Professional Identity: DDS and Care (SE)
BackSpecialization Area | Disability Care |
Course number | B3.07290.05.551 |
Course code | PI I |
Curriculum | 2018 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 5 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 3,0 |
Language of instruction | German |
The graduates gain knowledge about scientific core resources in DDS and can apply them in their professional environment of "Disability Care".
They are familiar with the development of the international philosophical-ethical care debate and know about the gender-specific inequalities and inequities, which are established in traditional social care operations. They are able to develop a productive perspective in contemporary approaches to an "inclusive culture of care" (e. g. Community Care Models), which corresponds to other international models.
They gain an understanding in the basics and conditions of alternative theories to realise inclusive societies and their socio-political models as well as a detailed theoretical and practical introduction to life coaching.
The knowledge is furthermore used to reflect upon their professional identity.
Basic dimensions and functions of profession and professionalism (professionalisation theories) are discussed as well as the formation of a professional identity in the course of DDS. Students are informed that DDS are on the one hand based on scientific research, but on the other hand offer new professional fields of action. Particularly important is the creation of a professional identity in the fields of "DDS and Advocacing". The emancipatory basic orientation of the studies integrates forms of "Peer Counceling", "Peer Support", "personal assistance" and the support of self-representation movements like "Self-Advocacy" for the formation of a professional identity.
Albert, M. (2006): Soziale Arbeit im Wandel. Professionelle Identität zwischen Ökonomisierung und ethischer Verantwortung. Hamburg.
Allinson, J. (2011): The Lifecoaching Workbook. Bloomington.
Aselmeier, L. (2008): Community Care und Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Gemeinwesenorientierte Unterstützung in England, Schweden und Deutschland. Wiesbaden.
Buchanan, I.; Walmsley, J. (2006): 'Self Advocacy in Historical Perspective', BJLD.
Concannon, L. (2005): Planning for Life. Involving adults with learning disabilities in service planning. Guernsey.
Dörner, K. (2007): Leben und sterben, wo ich hingehöre. Dritter Sozialraum und neues Hilfesystem. Neumünster.
Dörner, K. (2003): Auf dem Weg zur heimlosen Gesellschaft. In: impulse, 27, September, S. 26-29. Online unter URL:
Harmsen, Th. (2004): Die Konstruktion professioneller Identität in der Sozialen Arbeit. Heidelberg.
Heidinger, F.J.; Frank-Thomasser, A.; Schmid, Th. (2004): Antidiskriminierung. Rechtliche Gleichbehandlung in Österreich und in der EU. Wien.
Horster, D. (Hrsg.) (2005): Sonderpädagogische Professionalität: Beiträge zur Entwicklung der Sonderpädagogik als Disziplin und Profession. Wiesbaden.
Klement, C. (2006): Von der Laienarbeit zur Profession? Zum Handeln und Selbstverständnis beruflicher Akteure in der ambulanten Altenpflege. Opladen.
Schablon, K.-U. (2009): Community Care. Professionell unterstützte Gemeinweseneinbindung erwachsener geistig behinderter Menschen. Analyse, Definition und theoretische Verortung struktureller und handlungsbezogener Determinanten. Marburg.
Schmidt-Lellek, Chr.; Buer, F. (Hrsg.) (2011): Life-Coaching in der Praxis. Wie Coaches umfassend beraten. Göttingen.
Theunissen, G. (2001): Die Self-Advocacy Bewegung. Empowerment-Bewegungen machen mobil (II). In: Behinderte in Familie, Schule und Gesellschaft, 3-4, S. 21-28.
Walmsley, J. (2002): Principles and Types of Advocacy. In Gray, B. and Jackson, R. (eds): Advocacy and Learning Disability, London, Jessica Kingsley.
Wehmeyer, M. (2007): Promoting Self-Determination in Students with Developmental Disabilities. New York.
Welshman, J.; Walmsley, J. (Eds) (2006): Community Care in Perspective: Care, Control and Citizenship, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
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