Internet & Web Technology (ILV)
BackCourse number | B4.06360.10.080 |
Course code | I&WebT |
Curriculum | 2024 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 1 |
Mode of delivery | Presence- and Telecourse |
Units per week | 1,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,0 |
Language of instruction | German |
The students
- understand the basics of the Internet (history, technical structure, protocols, domains, etc.), as well as search engine and retrieval technology
- know the common attack scenarios on the Internet and can take measures to use the Internet safely
- can develop their own blogs or websites based on the CMS system Wordpress
- Internet technology: infrastructure, client-server technology, protocols, domain name system, web links
- The basics of safe Internet use
- Blog/website creation using Wordpress as an example
Kurdoglu, J. (2019): Blogging with WordPress 5: A simple introduction to the world's most popular CMS. 1st edition. n.d.: BoD - Books on Demand.
Riggert, W. (2022): Rechnernetze: Ein einführendes Lehrbuch. 7th, updated and expanded edition. Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag.
Scherff, J. (2010): Grundkurs Computernetzwerke: Eine kompakte Einführung in Netzwerk- und Internet-Technologien. With online service. 2nd, revised and expanded edition 2010.o.O.: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
Wittkop, J. (2022): The Cybersecurity Playbook for Modern Enterprises. An End-to-end Guide to Preventing Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks. 1st edition. Birmingham: Packt Publishing.
Moderated group work, lecture, discussion, case work, project
Cumulative module grade: The individual course gradeof IlV "Internet& Web Technology" is incorporated into the overall module grade and is weighted in accordance with its assigned ECTS Credits
Assessment type: continuous assessment
Assessment method/s: written final exam for theory part, project work