Peripheral Devices and Sensors (ILV)


Course lecturer:

 Bernd Filipitsch , BSc MSc


FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

 Christian Madritsch

Course numberM2.05280.20.011
Course codePerDevSens
Semester of degree program Semester 2
Mode of delivery Presencecourse
Units per week3,0
ECTS credits5,0
Language of instruction English

The students understand the basic principles of sensors and actuators.
They are able to use sensors and actuators for environment, movement and special components in specific tasks.
They know peripheral bus systems and can use them to connect sensors and actuators to an embedded system.
They are familiar with single-board computers and, with the help of the most important tools, can use them to collect, display and evaluate data from an embedded system.

The module covers the following topics/contents:

  • Sensors and Actuators: Principles, Environment (Temperature, Pressure, Humidity), Motion (Acceleration, Orientation, Position, Motors), Special (Display, HMI, Sound, RFID)
  • Peripheral Bus Systems: Basics, I2C, SPI, I2S, USB
  • Industrial Single-board Computers: Background, Raspberry Pi
  • Tools: MQTT, Node-RED, Grafana, InfluxDB

  • C. W. De Silva, Sensors and Actuators: Engineering System Instrumentation, Taylor & Francis, 2015
  • K. Dembowski, Computerschnittstellen und Bussysteme, VDE-Verlag, 2013
  • E. Upton, Learning Computer Architecture with Raspberry Pi, Wiley, 2016
  • G. Smart, Practical Python Programming for IoT: Build advanced IoT projects using a Raspberry Pi 4, MQTT, RESTful APIs, WebSockets, and Python 3, Packt Publishing, 2020

Integrated module examination
Immanent examination character: Participation, presence, lab-report, homework, written exam, project-like exam