Device Development (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Bernd Filipitsch , BSc MSc

 Christoph Riedl , BSc MSc

Specialization AreaElectronics
Course numberB2.05272.40.260
Course codeGEE
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits4,5
Language of instruction German

The students know the most important requirements they a device must fulfill, to be used in a commercial power net. They know the methodology how a PFC works and they know how a net filter works. The Students are able to connect their self-developed components and additional buried parts to a system that works in an industrial or commercial environment.
Students use a professional CAD-Tool to design a printed circuit board, a automatically created bill of material, and a Gerber files for
pcb's suitable for fully automated component placement.
Students know and understand the basic concepts of EMS and EMC based on current standards and regulations.
They are familiar with the usual measuring and evaluation procedures.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1, Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2, Electronic Circuit Technology 1

Appearance of Harmonics, how a PFC is needed, recognition, measuring and simulation of notice, calculation of power Line filters.
Working with CAD-Tools (Eagle), creation of Libraries, Design - Rule checks, Back Annotation, Multi-Layer boards, Thermal Designs, EMV-conform Design, Labor - creation of Test-PCB's

EMI Filter Design Third Edition; Richard Lee Ozenbaugh, Timoty M. Pullen; GRC Press 2012
Trilogie der induktiven Bauelemente; Brandner, Gerfer, Rall, Zenker; Würth 2000
Switch Mode Power Supplies; Chistophe P. Basso; Mc Graw Hill 2008
Schaltnetzteile und ihre Peripherie; Ulrich Schlienz; Vierweg Teubner;
Netzfilter - Die letzte Hürde im Schaltnetzteil, Stefan Klein; Würth 2013

Classroom lesson and approx. 40% Laboratories lessons (Laboratory experiments) in groups of around 2 students
Supervised Experiments and writing of Laboratory Reports