Design of Power Electronic Systems I (SE)


Course lecturer:

 Nazmul Hasan , Ph.D.

DI DI Dr. techn.

 Christian Mentin , BSc
Course numberM2.08860.20.031
Course codeDoPESys1
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits5,0
Language of instruction English

Students understand the special requirements of power electronics, can select circuit components and optimize a power electronic circuit according to various criteria. They are familiar with data sheets and application notes for electronic components. In particular, they are able to choose suitable switch and diode technologies for the desired topology and requirements. They can analyze the requirements of the given circuit in terms of EMC & noise, parasitic impedances & effects by PCB basic design rules to improve circuit design and construction. Students understand how parasitic attributes of passive components influence the circuit designer. Moreover, they are able to design high-frequency chokes and transformers as well as filters for power electronic circuits to meet specified requirements. Students are able to explain how power electronic components are combined on a printed circuit board to form a power electronic system. They can correctly design electronic component libraries and implement a converter topology on a printed circuit board using basic ECAD design tools. Finally, students are able to explain how power electronic components are combined on a printed circuit board to form a power electronic system.

ILV "Power Electronic Concepts & Circuits"

• Selection & application of passive components
Selection of the switching device for a given topology. The simulation will show
effects of component parameters on the performance of the converter.
• Theory & design of magnetic components
Magnetic design basics, inductor and transformer design for power converters.
• Filter design for power electronics
Input filter design consideration, effects of input filters on converter transfer
function, example input filter design of a converter.
• PCB design tools
Basics of PCB design, schematic, layout, libraries, design rules, PCB
manufacturing data, supply chain management, design crash course in ECAD
tool (e.g. EAGLE).
• PCB technology & layout, high speed board design, creepage & clearance
PCB technologies, design and assembly process, manufacturing issues for PCB
power electronic devices, creepage & clearance.
• Design of a converter
Using the aforementioned design tools, a power converter will be designed to
meet a certain set of specifications, this includes component selection and
magnetics design.

Course materials as provided in the seminar (required)
Robertson, C.: "Printed Circuit Board Designer's Reference", Prentice Hall 2004
Montrose, M.: "EMC and the Printed Circuit Board", John Wiley & Sons 2004
Wilson, Peter: "The Circuit Designer's Companion", Newnes 2012
Erickson R. W., Maksimovic D., "Fundamentals of Power Electronics",
3rd ed., Springer 2020

Interactive seminar - discussion, demonstration, learn to use PCB design tools, case study, student presentations

Immanent examination character: participation, assignments, final presentation and report