Engineering Thermodynamics 2 (ILV)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dr. habil.

 Pascal Nicolay

Course numberB2.06060.40.010
Course codeThDyn2
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students know

  • mixtures of substances and can apply them to problems of air conditioning and process engineering.
  • about the thermodynamic description of flow processes in nozzles as well as the calculation of energy conversion by combustion and in fuel cells.

B2.00000.10.010 - Engineering Mathematics 1
B2.00000.20.010 - Engineering Mathematics 2
B2.00000.20.030 - Physics 2
B2.06060.30.050 - Fluid Mechanics
B2.06060.30.040 - Engineering Thermodynamics 1

  • Flow processes: flow in nozzles, compression shock
  • Mixtures of substances: basics; humid air and applications in air conditioning technology, absorption heat pumps and chillers, selected applications in process engineering
  • Energy conversion by combustion and in fuel cells
  • Energy efficiency considerations of complete systems

G. Cerbe, G. Wilhelms: Technische Thermodynamik. 15. Aufl., Hanser 2008
F. Bosnjakovic, K.F. Knoche: Technische Thermodynamik I. 8. Aufl., Steinkopff 1998
F. Bosnjakovic, K.F. Knoche: Technische Thermodynamik II. 6. Aufl., Steinkopff 1997

Integrated course (ILV)