Signal Processing 1 (ILV)


Course lecturer: DI

 Ulla Birnbacher

Course numberB2.05270.20.080
Course codeSVA
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students know about the properties of analog and discrete signals and are able to determine the properties of given signals.
They are able to perform signal manipulations (of the amplitude and of the independent variable).
They are able to describe simple signals by mathematical functions (unit step, Dirac pulse, complex exponential functions) and to illustrate them in time domain.
They know about the representation of periodic signals as Fourier series and to illustrate and interpret the information as frequency spectrum.
They are able to determine the average signal energy or power and know about the terminology of correlation.

Introduction to the area of signal processing:
Signal properties and their relevance
Description of analog and discrete signals
Basic signal manipulations
Signal representation in frequency domain
Signal comparison (energy, power, correlation)

M. Meyer, Signalverarbeitung: analoge und digitale Signale, Systeme und Filter, 6.Auflage, Vieweg + Teubner, 2011
J.H. McClellan, R.W. Schafer, M.A. Yoder; DSP First: A Multimedia
Approach; Prentice Hall, 1998.
A. Oppenheim, R.W.Schafer, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson 2015.
D. Kreß, B. Kaufhold, Signale und Systeme verstehen und vertiefen, Vieweg +Teubner Verlag, 2010

Lecture with integrated exercises
MATLAB exercises (in groups of 20 students max)
Homework and protocols as individual tasks
Lab exercise (with LABVIEW) in groups of 18 students max.

MATLAB-exercises, lab exercise and protocols
written exam