Material and Component Testing (LAB)
BackSpecialization Area | Industrial Engineering |
Course number | B2.00000.30.080 |
Course code | WKBP |
Curriculum | 2023 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 3 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 1,5 |
ECTS credits | 2,0 |
Language of instruction | German |
Students are able
• to comprehend the theory behind practical metallography.
• to understand the theory of equilibrium structures of the binary Fe-C diagram.
• to understand the theory of imbalance structures of the binary Fe-C diagram.
• to adjust equilibrium structure and imbalance structure by independently carrying out the end quenching test in tempered steels (C45, 42CrMoS4) and metallographically characterize them, and to do destructive material tests (tensile test, notched bar impact test, hardness test) on metallic structural materials independently.
B2.00000.12.100 - Material Science 1
B2.00000.20.170 - Material Science 2
B2.00000.20.030 - Physics 2
• Material structure and metallography
• Binary systems
Iron-carbon diagram (equilibrium structure)
Iron-carbon diagram (imbalance structure)
• End-quench test
Practical laboratory exercises in the workshop and lightweight laboratory
Destructive material testing
Tensile test (DIN EN ISO 6892-1-2, DIN_EN_ISO 527-1-2) on metallic and polymeric structural materials for the determination of mechanical material properties
• Impact bending test (DIN EN ISO 148-1-3) on metallic structural materials as a function of the sample temperature for the experimental production of Av-T diagrams
• Microstructure analysis with the stereomicroscope
Notch impact test (Jominy test according to DIN EN ISO 642) to determine the hardenability of steel
• Heat treatment in the oven
• Hardening by forehead quenching test
• hardness test according to Rockwell (method C)
• Grinding metallography (grinding, polishing, etching)
- Microstructure analysis with the reflected-light microscope
- E. Hornbogen, G. Eggeler, E. Werner: Werkstoffe - Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Keramik-, Metall-, Polymer- und Verbundwerkstoffen, Springer Verlag, 2019.
- E. Werner, E. Hornbogen, N. Jost, G. Eggeler: Fragen und Antworten zu Werkstoffe, Springer Verlag, 2019.
- S. Kalpakjian, S. R. Schmid, E. Werner: Werkstofftechnik, Pearson Verlag, 2017.
Lab (LB)
General examination