Master Thesis Seminar (SE)
BackCourse lecturer: DI
Ulla Birnbacher
Bernd Filipitsch , BSc MSc

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Mario Kapl
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Thomas Klinger , MLBT
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Christian Madritsch
Christoph Riedl , BSc MSc

FH-Prof. Dr.
Christoph Ungermanns
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Wolfgang Werth
Course number | M2.05280.40.021 |
Course code | |
Curriculum | 2023 |
Semester of degree program | Semester 4 |
Mode of delivery | Presencecourse |
Units per week | 2,0 |
ECTS credits | 2,0 |
Language of instruction | English |
The students are able to write a thesis according to the standards of the scientific community and present their results.
No data available
Introduction to the fundamentals of the Master Thesis
Presentations and discussion of ongoing work in different stages of their development
Defined by specific master topic;
U. Wehrlin, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben: Leitfaden zur Erstellung von Bachelorarbeit, Masterarbeit und Dissertation - von der Recherche bis zur Buchveröffentlichung, AVM - Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, 2010
No data available
No data available