Info session ‘Studying part-time’


Wednesday, 05 June from 4 - 7 pm, ONLINE

Are you interested in advancing your professional career and deepening your knowledge at the same time? A part-time degree program could be the perfect solution for you!

In the info session on all part-time and career-friendly degree programs at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, more than 25 Bachelor and Master degree programs from all areas of study are presented in 30-minute ONLINE slots.  

You will receive valuable information on the course content and structure, the form of organisation, possible credits, online and attendance times, projects and internship opportunities as well as job and career opportunities.  

You also have the opportunity to ask individual questions - either in the chat or in person. 

HERE you can find out which Bachelor and Master degree programs will be presented at the info session in our overview.

Participation is free of charge and non-binding.  

Please register for the individual slots.