Language Immersion Course German (DaF) 1 (UE)
BackCourse lecturer:
Carmen Peresich , Bakk. MACourse number | M4.05170.10.080 |
Course code | German1 |
Curriculum | 2021 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 1 |
Mode of delivery | Presence- and Telecourse |
Units per week | 4,0 |
ECTS credits | 6,0 |
Language of instruction | English |
Upon the successful completion of the Language Immersion Course German (DaF) 1, students will acquire the following competencies regarding the German language:
- greet others and introduce themselves
- communicate about classroom-related topics
- talk about Austrian cities and famous Austrians
- give personal details about themselves
- interact with others in short conversations in public spaces (e.g. at the train station)
- provide telephone numbers and personal data
- make short phone calls
- arrange a meeting with someone
- ask about directions (different places in the city)
- book a hotel room
- talk about nationalities
- write short e-mails
- talk about living in Austria
- ask questions about the time and discuss the parts of the day
- make requests
- describe objects
- read announcements
- talk about professions and describe roles
- talk about movies
- order food and drinks at public places
- talk about their daily routine
- talk about their family
- express agreement and disagreement
This is a beginners' course for students with little or no prior German language knowledge (at CEF level A1). The following language topics will be covered in this module:
- Vocabulary and phrases related to introduction, German in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, travelling, making appointments, daily routine and family
- Formal and informal language, form and usage
- Interrogative clauses: "wie", "woher", "wo", "was"
- Verbs in present tense
- Personal pronouns
- Singular and plural nouns
- Definite and indefinite article
- Negation with "kein/e"
- Sentence structures: W-Frage-Sätze, Satzfragen, Aussagesatz
- Imperfect of "sein"
- Possessive article in 1st case: "mein"/"dein"/"sein"/"ihr"/"unser"/"euer"/"ihr"/"Ihr"
- Article in 4th case: "ein/e/n"/"den"/"die"/"das"
- Adjectives
- Interrogative clauses "wann" and "von wann bis wann"
- Prepostions and time of day: "am", "um", "von ... bis"
- Separable verbs
- Negation using "nicht"
- Imperfect tense of "haben"
- Prepositions with 3rd case: "in", "neben", "unter", "auf", "vor", "hinten", "an", "zwischen", "bei" and "mit"
- Ordinal numbers
Braun, B., Doubek, M. et al (2016). DaF kompakt neu A1-B1. Stuttgart: Klett Sprachen.
Dreyer, H. & Schmitt, R. (2010). Die Gelbe aktuell: A Practice Grammer of German. München: Hueber Verlag.
Fussy, H. & Steiner, U. (red.) (2012). Österreichisches Wörterbuch. Wien: oebv.
Gottstein-Schramm, B., Kalender, S., & Specht, F. (2017). Schritte Grammatik. München: Hueber Verlag.
Götz, D. (2015). Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. München/Wien: Langenscheidt.
Jin, F. & Voß, U. (2018). Grammatik aktiv. Berlin: Cornelsen.
Krenn, W. & Pucha, H. (2016). Motive: Kompaktkurs DaF. München. Hueber Verlag.
- Lecture and presentation
- Group and pair work
- Role plays
- Learning games
- Individual exercises
- Blended learning
- Homework
Integrated module exam (immanent examination character):
- Class participation 20%
- Class preparation/homework 20%
- Final examination (exam includes reading and listening comprehension, speaking and writing) 60 %