Entrepreneurship (SE)
BackCourse number | M2.03100.30.040 |
Course code | EShip |
Curriculum | 2021 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 3 |
Mode of delivery | Presence- and Telecourse |
Units per week | 3,0 |
ECTS credits | 5,0 |
Language of instruction | English |
• The students know the basic terms and process models in the field of innovation management and entrepreneurship. They have basic knowledge about the connections between Participative development, innovation strategies and corporate culture. They are able to choose and use selected methods for development and assessment processes.
• The students are able to combine the topic of innovation and technology management with strategic topics (such as corporate strategy). Furthermore, the students understand how to identify and prepare new strategic business areas and models for the further development of companies.
• In addition the students know and understand advanced methods and concepts of company formation and business model development as well as its interaction with the business plan development.
Fundamentals in entrepreneurship and innovation culture
• Introduction to the topic
• Basics and basic terms of innovation management
• Market developments and trends
• Innovation process and project development
• Creativity and innovation
• Use of methods in the brainstorming and evaluation process
• Organizational and cultural aspects of innovation management
• Foundations of business start-ups and the start-up process
• Modern start-up approaches (lean Start-up; effectuation)
• Basics of the business model
• From business model to business plan
Strategic Innovationmanagement
• Innovation strategy as part of the corporate strategy
• Methods and instruments of the strategic innovation management
• Elements of innovation management and business development
• Identification of new business areas, products, services and
• Business models
• Technology planning and scouting
• Financing and funding of innovations
• Introduction to the patent system and management and business model development as well as its interaction with the business plan development.
• Lecture script as provided in the course (required)
• C.M. Christensen: The Innovator's Dilemma. Harper Business New York, 2006.
• C.M. Christensen, M.E. Raynor: The Innovator's Solution - creating and sustaining successful growth. Harvard Business Review Press, 2003.
• J. Hauschild, S. Salomo: Innovationsmanagement. 4. Auflage, Vahlen München, 2007.
• J.A. Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. Harper Perennial Modern Classics New York, 1942.
• D. Vahs, A. Brem: Innovationsmanagement: Von der Idee zur erfolgreichen
• Vermarktung, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 2013Torsten J. Gerpott. Strategisches Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 2005
• H. Strebel: Innovations- und Technologiemanagement, UTB Verlag, 2007
• P. Granig, E. Hartlieb, E.: Innovationsstrategien - Von Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu Geschäftsmodellinnovationen, Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden 2013
• U. Füglistaller, C. Müller: Entrepreneurship: Modelle-Umsetzung-Perspektiven, 2008
• E. Ries: The Lean StartupOsterwalder, Alexander (2010): Business Model Generation, 2011
• M. Faschingbauer: Effectuation: Wie erfolgreiche Unternehmer denken entscheiden und handeln, 2013
Integrated course - teaching & discussion
Oral exam (Strategisches Innovations- und Technologie-Management) and project report (Entrepreneurship und Betriebsnachfolge)