English: Reading in Context Group 2 (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Janet Brown , MA MA

Course numberB4.06360.20.301
Course codeE:RC
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presence- and Telecourse
Units per week0,8
ECTS credits1,0
Language of instruction English

Upon successful completion of the course, students:

  • have developed reading strategies to understand and identify key ideas and specific information of different text types related to their field of interest.
  • can apply reading strategies to identify key ideas and arguments presented in different text types related to their field of interest.
  • have built vocabulary and reading speed and fluency together with a greater motivation to read.
  • can reflect upon methods related to text comprehension (purpose, structure, language, style).
  • can summarize texts appropriately in spoken and written form

  • Reading and summarizing different text types related to student field of interest.
  • Developing academic reading skills and strategies (skimming, scanning, inferring meaning, building vocabulary)
  • Reading with purpose (for information and argument, giving and exchanging information)

Relevant texts will be provided throughout the course.

Bailey, S. (2010). Academic Writing for International students of Business Hardcover. New York: Routeledge.

Business Spotlight Magazine. URL: https://www.business-spotlight.de/.

Emmerson, P. (2010). Business Grammar Builder - Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate, New Jersey: Macmillan.

McCarthy, M./O'Dell, F. (2016) Academic Vocabulary in Use. 2nd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Watkins, P. (2018) Teaching and Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lecture, moderated group work, practical exercise

Cumulative module grade: The individual course grade of ILV "English: Reading in Context" is incorporated into the overall module grade and is weighted in accordance with its assigned ECTS credits.
Assessment type: immanent
Assessment methods: active participation, presentation, partial exam