Mobile Application Development 1 (ILV)
BackCourse lecturer:
FH-Prof. DI (FH) DI Dr.
Jürgen Schussmann
Course number | B2.08510.30.016 |
Course code | ArchMA-1 |
Curriculum | 2022 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 3 |
Mode of delivery | Presence- and Telecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,5 |
Language of instruction | German |
Students will have basic knowledge of programming and use of development environments, frameworks for Android mobile devices and smartphones.
Fundamentals of Physics, Fundamentals of Computer Science (inf-01), Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering 1
The course includes the following main topics:
- System structure Android operating system
- Dalvik Virtual Machine
- Sandbox principle
- Life cycles of activities and services
- Surface design
- Latheyts and views
- Intents
- Threads and processes
- Inter Process Communication
- Data handling
- SQLite
- Communication via networks
- Mobile client/server principles
- App Professionalization
- Debugging
- Security & Encryption
- Tests
The following basic literature will be used in the course:
- Becker, A., Pant, M.: Android 2, dpunkt.verlag, 2010;
- Fling, B.: Mobile Design and Development, O'Reilly Media, 2009;
Lecture with exercises, interactive teaching
Final grade comprised of
- Class participation (moderated exercise examples)
- Partial tests (continuous assessment)