Brand Lab - Disruptive & Strategic Thinking (Wahlmodul) (ILV)


Course lecturer:


 Sabine Friesser
 Andy Starr
Course numberM4.07740.20.131
Course codeMM-2
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presence- and Telecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits4,0
Language of instruction English

After successfully completing the module, students know:

  • the definitions and meanings of common brand and brand strategy terms
  • the five core disciplines of branding (differentiation, collaboration, innovation, validation, cultivation),
  • the principles of strategic positioning,
  • ways to differentiate a brand,
  • frameworks for rapid collaboration and disruptive ideation (swarming, six hats, assumption reversal, and others),
  • different ways to evaluate, test, and reinforce ideas in anticipation of competitors' moves (among others: wargaming, judo strategy, opposite test, can't/won't test),
  • how to think about visualizing ideas and narrative design, and
  • ways to condense elaborate thinking into impactful statements of strategy.
After successfully completing the module, students can:
  • collaborate effectively with others to multiply ideas,
  • critically reflect upon challenges, reframe a strategic problem in different ways, and evaluate the best-right problem to solve,
  • come up with disruptive ideas for any size challenge,
  • design and pressure-test alternative strategies to solve the problem,
  • position a brand advantageously,
  • translate their ideas and thinking into visuals, and
  • frame statements of strategy.
After successfully completing the module, students are able to:
  • confidently use disruptive thinking to develop, visualize, and present ideas,
  • design powerful strategies for brands to challenge any size competitor.

  • Brand and branding basics
  • The five core disciplines of branding
  • Rapid and disruptive ideation
  • Strategic positioning
  • The brand strategy design process
  • Visualization methods

Bielenberg, J., Burn, M., Galle, G. & Evitts Dickinson, E. (2016): Think Wrong: How to Conquer the Status Quo and Do Work That Matters. Instigator Press.
Lafley, A.G. & Martin, R. (2013): Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works. Harvard Business Review Press.
Neumeier, M. (2005): The Brand Gap, Revised Edition: How to bridge the distance between business strategy and design. 2nd edition. New Riders.
Neumeier, M. (2006): ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands. New Riders.
Neumeier, M. (2008): The Brand Flip: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it. New Riders.
Rumelt, R. (2017): Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters. Profile Books.
Wedell-Wedellsborg, T. (2020): What's your problem?: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve. Harvard Business Review Press.

Lecture, discussion, self study and group work, case study

Integrated module examination
Immanent examination character:
Case studies