer, the most different experience in Villach was Kirchtag for me. It was a traditional festival where people eat special food and dance in their traditional clothes. I had also chance of trying one dress, thanks to my roommate. Finally, I finished my summer time in Budapest and Vienna, which are the best places to farewell the Austria and Europe. 

I am grateful for my unforgettable memories in Austria, especially to the people that I met at FH and my roommates who helped me to survive and ease my life in Villach.  I am pretty sure that those people will turn to lifelong friends. 

Simulation model of the potential trajectories of wolf recolonization of Austria

My three months at FH Kaernten have been both productive and enjoyable. I was able to use this time to create a simulation model of the potential trajectories of wolf recolonization of Austria from the ground up. It was a tremendous learning experience for me and it also yielded some interesting outputs and results. In addition, was able to find time to explore the region, cycling over a thousand km in the nearby countryside and travelling further afield during weekends (with trips to Innsbruck, Vienna, Italy, Slovenia, and the UK). I found the department in general, and Dr. Paulus in particular, to be extremely supportive and helpful in pursuing this new research, and I’m very thankful to the Marshallplan foundation for making it all possible.

Empirical Assessment of an Autonomous Lighter Than Air (ALTA) Imaging/Sensing Platform for Environmental Monitoring

The Autonomous Lighter Than Air (ALTA) platform is a balloon-borne platform to capture aerial imagery for low-altitude aerial photogrammetry. It’s also a low-cost oblique and vertical aerial imagery collection system.

Based on the characteristics of ALTA platform and the need of three dimensional modeling, a method of 3D building or architecture modeling using the aerial images from ALTA platform has been assessed empirically. Firstly, we have captured oblique and vertical images of any building or architecture from the camera of ALTA plat-form through several missions in Villach, Carinthia, Austria. Secondly, several-angle and different altitude images including vertical images and oblique images captured by the ALTA platform were utilized for the detail measure of building dense point cloud, surface and texture extraction in 3D model reconstruction using different photogrammetric solutions.

These reconstructed 3D models are also visualized online taking 3D point clouds of them on potree-based 3D web visualization tool. It is demonstrated from the mission result that ALTA platform for low-altitude aerial photogrammetry can be used in the construction of 3D building production, fine modeling and visualization. The 3D point cloud reconstruction from 2D aerial images of the pilgrimage church of Maria Siebenbrünn is shown in figure 1.


It was really a great experience to work this kind of pragmatic research work and also great to have support from Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation during the accomplishment of this research work in Austria. My lead project supervisor Dr. Gernot Paulus, Professor, Department of Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS), Villach, Austria gave me encouragement to complete this work and participated actively and dynamically during the data acquisition of my work.

My co-lead supervisor of this project Dr. Naphtali David Rishe, Professor, School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS), Florida International University (FIU), Miami, FL, USA initiated this collaboration research work and monitored the progress of this work. Daniel SIchler, MSc student from CUAS gave me the support and company during data acquisition. The administrative and technical staff of the Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies department of CUAS provided me any required support during my stay.

Finally, I actually travelled to nearby locations of Villach, Austria for the first time and also I enjoyed the Marshall plan excursion for one day at the end of our stay to Italy and Slovenia. All in all, it was a great experience!

Since May, I have been a guest researcher at CUAS as a recipient of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation scholarship. The 70-year-old foundation has the mission of fostering collaborative learning between the United States of America and Austria. I believe it is more important now than ever to maintain these scholastic bonds and knowledge bases through a cross-cultural lens, and I am happy to be a part of that endeavor. Under the guidance of Dr. Gernot Paulus, I have worked for the last three months to develop a project that utilizes high-tech drone imagery to model hydrologic phenomena, hopefully with implications in the realm of resilience and human equity. Our semi-regular talks have opened up new ways of thinking and tackling problems.

The learning opportunities at CUAS are numerous, with a colloquium series, an open-format geoinformatics lab, and excursions around Carinthia and greater Austria. The university also funded my attendance at the GI-Forum Conference in Salzburg, where I was able to meet fascinating geographers and learn about the array of research that dominates our robust field. Of course, my time has not been entirely research and school – I have been able to travel (this is my first time to Europe) and experience the rich heritage of Carinthia through the Kirchtag Festival, walking tours, hikes, bike rides, and near-daily visits to one of the many lakes within walking distance. And while Austria provided little respite from the Chihuahuan Desert summer heat in my home state of New Mexico, I have been able to marvel at the stunning beauty of the land here. I will surely cherish this time for years.

My research group at the University of Florida has close ties with the Geoinformation Program at CUAS. Many CUAS students have visited my lab in Fort Lauderdale throughout the last few years to work on interesting projects involving novel data sources such as Twitter or Strava. This year, however, we decided to change the direction of visits and I applied for the Marshall Plan Scholarship to conduct part of my research in Austria. This program supports academic exchange between Austrian and U.S. universities and I am more than happy to have been one of the 2018 awardees and to have spent an enjoyable three months in Villach.

I have a diverse background in geospatial sciences, and lately, my research interest turned towards understanding user behavior in different online communities. My stay at CUAS was organized around the topic of “Identification of activity patterns for individual users across multiple VGI and social media platforms”. In the era of “big data” there are endless potential data sources on the internet that can be put into use and help us answer a number of research questions. You can think of social media services such as Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Snapchat, or even popular games like Pokémon Go. These services all have a spatial dimension, which makes them particularly exciting from a geospatial point of view. This is a relatively new and exciting research area that involves diving into previously unexplored territories. On the other hand, this is also one of its biggest challenges. I am currently in the last phase of finishing my PhD.

In addition to the challenges originating from my research area, the process of getting a PhD also comes with a lot of stress. One needs to find time to do research, publish papers, present at conferences on top of fulfilling all the requirements that are required for the degree. I found that my visit at CUAS was exactly what I needed to tackle these. Carinthia has a great many things to offer that helped me relax between long hours of work and to start every day refreshed. I enjoyed every bit of my stay. I will never forget my biking trips around Faaker See and Ossiacher See, the random visits of cafés in Velden, or my morning commute to campus along the Drava river. While living in the middle of a major U.S. metropolitan area also has its perks, I believe that productivity levels can benefit from a change in our environment for a short while. The peace and quiet in Villach and the beautiful sight of the Alps certainly increased mine.

All in all, the Marshall Plan Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for students, and I encourage you to apply. Gaining experience in a foreign country, working on interesting projects can boost your future career. You will learn useful skills, make meaningful connections that are all essential for your development. And above all, you will make unforgettable memories.

Not many people think of Austria as a place to study monkeys but that is exactly what we did. Over the summer in collaboration with Carinthia University of Applied Science and San Diego State University with support from the Marshall Plan Foundation, we investigated the ability of drones equipped with thermal sensors to detect monkeys in forested areas.

To begin our research, we started by testing the ability of sensors to detect large primates in an open area (people standing out in a field) and then slowly refined the process until we were able to transfer our process to fly over Abenteuer Affenberg, where we conducted flights over the park with the hope of being able to detect the Japanese macaques living there. One of the concerns we had going into this final phase of testing was that the monkeys would be alarmed by the drone fly overhead, which would appear similar to one of their main predators. Luckily, the monkeys appeared to not be concerned at all with the drone buzzing overhead. Hence, we were able to conduct our flights without worry that we were causing the monkeys distress and were able to collect some interesting data for analysis. While the processing of the data is still ongoing, the preliminary results are positive and will hopefully lead to a more streamlined process to gather population data of primates.

We expect our approach to be beneficial to both the researchers and the wildlife as it is less invasive for the animals and more cost and time effective for the researchers. Once the data collected has been fully explored and we have determined the applicability of the process, the next hopeful progression of this research is to transfer what we learned in to the forests in the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve in China to help conservationists monitor and protect the endangered Golden snub-nosed monkey. We would like to thank the CEO of „Abenteuer Affenberg“, Svenja Gaubatz and the scientific director Dr. Lena Pflüger for their great support.

Faculty and Staff - Geoinformation und Umwelt

Dean Engineering & IT, Head of Degree Program Information Technology

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Christian Menard
+43 (0)5 90500-3200

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Head of Degree Program Geoinformation and Environmental Technologies, Spatial Information Management

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Gerald Gruber
Student Support Services
 Erika Gamnig
+43 (0)5 90500-3102

Primoschgasse 10
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Planning of schedules and rooms
 Tamara Penker
Senior Lecturer1


 Michaela Gollner, MSc.
+43 (0)5 90500-3543

St. Veiterstraße 47
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Sandra Filipic-Klinar
+43 (0)5 90500-3117

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Research Assistant
 Manuel Breitenfelder, BSc
+43 (0)5 90500-3116

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Laboratory Engineer


 Michael Dorfer
+43 (0)5 90500-3123

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


 Peter Grabner
+43 (0)5 90500-3115

Primoschgasse 8
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Campus & Arrival

Campus Primoschgasse

Klagenfurt combines joie de vivre, nature and culture. The city of just over 100,000 inhabitants on Lake Wörthersee is a recreational area that fulfils every wish. Slovenia and Italy are not far away, the mountains are within reach. Klagenfurt's cultural scene is also vibrant, with clubs, stages and museums. The Old Square with its many shops, restaurants and cafés is the centre of city life. The idyllic Lendkanal connects the city with the lake and, like Kreuzbergl, is a popular destination for amateur sportsmen and nature lovers. 
The campus in Primoschgasse has perfect transport connections - a separate bus line stops directly in front of the FH on the Südring. The view from the roof terrace onto the mountain panorama surrounding Klagenfurt offers the perfect space for relaxing breaks.

Explore Campus Klagenfurt–Primoschgasse on a 360° Tour.

coming from the west (from A10, A11) along the southern motorway A2: 
Exit Klagenfurt/Wörthersee (Minimundus), along Südring for about 7 km, turn left at the Südring/Gerberweg intersection (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Standort Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the east along the southern motorway A2: 
Exit Klagenfurt-Ost, turn into town (left), direction Klagenfurt-Zentrum after 1 km on Völkermarkterstraße (right) after about 2.5 km turn left at the intersection into Südring (Kika), at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station) turn into town (right), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the south along the Rosentalerstrasse B91: 
turn right at the intersection Rosentalerstrasse/Südring (PSK) into Südring, along Südring for about 2.5km. turn left at the intersection Südring/Gerberweg (BP gas station), after 150 m turn right to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Coming from the north along the St. Veiterstrasse B83:
Turn left, follow St. Veiterring into Völkermarkterring (right) southbound, extension Völkermarkterring into Lastenstraße until you reach the railway underpass (approx. 800m), extension Lastenstraße into Gerberweg, after approx. 750m turn left to FH Kärnten - Location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10.

Klagenfurt main station, footpath to Südpark along Bahnstraße (direction east), footpath along Gerberweg to Primoschgasse to FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (direction south), duration from main station about 20 min.


Airport Klagenfurt, by taxi to the FH Kärnten - location Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 10 (duration about 20 min), or by public utility bus to Heiligengeistplatz, change to line 40, 41, 42, 70 or 71, duration from airport about 50 min.