Spotlight Event: Power Electronics


Kick off date of the Area of Excellence

On 13 December, the Silicon Alps Cluster, together with the City of Graz and the Austria Wirtschaftsservice, hosted the first physical event of the new Area of Excellence Power Electronics. The Carinthian University of Applied Sciences was represented by Dr. Jens Konrath, head of the Master's programme "Industrial Power Electronics", which will be offered in the career-enabling organisational form at the University of Applied Sciences since autumn 2021.

After a panel discussion consisting of representatives from TDK Electronics, FH Kärnten, AT&S and Silicon Austria Labs, a presentation of the funding opportunities offered by Austria Wirtschaftsservices and the Silicon Alps Cluster, there was plenty of room for pre-Christmas networking.

How can cooperations in the field of high-performance electronics be started? What are best practices? And what can cause cooperation projects to fail? These were just some of the questions posed to the top-class panel consisting of:

  • Dr. Jens Konrath // Head of Industrial Power Electronics @ FH Kärnten gGmbH
  • Dr. Bernhard Auinger // Head of Research Unit Coexistence & Electromagnetic Compatibility @ Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
  • DI Markus Puff // Vice President Corporate R&D @ TDK Electronics GmbH & Co OG
  • Dr. Guenther Maier // Programme Manager Research Relations @ AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG

DI Karl Biedermann then gave a presentation on how the Austria Wirtschaftsservice can help with projects and start-ups. For the first time, the cluster can also support projects financially. Through the EU project SURE5.0, projects in the areas of human centricity, sustainability or resilience can be funded with up to €50,000.

Through the Peak Performance funding project, consulting services in the areas of digitalisation and sustainability can be funded from 2023.
Over roasted chestnuts and mulled punch, the event ended with plenty of space for networking and the wish for a Merry Christmas and reflective holidays.


Dr. Jens Peter Konrath
Head of the "Industrial Power Electronics" programme

FH Kärnten gGmbH
Europastraße 4, 9524 Villach
+43 5 90500 2136