Bachelor's thesis seminar 2 (SE)
BackCourse lecturer:
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Mathias Brandstötter
Bernd Filipitsch , BSc MSc

Christoph Riedl , BSc MSc

FH-Prof. Dr.
Christoph Ungermanns
Course number | B2.05270.60.480 |
Course code | BA-2 |
Curriculum | 2018 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 6 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 1,0 |
ECTS credits | 1,0 |
Language of instruction | German |
The students are able to search for relevant literature for a specified bachlelor`s thesis topic and to analyse the problem, to look for possible solution strategies and/or methods and to apply or compare them. The students are able to summarise their findings in a correct and understandable way as a bachelor`s thesis.
Bachelor's thesis seminar 1
Defined by the bachelor`s thesis topic
Writing of a bachelor`s thesis
Defined by the bachelor`s thesis topic
Discussion and reflection in single or small groups
Bachelor`s thesis