Data Science: big data and bioinformatics (VÜ)

Course numberB3.06651.60.660
Course codeData
Semester of degree program Semester 6
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week1,5
ECTS credits2,0
Language of instruction German

The students are familiar with basic fields of applications of data collection, data storage, data analysis and data usage in the context of biomedical applications.
They understand the specific challenges of those applications and are able to design and implement data-based applications considering specific biomedical requirements, i.e. they are familiar with the principles of bioinformatics algorithms and can assess and apply them in terms of their potential applications in biomedical analysis. In addition, they should be able to carry out standard bioinformatic analysis independently.

  • Introduction to data science and bioinformatics
  • Clarification of terms, challenges for bioanalytics, interfaces to other disciplines
  • Fields of application of data science in biomedical domains, application examples, application scenarios
  • Working with program package R on selected biomedical questions (e.g. determination of a reference interval)

Books, journals and websites according to the current state of knowledge in the respective fields

Lectures, exercises, reflections