Industrial Controls and Industrial Plants (ILV)


Course lecturer:

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.

 Winfried Egger



 Thomas STEFAN , MSc.
Specialization AreaAutomisation
Course numberB2.05271.40.360
Course codeISTA
Semester of degree program Semester 4
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits4,5
Language of instruction German

The students are able to understand modern industrial plants and the industrial apparatus engineering in their structures and to integrate industrial controls. They master important methods for their structuring, module structures, process understanding in functions, safety, energy efficiency management and reuse. They understand the necessary planning and interface definitions in the sense of the multi-disciplinary modular plant construction with regard to the cooperating systems.
Building on this, the students learn and understand modern industrial control systems in systems, planning, programming, simulation, commissioning and safety engineering and documentation, according to the normative versions EN61131 (Hardware software interfaces, IO interfaces Digital IO, Analog IO, analog current and voltage interface, serial digital interfaces).
Decentralized bus-controlled automation structures are understood in all basic details for ICPUs and function modules.
The students learn PLC software concepts, in particular the use of bus-controlled decentralized PLC implementations.
The students are familiar with the design, the conception as well as the most important safety elements, as well as bus-controlled frequency converter systems, CMS condition monitoring basic measuring technology and load cell systems of technical systems in the field of mechatronics.

Basic structure of modern industrial plants and apparatus construction, construction of industrial plants (with industrial robots), technology analysis of the functionality of mechanical engineering system parts (for example fluid drives, hydraulics, pneumatics, gearboxes etc.)
Functionality of electrical systems (control cabinet and power distribution systems, electrical CAD overview)
Concept of modular plant development
Technology Interface Management TIM
Industrial controls industr. structures and functions, security and standardization, functionalities of the control chain, security analyzes, error chain, program flow concepts
Basics of PLC programming

C. Karaali, Grundlagen der Steuerungstechnik: Einführung mit Übungen, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2010
P. Beater, Grundkurs der Steuerungstechnik, Books on Demand, 2010
K. Grote, J. Feldhusen, Dubbel Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau, Springer, 2011.
W. Wagner, Planung im Anlagenbau, Vogel Business Media, 2009.

Lecture with integrated exercises, PLC Programming tasks

Written exam, exercises, Lab report