Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- Movement quality monitoring
- Monitoring and Feedback of therapist’s manual support
- Patient monitoring
- Robotics rehabilitation devices and structures
- Sensor and manufacturing principles
- Strategies and motivation/rationale for functionalization
- Robustness and reliability of sensors and devices
- Practicability/usefulness for home usage
- Low threshold accessibility
- Accessible data processing and visualization
- Dr. Lisa-Marie Faller, Carinthia
University of Applied Sciences - l.faller[at]fh-kaernten[dot]at - DI Daniela Krainer
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Research Unit Active and Assisted Living; Institute for Applied Research on Ageing, Austria - d.krainer[at]cuas[dot]at - Lukas Wohofsky
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Research Unit Active and Assisted Living; Institute for Applied Research on Ageing, Austria - l.wohofsky[at]cuas[dot]at - Prof. Dr. Markus Vincze
TU Vienna - Vincze[at][dot]at
All further information can be found in the attached document and HERE
Registration is possible until 1 March.