Engineering Statics (ILV)

Course numberB2.00000.10.090
Course codeStatik
Semester of degree program Semester 1
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits3,5
Language of instruction German

Students are able to

  • calculate forces and torque in statically determined and simple statically indeterminate systems.
You can
  • Calculate and interpret the course of internal forces based on the layout plan created.
They are able to
  • calculate the focuses of simple, compound, and function-represented surfaces.
They can
  • determine the frictional forces and friction torques for recurring mechanical engineering systems.

B2.00000.11st010 - Engineering Mathematics 1
B2.00000.11st050 - Physics 1

  • Fundamentals of statics in 2D and 3D
  • o forces
  • o torque
  • basic tasks of statics in 2D and 3D
  • o clearing
  • o Calculate bearing forces and moments
  • o Create a layout
  • Shred size course
  • o carrier
  • o waves
  • o frame
  • o bends
  • gravity calculations
  • o single load method
  • o Integral Method
  • o Static moment
  • o friction in technical systems
  • o contact friction o Kiel geometry o screws and fasteners o brakes

Gross, Hauger, Schnell, Schröder: Technische Mechanik 1-Statik, Springer Verlag
R.C. Hibbeler: Technische Mechanik 1,-Statik, Pearson Studium

Integrated course (ILV)