Control Engineering 1 - Group I (ILV)
BackCourse lecturer:
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Wolfgang Werth
Course number | B2.05270.30.770 |
Course code | RT 1 |
Curriculum | 2018 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 3 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 3,0 |
ECTS credits | 3,5 |
Language of instruction | German |
Students are able to understand control tasks and analyse control loops based on the basic characteristics of dynamic systems. They are familiar with the basic requirements and characteristics of linear feedback control.
They are able to design linear controllers, especially PID controllers, understand their meaning and evaluate computer-aided control systems. They know about systems with PT2 behaviour and are able to use the corresponding characteristics for the controller design. They are able to sketch, analyse and understand Bode diagrams. The students are familiar with the concept of root loci, are able to draw and analyse root loci for simple systems.
They understand the necessary mathematical methods and their computer assisted application in Matlab/Simulink.
Systems Engineering
Introduction to control engineering:
Properties of LTI systems with PT2 behaviour
Properties and requirements for control loops
PID controller, usage and design
Practical tuning rules for PID-controllers
Controller design using PT2 systems
Bode plots
Root locus
Nyquist criterion
Speed and position control task (lab exercise)
C. Chen, Analog and Digital Control Systems Design, Stauders College Publishing, 1991.
N. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Sixth edition 2011.
H. Ungehauen, Regelungstechnik 1, Vieweg, 14.Auflage, 2007.
J. Lunze, Regelungstechnik 1, Springer Verlag, 8.Auflage, 2010.
Richard C. Dorf und Robert H. Bishop, Moderne Regelungssysteme, Pearson Studium, 2006.
Lecture with integrated exercises
MATLAB and SIMULINK exercises (in groups of 20 students max)
Lab exercise (in groups of 8 students max)
MATLAB/SIMULINK-exercises, Lab work and Lab report,
written or oral exam