Hydraulic systems and pneumatics (ILV)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Manfred Baltl

Specialization AreaEnergiemaschinenbau
Course numberB2.06060.30.011
Course codeHydPneu
Semester of degree program Semester 3
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students

  • are familiar with the mechanical and physical fundamentals of fluidic (hydraulic and pneumatic) systems.
They can
  • develop fluidic circuits and calculate their behavior as well as select the corresponding components.

B2.00000.20.030 - Physics 2
B2.06060.30.050 - Fluid mechanics

The students know

  • the fundamentals of pneumatics: changes in the state of compressed air, flow through nozzles and pneumatic components, pressure losses, compressed air generation and preparation.
  • The basics of hydraulics: hydrostatics, pressure losses, properties and selection of hydraulic fluids
  • Cylinders
  • Pumps and motors
  • valves: directional valves, pressure valves, check valves, flow valves
  • basic circuits
  • Dynamic behavior and simulation of hydraulic/ pneumatic systems

H.-W. Grollius: Grundlagen der Hydraulik. 5. Aufl., Hanser 2010
H.-W. Grollius: Grundlagen der Pneumatik. 2. Aufl., Hanser 2009
H. Watter: Hydraulik und Pneumatik: Grundlagen und Übungen- Anwendungen und Simulation. 2. Aufl., Vieweg + Teubner 2008

Integrated course (ILV)