Project Management (ILV)
BackCourse number | B4.06360.40.880 |
Course code | PM |
Curriculum | 2024 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 4 |
Mode of delivery | Presence- and Telecourse |
Units per week | 3,0 |
ECTS credits | 5,0 |
Language of instruction | English |
Students are able to
• define projects and distinguish them from operational units.
• name project organizations and roles.
• explain and create project management tools (schedule, context, risk and environment analysis, communication plan, etc.).
• plan projects and implement them according to the specifications of external clients.
• independently lead a project into implementation and create adequate project documentation/reporting.
• discuss the interrelationships of systems theory based on their own project.
• name basic standards and norms in project management and explain them.
• carry out project planning and ongoing documentation with the help of selected project management tools (e.g. openprojects).
• explain the basics and principles of MS Project.
• explain team and conflict resolution strategies and reflect on theory based on their practice project.
• Basics of project management
• Project organization, roles in project management, organizational integration of the project organization into the overall organization
• Tasks of the project manager or the project leader
• Project management processes
• Planning process and planning tools
• Project controlling (performance, schedule, cost controlling)
• Project documentation/project reporting
• Basics and principles of MS Project
• Applied project management with MS Excel
• Categorization and overview of selected project management software tools
• Conflict management, personal handling of conflicts, conflict dynamics, escalation levels, conflict resolution, team building and team development
Berkel, K./Crisand, N./Raab, G. (Hrsg.) (2014): Konflikttraining: Konflikte verstehen, analysieren und bewältigen. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag GmbH & Co KG.
Gareis, R. (2006): Happy Projects!: Projekt- und Programmmanagement. Pojektportfolio-Management. Management der projektorientierten Organisation. Wien: Manz.
Glasl, F. (2004): Konfliktmanagement: Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Beraterinnen und Berater. Stuttgart: Verlag Freies Geistesleben & Urachhaus.
Litke, H. D. (2007): Projektmanagement. München: Carl Hanser Verlag.
Patzak, G./Rattay, G. (2017): Projektmanagement - Projekte, Projektportfolios, Programme und projektorientierte Unternehmen. Wien: Linde Verlag.
Rosenberg, M. (2012): Gewaltfreie Kommunikation: Eine Sprache des Lebens. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag GmbH.
Sankaran, S./Müller, R./Drouin, N. (2017): Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Project Management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thomann, C. (1998): Klärungshilfe: Konflikte im Beruf: Methoden und Modelle klärender Gespräche bei gestörter Zusammenarbeit. Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Wanner, R. (2013): Projectcontrolling: Projekte erfolgreich planen, überwachen und steuern. Scotts Valley, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten: Amazon Distribution.
Lecture, discussion, role play, project
Integrated module examination
Continuous assessment type: collaboration, project work, project report