Project Bachelor (PA)

Course numberB2.08510.50.011
Course codeProjBac
Semester of degree program Semester 5
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week0,5
ECTS credits7,0
Language of instruction German

Students are able to apply the basic knowledge acquired in the previous semesters. They can independently and purposefully create a concept or implementation based on a defined task and record it in a project report.

A course in which a small group of students, with the participation of one or more lecturers, formulates questions from a practice-relevant area of the subject or a sub-area, develops solutions and methods for answering the question (if necessary, taking into account interdisciplinary contexts) and argues for solutions.

Task-specific literature will be provided at the beginning of the project.

Final grade comprised of

  • Presentation and
  • Writing of a project report as a preliminary version for the bachelor thesis in the 6th semester