Electrodynamics (ILV)
BackCourse lecturer:
FH-Prof. Dr.
Christoph Ungermanns
Specialization Area | Electronic Systems |
Course number | M2.05282.20.081 |
Course code | Eledyn |
Curriculum | 2023 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 2 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 3,0 |
ECTS credits | 5,0 |
Language of instruction | English |
The students understand the integral theorems of vector analysis and can use them to convert Maxwell's equations into each other in integral and differential form. They are able to describe electrostatic fields with and without the presence of dielectric materials and calculate their energy. They can describe magnetostatic fields with the help of the vector potential.
The students understand the basic principles of induction and can apply the induction laws, for example to problems arising in the circuit board design of RF circuits. They understand the overall formulation of Maxwells theory in the context of what has been learned.
The module covers the following topics/contents:
- Repetition of the basic terms from the fields of
- Electrostatics
- Magnetostatics
- Electrodynamics
- Mathematical-physical introduction of the integral theorems of vector analysis
- Maxwell's equations
- Faraday's law of induction
- Electromagnetic waves
- Field energy and field momentum
- R. Feynman, R. Leighton, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. II: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter, The New Millennium Edition, Basic Books, 2011
Lecture with exercises, partly computer-assisted
Integrated module examination
Immanent examination character: Written or oral examination