FH Student Support Center

The Student Support Centre at CUAS places its main focuses on:

  • Student Health Management and
  • Counselling and crisis intervention

The services aims to support students’ health and their ability to study. 


As the first university in Austria, we implement the topic of students’ health in organizational structures at the CUAS.

Together with and for you, we want to create healthy and successful study conditions at the CUAS. Within this process, you are also our active co-creators: together, we want to develop and implement interventions to promote students’ health. Therefore, we focus on a holistic approach to health, including the body (exercise and nutrition), mental health and social interaction.    

Evidence shows potential pathogenetic factors to students’ health. Students often struggle with various challenges:

  • a lack of orientation in the university setting at the beginning,
  • pressure to perform,
  • workload,
  • stress or lack of social contact.

We want to support you in overcoming these challenges and promote your health and your ability to study. Because we know – you are pivotal future multipliers in the labor market and our society and play an essential role in health promotion.

  • Establishing structures and interventions to promote and protect student’s health and sustainable
  • Promoting and establishing participation processes
  • Develop behavioral and condition-orientated interventions (based on your needs and requirements) to promote student’s health
  • Evaluating interventions for the continuous development of the student’s health management at the CUAS

The process at CUAS is based on the four steps of the Public Health Action Cycle (PHAC)

  • "You are asked!" - Health survey among the students to assess needs and requirements.  
  • "Get on board and join us!" - Developing interventions based on the health survey results.   
  • "Suit the action to the word" – developed interventions are implemented. Therefore, you are an essential player.  
  • "What did we achieve?" - The developed interventions are subjected to an evaluation.

Counselling and Crisis Intervention Service for Students

  • Do you need help?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed?
  • Do you have test anxiety or writer's block?
  • Is something else bothering you? 

Then contact the Student Support Center at CUAS.

We are...

  • …the first personal, free and confidential point of contact for students in crisis (psychosocial counselling).
  • ...the confidential advising for students with university or private problems and conflicts (excessive demand, insomnia, test anxiety, illness, family burdens...).  
  • ...helping when dealing with acute crisis situations and/or challenging situations in students` lives.  
  • ...targeting referrals to experts and institutions. Networking with other institutions and experts.

In addition, group offers for social interaction and workshops on mental health take place: e.g. "Be good when it counts", "Do you know what makes you happy", resilience, stress management, exam anxiety ....

Contact can be made via email: SSC-beratung[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at or via phone: +43 590 500 7105. Appointments are possible in different settings (online, in presence, flexible location, by phone) basically from Monday to Thursday 09:00 to 14:00 or by individual arrangement.
Outside of these hours, you can contact the telephone counselling service (Telefonseelsorge) Tel.: 142 or the Psychiatric Emergency and Crisis Service (Psychiatrischer Not- und Krisendienst) Tel.: +43664 3007007 in urgent cases. In addition, the CUAS offers individual possibilities and support for barrier-free studying. Information on this can be found here: Equality & Diversity.


Referenzen SSC-Beratung



FHtalk: Andrea Limarutti und Vera Seyer im Gespräch

Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden unserer Studierenden stehen im Fokus dieser Folge. Die FH Kärnten macht als erste österreichische Hochschule die Gesundheit von Studierenden sichtbar: Mit dem Student Support Center wurden Rahmenbedingungen für ein gesundes und erfolgreiches Studieren geschaffen. Zudem steht den Studierenden als erste persönliche, kostenlose und vertrauliche Anlaufstelle nun die Beratungs- und Kriseninterventions-Stelle zur Verfügung. Andrea Limarutti und Vera Seyer sprechen über das neue Angebot für Studierende.