Sustainable Supply Chain Management (ILV)

Course numberB2.00000.72.790
Course codeNSCM
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students know

  • the basics and essential focal points of logistics.
  • about cross-company value chains.
The students are able to
  • use specific methods for problem solving in terms of logistics and supply chain management in general and the impact due to sustainability in particular.

The teaching content takes particular account of the sustainability aspects of logistics and supply chain management.
Basics of logistics:

  • the functions of logistics
  • requirements planning and inventory planning
  • key figures of logistics
Introduction to sustainable logistics and supply chains:
  • definition and importance of sustainable logistics and supply chain management
  • aims and benefits of sustainable practices in logistics and supply chains
  • challenges and obstacles to sustainable logistics
Environmental protection in logistics:
  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint in logistics
  • energy efficiency in transport and storage
  • packaging and waste management
  • environmentally friendly transport alternatives (e.g. electric vehicles, alternative fuels)
  • use of renewable energies in logistics
Social sustainability in logistics:
  • working conditions and workers' rights in logistics
  • Fair Trade and Ethical Sourcing
  • diversity and inclusion in logistics
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in logistics
  • stakeholder management and dialogue with interest groups
conomic sustainability in logistics:
  • cost-benefit analysis of sustainable logistics solutions
  • sustainable business models in logistics
  • innovation and technology management for sustainable logistics
  • risk management and resilience in logistics
  • supplier management and partnerships for sustainable logistics
Evaluation and measurement of sustainability in logistics:
  • sustainability key figures and indicators for logistics
  • sustainability reporting and standards (e.g. Global Reporting Initiative, ISO 14001)
  • sustainability certifications and audits in logistics
  • transparency and traceability in the supply chain
Future trends and developments in sustainable logistics:
  • igitization and Industry 4.0 in logistics
  • green technologies and innovations
  • circular economy and circular economy in logistics
  • sustainable consumer habits and changing customer behaviour
  • policy and legal framework for sustainable logistics

  • Schulte, G. (2001): Material- und Logistikmanagement. 5. Auflage, München/Wien: Oldenbourg.
  • Zäpfel, G. (2001): Grundzüge des Produktions- und Logistikmanagement. 2. Auflage, München/Wien: Oldenbourg.
  • Melzer-Ridinger, R. (2008): Materialwirtschaf und Einkauf. Beschaffungsmanagement. 5. Auflage, München/Wien: Oldenbourg.
  • Wildemann, H. (2010): Logistik Prozessmanagement. 5. Auflage, München: TCW Transver-Centrum-Verlag.
  • Kummer, S. et al. (2010): Internationales Transport- und Logistikmanagement. Wien: Facultas.
  • Werner, H. (2010): Supply Chain Management. Grundlagen, Strategien, Instrumente und Controlling. 4. Auflage, Wiesbaden: Gabler.
  • Ihde, G. (2001): Transport, Verkehr, Logistik. 3. Aufl., München: Vahlen.
  • Martin, H. (2009): Transport- und Lagerlogistik. Planung, Struktur, Steuerung und Kosten von Systemen der Intralogistik. 7. Auflage, Wiesbaden: Vieweg + Teubner.
  • Czenskowsky, T./Piontek, J. (2007): Logistikcontrolling - marktorientiertes Controlling der Logistik und der Supply Chain. Gernsbach: Deutscher Betiebswirte-Verlag.
  • Schönsleben, P. (2007): Integrales Logistikmanagement. Operations und Supply Chain Management in umfassenden Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. 5. Auflage, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer.
  • Dickmann, P. (2009): Schlanker Materialfluss - mit Lean Production, Kanban und Innovation. 2. Auflage, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Arnold, D. et al. (2008): Handbuch Logistik. 3. Auflage, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.

integrated course (ILV)