IoT - Sensors and Actuators (ILV)
BackCourse number | B2.08510.40.031 |
Course code | SensAkt |
Curriculum | 2022 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 4 |
Mode of delivery | Presence- and Telecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,5 |
Language of instruction | German |
The students know about the Physics principles of sensors and actuators. They are able to select these for problems and connect them to another system via standard interfaces.
Basics of Physics
Physics sensor principles of sensors and actuators are presented theoretically and built up and used in laboratory exercises on the basis of a requirements scenario (specifications).
The course includes the following contents:
- Basics of actuators and sensors,
- Basic operation and architectures
- Programmable sensors/actuators
- Development environments/deployment
- Sensor Networks
- Components
- Connection to IoT systems, unidirectional/bidirectional, ...
- Wired, Radio
- Energy management
- Exercise projects
The following basic literature will be used in the course:
- Hering E., Schönfelder G., Sensors in Science and Technology, Springer, 2017;
- Schaumburg H. Sensors, Vieweg, 2012;
- Hüning F., Sensors and Sensor Interfaces, De Gruyter, 2016;
- Urban, G.A., Biomems, Springer, 2006;
Lecture, exercises, moderated group work
Final grade comprised of
- Class participation
- Partial tests (continuous assessment)