HR & Organization Group I (ILV)


Course lecturer:


 Michael Kosutnik



 Michael Wohlgemuth , LL.M.
Course numberB4.06360.10.060
Course codeP&O
Semester of degree program Semester 1
Mode of delivery Presence- and Telecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits5,0
Language of instruction German

Upon successful completion of the module, students will know
• trends that are currently impacting organizations.
• relevant organizational theories and configurations.
• definition and models of corporate culture.
• human resource management tasks along the employee life cycle.
• labor law issues that arise along the employee life cycle.
Upon successful completion of the module, students can
• interpret selected personnel management and organizational problems in the company.
• view and analyze corporate cultures in a differentiated manner.
Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
• recognize the importance of contemporary human resources and organizational work in companies and organizations.

• Introduction to Organization & Organizational Theories
• Types of organizations
• Corporate culture and leadership
• Basics of personnel planning
• Basics of personnel recruitment and selection
• Concepts of personnel assessment
• Basics of personnel development and -separation
• Basics of the Austrian labor law

Daft, T./Murphy, J./Willmott, H. (2020): Organizational Theory and Design, 4th ed. Boston, Massachusetts: South Western Cengage Learning.
Mullins, J./Rees, G. (2023): Management and Organisational Behaviour, 13th Ed. London: Pearson.
Robbins, S./Coulter, M. (2020): Management, 15th ed. London: Pearson.

Lecture, self-study, (group) discussion, processing of practical tasks

Integrated module examination
Continuous assessment type: online examination (multiple choice) and assignments during the semester