Additive manufacturing (ILV)
BackCourse lecturer:
Mag. DI Dr.
Bernhard Heiden , MBA
Reinhard Tober
Specialization Area | Fertigungstechnik |
Course number | B2.00000.40.120 |
Course code | AddFert |
Curriculum | 2023 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 4 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,5 |
Language of instruction | German |
Students will be able to:
- name and explain the various additive manufacturing processes, principles and essential components.
- mathematically model and produce simple geometries.
- work out their advantages and disadvantages as well as corresponding areas of application.
- to scan 3D models.
- prepare 3D models for 3D printing.
- To produce 3D printed parts with a CAD-CAM interface according to manufacturing aspects with selected machines.
B2.00000.30.100 - Manufacturing machinery
B2.00000.20.150 - CAD
B2.06060.20.080 - Mathematical modelling and parameterisation
B2.00000.20.190 Measurement and sensor technology 1
- Currently valid additive manufacturing processes
- Theory
- Laser technology for manufacturing processes
- Scanning methods
- 3D printing materials
- 3D printing specific metrology
- 3D printing in industrial sectors
- Examples
- Profitability calculation of 3D printing
- Appropriate 3D printing process selection
- Further development of 3D printing
- Modeling of 3D printing with selected program systems
- CAD-CAM interface theory and application
- CNC technology for additive manufacturing
- Automation technology in additive manufacturing processes
- Workflow in the manufacturing process of additive manufacturing processes
- Quality measurement methods for additive manufacturing
- Practical exercises:
- Quality measurement of additive manufacturing models (3D printed parts)
- Scanning process of 3D models
- Data processing of 3D scan data
- Data modelling of scan data for processing in additive manufacturing (3D printing)
- Carrying out additive manufacturing and
- Implementation of additive manufacturing using CAD-CAM methods for workpiece creation
Fritz, Schulze: Fertigungstechnik, Springer Verlag
Andreas Gebhardt, Additive Fertigungsverfahren. Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 2016
CNC-Handbuch, Kief, Hans B. Roschiwal, Helmut A.Schwarz, Karsten, 2017
Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital Manufacturing, Autoren: Gibson, Ian, Rosen, David, Stucker, Brent, Springer, 2014
FAB LAB, Revolution Field Manual, Massimo Menichinelli et al. niggli, 2017
Einführung in Mathematica, Knut Lorenzen, mitb Verlag, 2014
MATHEMATICA kompakt: Mathematische Problemlösungen für Ingenieure, Mathematiker und Naturwissenschaftler, Hans Benker, Springer Lehrbuch, 2016
A New Kind of Science, 2002, Stephen Wolfram
Integrated course (ILV)
overall examination