Piston Engine (ILV)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. DDipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr.

 Lukas Möltner
Specialization AreaEnergy Technology
Course numberB2.06062.50.240
Course codeKolbenMa
Semester of degree program Semester 5
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students know
- the mechanical and physical fundamentals of piston machines and combustion engines.
They know about
- the connections between the thermodynamic and engineering design of these machines and can apply them in practice.

B2.06060.30.0480 - Technical Thermodynamics 1
B2.06060.30.050 - Fluid mechanics
B2.06060.00.010 - Technical Thermodynamics 2
B2.06060.40.030 - Heat and material transfer

  • Mechanics of the crank drive, crank star, mass balance
    • Comparison processes for compressors
    • Piston pumps and compressors
    • rotary lobe pumps, rotary compressors
    • Work processes of internal combustion engines
    • mixture formation and combustion
    • Exhaust gases: composition, reduction of pollutant emissions
    • Components of internal combustion engines
    • Design of internal combustion engines

W. Kalide, H. Sigloch: Energieumwandlung in Kraft- und Arbeitsmschinen: Piston machines - Fluid flow machines - Kraftwerke, Hanser, 2010
W. Eifler, E. Schlücker, U. Spicher, W. Gotthard: Küttner Kolbenmaschinen, Vieweg + Teubner, 2008
Köhler, Flierl: Verbrennungsmotoren. Motormechanik, Berechnung und
Auslegung des Hubkolbenmotors; Vieweg 2008

Integrated course (ILV)