Web Programming (ILV)

Course numberB2.08510.30.011
Course codeWebProg
Semester of degree program Semester 3
Mode of delivery Presence- and Telecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits5,0
Language of instruction German

Students master the Basics necessary for designing web pages. They can create static web pages using HTML and CSS.
Students know the Extensible Markup Language (XML), can create XML documents, describe the structure of XML documents using DTD and XSD (XML Schema Definition) and transform XML documents into other XML or HTML documents using XSLT (XSL Transformation).
They are able to create simple web applications with database connection and asynchronous data transfer between client and server.

Algorithms and data structures, database systems, object-oriented programming

The course includes the following main topics:

  • WWW - Basics
  • Static Content Generation:
    • HTML, XHTML (structure) CSS (presentation)
  • Dynamic content generation:
    • Client-side:
      • JavaScript
    • Server-side:
      • PHP
      • Databases and PHP
    • asynchronous data transfer between browser and server

In the area of web programming, most of the technical literature is available on the web itself.
Addresses relevant to the course will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Lecture with subsequent exercises, interactive learning methods.

Final grade comprised of

  • Class participation
  • Submission of exercises
  • Final exam