Semiconductor Physics (ILV)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dr.

 Christoph Ungermanns

Specialization AreaElectronics
Course numberB2.05272.40.340
Course codeHL
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week2,0
ECTS credits2,5
Language of instruction German

The students have basic knowledge in the physics of semiconductors and know the fundamental concepts. They can apply them for solving physical problems. The students can describe important phenomena of semiconductor physics both verbal and mathematically. In addition, they are able to apply the acquired knowledge to concrete problems and to carry out corresponding calculations.

Atomic models, Pauli principle, structure of the periodic table, types of bonding, band model, silicon bonding, doping, electron and hole conductivity, basic equations of semiconductor physics, deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium, diode, bipolar transistor, MOS transistor

Joachim Goerth, Bauelemente und Grundschaltungen, Teubner Verlag, 1999
S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley & Sons, 1982
Stefan Goßner, Grundlagen der Elektronik. Halbleiter, Bauelemente und Schaltungen, Shaker, 2011
D.R. Askeland: Materialwissenschaften, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Lecture with integrated exercises