Fluid flow machines (ILV)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

 Manfred Baltl

Specialization AreaEnergiemaschinenbau
Course numberB2.06060.40.070
Course codeStrömMa
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students master

  • the mechanical and physical fundamentals of fluid flow machines.
They know
  • the most important hydraulic and thermal power and working machines in their typical designs.
They understand
  • the connections between the fluidic and strength-related (steadiness) design of these machines.
They can
  • apply this knowledge in practice, in particular to selection, operation and rough design.

B2.06060.30.480 - Technical Thermodynamics 1
B2.06060.30.050 - Fluid mechanics
B2.06060.00.010 - Technical Thermodynamics 2

  • Fundamentals of Fluid mechanics: energy balance, EULER turbine equation, dimensionless figures, CORDIER diagram, lattice and wing flow
    • Water turbines
    • centrifugal pumps
    • fans and compressors
    • Gas turbines
    • steam turbines
    • Hydrodynamic couplings and transducers
    • Wind turbines and propellers
    • strength calculation

K. Menny: Fluid flow machines. Hydraulische und thermische Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen. 5. Aufl., Teubner 2006
W. Kalide, H. Sigloch: Energieumwandlung in Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen: Piston machines - Fluid flow machines - Kraftwerke. 10. Aufl., Hanser 2010

Integrated course (ILV)