
SENSHOME | Sensors for Special Environments

Run-TimeOctober/2019 - December/2022
Project management
  • Daniela Krainer
  • Project staff
  • Sandra Lisa Lattacher
  • Philip Scharf
  • Carmen Simona Sourij
  • Lukas Wohofsky
  • Irene Terpetschnig
  • Philip SCHARF
  • Johannes Oberzaucher
  • Mohammad ALSHAWABKEH
  • Sascha Fink
  • Martin OLIP
  • Sabine Murbacher
  • Laura-Nadine Kroll
  • ForschungsschwerpunktMedizintechnik
  • Medizinische Informationstechnik
  • ForschungsprogrammINTERREG V IT-AT
  • Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy (GODC) Eu
  • The purpose of SENSHOME was to use passive sensor networks to monitor and regulate room conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, acoustics...) to improve comfort and wellbeing while at the same time having the possibility to identify hazardous events for people with special needs. The overarching goal was to enable a self-determined, independent life for individuals on the autism spectrum and ensure a high level of privacy. SENSHOME bridged the gap between independent living and nursing homes to support involved user groups, especially primary end users, who were not able to live by themselves but did not require constant care either. More specifically, we aimed to infer the persons‘ status by means of centralized architectures that collected data from a set of sensors deployed in their living environment.